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.hourly Costs For Seven Makes
T HE hourly costs for various vehicles in their fleet have been published by West Ham Corporation in their annual accounts. Details for the 12 months under review, with the......
Start On Tunnel Soon?
I T is hoped that a start may be made within the next 18 months on building a tunnel in Birmingham from a point near Moor Street to the shops and offices to be built on .the car......
Translucent Number Plates
N UMBER plates with translucent letters and figures that may be illuminated from behind are being produced by Cornercroft, Ltd., Ace Works, Coventry. They consist of a casing......
"radio Dangerous In Vehicles" 118pp Ad10 Receivers And...
less in vehicles contravened roadsafety principles, Mr. F. Lovatt, of Chichester City Engineer's staff, told Chichester and Bognor Accident Prevention Committee. Speaking about......
New Bodies For L.u.t.
S IX Plaxton 35-seat coach bodies, based on 1937 Leyland Tiger TS8 chassis, from which the original bodies were removed, are being delivered to Lancashire United Transport, Ltd.......
Workers' 'fares Up By Id.? Wallasey Town Council Have Yv
rejected proposals to reintroduce Id, fares and to abolish early-morning concession fares. Instead, they are to apply for permission to increase the concession fares by up to......
Hull Expects To Lose £34,823 A N Estimated Loss Of £34,823
on th current year's working is expecte by Hull Transport Departmen This was stated before the Yorkshir Licensing Authority last week, when th department applied for permission......
New Price Calculator
A NEW type of price calculator in been produced by Parion Product Ltd., Witham, Essex. It costs Ll 13 and is intended primarily for use t those who are continually having I......
New General Manager
THE general managership of Cc chester Transport Department is be taken over by Mr. J. Gray November 2. Mr, W. Kershaw left t undertaking last month.......