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Norman Fowler, the new Minister of Transport, must make his presence felt in Government at an early stage in his career. He...
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tIVAL for the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders rningham Motor Show 1980 is to be staged by a London &Rion company —...
THE BRITISH Institute of Management has once again spoken out in defence of the managers of Britain. Writing in the...
)TOR SHOW 1980 will again be a combined car and cornrciai exhibition and will be held at the National Exhibition ittre at...
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LONDON TRANSPORT'S political masters, Greater London Council have delivered a calculated attack on the operator deploring the...
A NEW FORD Truck Centre opened yesterday in Leicester. Central Motor Company of Leicester has a new site in Melton Road about...
new harbour A NEW Elm passengel terchange is opening in P mouth next Friday. Called the Hard Passe Interchange, it is in the...
THE FIRST HAZPET cou sponsored by the Petrob Industries Training Board the Road Transport Indu Training Board started week....
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RMER OPPOSITION transport spokesman Norman Fowler he new Minister of Transport — but the post has been Pin-graded by Prime...
A PROMISE that vehicles carrying stone will be monitored and that those deviating from agreed routes will be banned has been...
WORDS of praise for outgoin Transport Minister Williar Rodgers came last week iron Chartered Institute of Tram port president...
A DECISION is awaited in the long-running application by Parks of Hamilton to run express coaches to seven popular English...
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TRANSPORT 2000 has mounted a new swingeing attack at its arch enemy, road transport, and in particular the lorry. The...
BRITISH road accident casualties rose last year by one per cent from 348,000 to 351,000. Of these, deaths — defined by the...
TECHNICAL SNAGS h held up the opening of a computer-controlled tra system for Manchester should have started opera last summer...
WIDESPREAD sales tours have helped increase interest in Middle East Transportation Exhibition and Conference to held in Dubai...
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)AD Haulage Association airman John Silbermann Id that the RHA is glad to see at the Department of Transrt will remain a...
A YORKSHIRE transpor manager has openly stated hi support for the introduction o the tachograph. Trevor Cornish, transpor...
LAST WEEK'S Freight Show North at Harrogate was an outstanding success — despite the General Election and some highly...
ie Midlands Transport Exhibition, MTE 79, at Leicester starts !xt week. The organisers, Fleet Planning in conjunction with the...
A COMMERCIAL vehicl garage in Fife, Scotland hi' extended its hours of service. Operators can now leal, vehicles at Drysdales...
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FINES TOTALLING more than £3,000 were imposed on Consolidation Land Services and 17 of its drivers at Scunthorpe magistrates...
GRAMPIAN REGION Tra portation and Road Comn tee has approved in princi the development of a six-a site at Altens, to the soutll...
Transcontinental tractive units have won an award for good use of self-adhesive materials. Awarded by Fasson, makers of...
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E INTERNATIONAL MoShow at Birmingham last .ober was the highlight of year for the Society of ■ tor Manufacturers and iders....
A series of high-level personnel changes are to be made at the National Bus Company in August when two of the executive...
Windsorian Coaches has appointed two new directors following the retirement of Don Try and Commander Anthony Kennard. David...
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THE MANAGEMENT De lopment Division of the R Transport Industry Train Board has produced a unil Health and Safety busin game to...
A VARIATION application by Mrs Mary Elizabeth Dickinson Red House, Little Bampton, Cumbria to add two vehicles a two trailers...
The RTITB has decided to keep the one per cent levy rate which means one per cent of a company's total wage bill is paid to the...
for goods vehicle operators and drivers has been produced by the RTITB. Detailed information is given in tabulated form for...
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SUPPLIES of sterilised ml being moved overnight by tl Co-op from its Staffordshi creamery to distribrution d pots in the...
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ARC CONCRETE Conbloc Division has bought 13 Volvo F7 6x2 rigid vehicles. Fitted with Alcan aluminium dropside bodies built by...
BRITISH component manufacturers are concerned about possible trading agreements with Japanese commercial vehicle producers and...
FEDERATED Scrap (Aldridge) Ltd has reduced its transport operation to one vehicle. Adoption of a Dodge 2413 200in-wheelbase...
ONE OF the largest contracts received by Crawford Doors Ltd has been for the supply of three doors valued at E27,000 for the...
FIAT HAS announced an dition to its range of lig commercials at the Sim Turin show being held . 11 week. The Marengo is a...
THE RISING COST of labot rather than of parts, is ti biggest problem facing cor mercial vehicle bodybuilders This was the theme...
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)Wer Fleetline buses ONDON TRANSPORT is sposing of a number of its ahnler Fleetline rear-engined mble-deck buses. Several...
THE GREATER LONDO Council is to spend Elm on major study of travel patterr In London, says GLC plannin chief Shelagh Roberts....
GOLDEN MILLER of Felthk• has launched a subsidia company known as Royal Mini Coaches. The first Royalist Coach also the first...
BRITISH RAILWAYS Bo; Chairman Sir Peter Parkei to be the speaker at the ann conference of the Confede tion of British Road...
TRICENTROL Coaches have been successful in their application to provide a direct coach service from Cheltenham to Brussels....
:LEVELAND TRANSIT has ad to cancel an announced rder for Ailsa Mark 2 doubleeck buses because the Nor. hem Counties bodies...
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OPERATIONAL problems with London's buses cast a shadow over the 1978 achievements of London Transport Executive published in...
NATIONAL Bus Compar subsidiary Green Line is col tinuing its drive to improve ti efficiency of its London Gre€ Line coach...
RESEARCH into passengei demand prompted Nationa Travel (South West) to laund a new door-to-door expres: coach service linking...
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SPITE OF the massive prepce of Fiat/IVECO vehicles, tam n is represented by three .kers at the Turin Show, ich opened last...
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LAST SUNDAY crowds lined the London to Brighton road for the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club's annual rally to Brighton to see...
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aiminc oeyonc pure accdemic excellence. The CIT changes gem ORGANISATIONS need to subject themselves to a stringent...
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Watch out! Ron Douglas, CM's sometimes controversial and always down to earh columnist, is back with a new series of articles...
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If c driver on c foreign run crocks cown anc cc n't cet -- le score he neecs, he incy lose more an he reckoned for. Steve...
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BRITISH vehicle manufacturers exported 127,439 vehicles last year worth £441m. Their products sold principally in Europe,...
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Nobody can accuse British Road Services of kite-flying with their new trailer rental service. Their hot-air balloon, which was...
rate bate A customer who attended the trailer launching ceremony complained that three months after the truck rental service...
immolation I notice that The Daily Telegraph now has an "economies" correspondent. His first task is to write himself out of a...
Beauty Queen Debbie Askew has been dubbed "Miss Leyparts." A Leyland photograph shows to advantage the parts she mislays.
Hauliers may be able to recoup from manufacturers some of the money that they lost in the strike and are still losing in an...
There is nothing like a punchy title to grip the imagination and to titillate the senses. Take, for example, The Distribution...
My eye was drawn to a headline, "D-day on RHA works gradings," in Public Service, the Nalgo newspaper. It was not, I soon...
The criticism by the Prince of Wales of poor communications in industry hardly applies to the National Freight Corporation....
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Bill Godwin reports on African transport BY THE TIME Nigeria's second commercial vehicle plant — the up-country Steyr facility...
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Pressure for bus orders across the world has been especially ha on - ne market leader Leyland, but the British firm is fighting...
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Transmission choice gives power where it's needec oy Grcham Montgomerie AS IF ANYONE needed reminding we in the UK have a...
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The trailer is often neglected and mere are some areas which even n e Minis - Ty test does not touch. Bill Brock advises you to...
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Europe offensivc Leylanc is strecmlining its range of heavies and imoroving its cecler ne - work to take - he ctfack in...
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BEFORE looking at the different types of screw threads used on motor vehicles it is necessary to consider the various terms...
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HE EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION CONSOLIDATION) ACT 1978(1) iy Les Oldridge, Tech Eng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE 'ART Ill of the Employment...
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tipper standards AN ENTREPRENEUR who wants to get into haulage, will first study local conditions and needs. In Ayrshire,...
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THE STORY "East Cross Opens" (CM, March 16) relating the opening of the Blackwail Tunnel-Hackney through route to East London,...
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1HE FREIGHT Transport Nssociation's director Hugh =eatherstone seems to be conem to mislead himself, as well ss others, on the...
I AM A COLLECTOR of automobile and motorcycle club badges of the bar-mounting and grille-fixing type. I am currently gathering...
WITH EVER-INCREASING costs, particularly in respect of new equipment, most operations use finance to purchase new vehicles!...