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• Sales of trucks and artics during March were marginally up on the 1995 March figure, to 4,913. Overall sales of all...
by Karen Miles and Miles Brignall • Hauliers look set to face more surprise weighings following a planned pilot study by the...
by Patric Curmane • Consignors viill be held responsible for overloaded vehicles in Ireland and could face prison or fines of...
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by Derren Hayes • British hauliers are being stopped from entering other European countries, losing out to foreign competitors...
• A scheme that transfers responsibility for applying and advertising for an Operator's Licence from the applicant to the...
eard the one about the Irish transport minister and the dodgy consignor? It's a cracked We've all laughed at Irish jokes at...
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by Derren Hayes • The two North London drivers jailed for sevenand-a-half years in Bulgaria for drug smuggling two months ago...
• The Vehicle Inspectorate promises improved enforcement in its latest business plan, with continuing cuts in its running costs...
• The London Borough of Greenwich's much heralded lorry ban will start in May on a six-month trial. The scheme, which was...
• A south-east London haulier has been jailed for five years after defrauding the tax authorities of £800,000. Southwark Crown...
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by Brian Weatherley • hard-pressed British hauliers battling for fewer and fewer profitable loads may draw some comfort from...
Drivers working for the temporary agency Manpower for at least a year are to be offered help with arranging mortgages. Those...
• Essex-based lveco Ford dealer Dagenham Motors has announced pre-tax profits increased by 25% to £5.1m. Sales of new trucks...
• Lex Transfleet has won a £4rn three-year contract to service and maintain Thames Water's Fleet of 1,000 CVs. The contract,...
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by Miles Brignall • The Driving Standards Agency has slapped a sixmonth delay on far-reaching changes to the LGV driving test...
• The saga ot British Rail's con tainer carrier Freightliner has taken another twist with the eleventh hour withdrawal of one...
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• Volvo Trucks' FH range will be at the heart of an, "aggressive plan for a global modular concept and product", according to...
• With freight traffic expected to increase by up to 40% by the year 2000. TNT Logistics' latest Enviroliner drawbars are said...
• All 12 and 15-seater Ford Transit models are to be fitted with upgraded seatbelts which meet passenger car (M1) legal...
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by Fabian Acker • A simple device designed to indicate the safe stopping distance between vehicles has been invented by Gemma...
• Rainham-based LJ Environmental has added a high-powered, high-capacity combination Vallely vacuum jetter/tanker to its fleet...
• Road Tankers Northern has moved from Sheffield to a new 3,340m 2 factory close to J36/M1 at Platts Common, Hoyland,...
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by Michael Jewell • Heckmond wyke haulier James Wilby has appeared at a Leeds disciplinary inquiry following instances of...
• The licence of Philip Stanford. trading as Wolverley Plant Hire, of Kidderminster, has been revoked by West Midland Deputy...
claim from lorry driver Tom O'Brien that RCL Haulage made an unlawful deduction from his wages. The firm admitted not paying...
the authorisation on the licence held by Duncan Henderson, of Fraserburgh, being cut from eight vehicle and five trailers to...
for four vehicles by Brookwell Bulk Transport, of Bishop Aukland, has been withdrawn in the face of an objection form the Road...
action against Lincolnshire-based operator EH Lee at a Cambridge public inquiry despite VI evidence of more than 20...
revocation of the licence held by David Irvine of Scone, Perthshire. Scottish LA Michael Betts held that Irvine was no longer...
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Haldex have become world leaders in automatic brake adjustment by developing the 'clearance' adjustment principle. Over the...
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by Derren Hayes • The Operators Licence held by Kent-based Albert Fisher Carriers has been cut by six vehicles and three...
by Alex MacKenzie • The owner and driver of a tipper whose rear wheel became detached and killed a woman on the M53 in December...
• Yeovil-based car transporter operator WaIon has been cleared of using of using a vehicle with an insecure load because West...
Hidden at the Criminal Appeal Court in London he said: "We grant their renewed applications for leave to appeal against...
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H aving read your recent articles about eyesight changes, I would like to point out the effects on ownerdrivers. I have had...
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M6, M1 or the AIM may take comfort when this impressive monster truck turns up to tow them to safety—but at the same time they...
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of any of today's trucks is seriously flawed, although most would agree that some are better than others. While the SMMTs...
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of Transport Law Services, Woking, Surrey, helps solve your legal problems in this monthly column. Before Christmas I decided...
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ON whee 1 A a Icon is about to introduce an extrawide front axle wheel for trucks, with a 1 1.75"-wide rim. This is wide...
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B andvulc has been able to launch a sixlife tyre deal thanks to the compulsory fitment of road speed limiters, says director...
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arlier this year, Scottish haulier BonAccord Transport was forced to pay out nearly 0,000 compensation to ree drivers it had...
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B ritish Bacon Supplies managing director, Alan Wheelwright, doesn't go to Truckfest. But he's more than happy for his drivers...
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today is satellite-based communications. According to Inmarsat, the growth rate of the InmarsatC system (which is used to...
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6 1 have been told several times lately that I am not a mere driver but a service provider and driving is just one of my...