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DARTLY because of the influence of the Govern ment's prices and incomes policy, partly because of the pressure of increasing...
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VOLLOWING unsuccessful approaches to the three Ministers responsible for the White Paper on investment incentives, the chairman...
Report by John Darker, pictures by Dick Ross —reactions from both T HE news, reported last week, that trunk drivers of...
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DOAD transport affects the life of the corn munity not only through the service it provides but also by the presence of...
AFTER one of the most difficult sugar beet seasons on record, hauliers are likely to pay close attention to loading facilities...
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for 30 m.p.h. operating N orms of 15 per cent for 30 m.p.h. operation has been awarded to drivers employed by Frank Grounds...
r i ESIGNED for long-distance deliveries of -I-# fresh pork in East and West European countries, a special 47 Cu. metre...
TO help in the drive for improved maintenance 1of goods vehicles, the Ministry of Transport is seeking to recruit 100 more...
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"TS not the time approaching when the 1 competitive struggle over the longer distances is not between rail and road haulier,...
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T HE direction of traffic from road to rail and any relaxation of licensing would have disastrous side effects. This was the...
ni3SERVATIONS on the Geddes Committee Report on Carriers' Licensing have recently been issued by the National Association of...
T HE idea that the Labour Party had re!axed its nationalization drive is vigorously contested in a new Aims of Industry...
F OLLOWING an agreement between the French and Spanish Governments, British hauliers are now being permitted to employ French...
TF tolls were shown to be "an inhibitor of -Iindustrial development", he was absolutely certain the Scottish Secretary would...
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its election manifesto on Monday night. It is to restore "sense and balance" to the system as a whole. This is, the Party...
been put in hand on an urgent basis as a result of a meeting in London on March 3 between Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister of...
T HE above title has been chosen as the theme for National Library Week, which runs from tomorrow (March 12) to March 19....
S IR MILES THOMAS is to be chairman of a panel which will make a pilot study of transport integration for the Welsh Economic...
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F IVE Leyland Leopards on order for West Hartlepool Corporation Transport will be fitted with the first bodies to be built by...
A TENDER by Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. for six bus chassis is to be accepted by Coventry City Council transport...
O NE of the six new Red Arrow singledeckers to be introduced into experimental service between Victoria and Oxford Street by...
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T HE Exeter City Council has approved a finance committee resolution that a £12,950 deficit on the city's transport undertaking...
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WO charges could be raised by a subsidiary company for low-loader haulage work undertaken for associated companies, said Mr. E....
THE old maxim "Cheats don't prosper" was quoted at the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday by Mr. G. P. Crowe in a strongly worded...
W HEN an application by Cawthorn and Silly v clair Ltd., of Birtley, was reopened before the Northern Licensing Authority in...
1 4 1-ffi only objectors, British Railways, with' drew and the application Was granted when W. Edmondson Ltd., of Preston,...
A BILL to allow private bus companies to grant travel concessions to , the aged, blind and disabled—and to permit local...
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Tribunal, in a reserved written judgment, has dismissed the appeal of P. and M. Transport Co. Ltd.. against the refusal by the...
A PPLICATIONS by Ribble Motor Services Ltd. for Chorley-Ringway Air, port, Clitheroe-Ringway, Fleetwood-Ringway and...
THE theme of objectors' evidence when a public enquiry on a large excursion and tours application by Flights Tours Ltd. was...
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R OAD hauliers availing themselves of the services of "consultants" to assist in licensing applications or the purchase of a...
D URING the hearing of an application at Liverpool recently, wherein J. E. Hodgkiss, of Leigh, Lanes, sought a new A licence...
A T Exeter last week I was reminded of the current BBC television serial, "Softly, Softly". Amey's Transport (Oxford) Ltd....
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Employers' representatives on the working party on productivity which the National Negotiating Committee for the Road Haulage...
A PRELIMINARY meeting of the Essex Centre of the Instithie of the Motor Industry was held recently at the Mid-Essex Technical...
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O N Tuesday a new vehicle distribution and repair centre was opened by R. Boustead_ chief enforcement officer, North Western...
MHE divisional workshops of British Road Services at York are to close down on September 30. About 80 men will lose their jobs...
A. J. P. Wilding, Genera, Wednesday ALMOST all the more important European 1-- L commercial vehicle manufacturers are...
VEHICLE servicing will be the theme of another g reatly enlarged issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR next week. Principal features in an...
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THE continued acceptance of the Dyson Aeroride suspension units by the large petroleum companies was in full evidence at the...
A i increase in IRTE membership at the rate of 160 a year and a current membership of around 3,000 were announced by Mr. J. A....
A CHAIN of principal distributors which z 1. eventually will cover all the important areas of England and Scotland is now being...
B studying the more recent developments and 1 - 1 projecting them over a further period there were trends which indicated a...
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A NEW range of semi-trailers known as Pem Trailers has been announced by Peebles Engineering and Marine Co. Ltd., 4...
Part I The Slack Adjuster W ITH more and more vehicle mechanics and repairers meeting air-brake equipment for the first time,...
T HI S week's prizewinner is Mr. D. 1 13 1 : rn ett, of Chichester, Sussex. He says that with the type of rear-door latch shown...
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A MODIFICATION to the Kwikfill polyester deep filler has been announced by Blundell—Permoglaze Ltd. Also the prices of the 1...
0 new, close-coupled, four-wheeled car-transporter trailers have been announced by RM Trailers. Introduced to overcome the...
A BRUSH application paint stripper newly developed by Applied Chemicals Ltd. is claimed to be capable of clinging to vertical...
A PORTABLE, lubricating-oil-dispensing unit with a capacity of 45 gal. and fitted with a rotary pump capable of delivering just...
A INOUNCED this week by S. Norrish Ltd. is a new anti-theft device known as the NorRisk. It is easily fitted in less than half...
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W ITH the announcement today of a Super Comet range having the Ergomatic tilt cab Leyland Motors Ltd. goes a step further in...
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4x4 X TEHIC LES such as the Austin Gipsy are an indispensable part V of the transport used in agriculture, on construction...
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GREAT FISH SWITCH A THOUGH, like mothers-in-law, fish trains have almost from time immemorial been the subject of funny...
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View BY THE HAWK Paignton Controversy T HEAR that a proposal by Paignton Council to establish a large coach station at Torbay...
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Bain and Hodge—higher interim N EARLY a year ago the directors of general haulage contractors and wharfingers BAIN AND HODGE...
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O NE theory about the universe is that it is expanding so rapidly that our telescopes, however much more efficient they may...
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E more I experience London Transport at first hand, and the more I read, or for that matter write, about its seemingly endless...
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LIP ECAUSE road transport operators are so continually involved with the urgent demands of the moment, it is understandable...
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E CAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES play the key role in promoting, arranging and staffing courses to follow the examination schemes of...