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Changes In Law Urged In R.h.a.
Conference Resolutions TWENTY-NINE resolutions-under nine main headings will be con sidered by the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association at Eastbourne next week.......
A Bill To Legalize Institution Merger?
T HE Institution of Mechanical Engineers is faced with a most difficult problem, which, it seems, will require an Act of Parliament' to solve. Corporate members are to vote on a......
Minister To Attend Brussel Talks
THE Minister of Transport h: accepted an invitation to attend constituent conference on transport I be held in Brussels from October 12-1 He will be assisted by Sir Cy]......
Provincial Traction Papa!,
T HE total ordinary capital of Hart Radford and Co., Ltd., and total capital of Harold Radfc (Coach builders, Ltd., have bc acquired by the Provincial Tracti Co., Ltd. , Mr. G.......