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11th September 1997
11th September 1997
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Page 1, 11th September 1997

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Safeway tests its drivers for alcohol

by Rob Willock • Hung-over drivers face the sack from Safeway under a new daily alcohol testing scheme at the company's...

FTA lists its goals for European law

• Flexible working time for drivers is at the top of a list of 10 transport priorities being submitted to the Government ahead...

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First French block payouts are made

by Rob Willock II Hauliers who have given up hope of French compensation will this week be heartened by news that the first...

Goodway tops sales chart

• Suffolk-based container haulier Goodway has been named as the most "commercially aggressive company" in the road haulage...


uestion time: What's the maximum amount of alcohol permitted for a driver according to The Highway Code? If you don't know the...

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Yare pressed by TUC

by Karen Miles

• The Trades Union Congress has named two well-known road

hauliers which it says are at the centre of its controversial campaign to shame employers into recognising unions. Great...

Bridge-bashing action

• Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has moved quickly to bring in measures to combat bridge bashing following an accident on the...

MFI changes boosts work

• Hundreds of hauliers could see an increase in work when furniture retailer IVIFI replaces backstore warehouses with regional...

Fire chief agrees fertiliser findings

• Kent Fire Brigade has joined Eurotunnel and the Government in dismissing the potential dangers of allowing ammonium nitrate...

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Ferry merger at OFT

by Karen Miles • Cross-Channel ferry giants Stena and P&O European Ferries were fighting for their lives this week as they...

Ford agrees on recruits

• Ford Motor Company says that new recruitment procedures for its Truck Fleet drivers, agreed at an Industrial Tribunal earlier...

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Milk trains set to make return

by Karen Miles • Milk Marque's haulage contractors look set to lose out on trunking work if plans by the milk co-operative to...

London plans cut in parking tickets

• Operators look set to benefit from a code of practice which should help reduce the number of parking tickets slapped on lorry...

Truck drivers' lives on RI

• Leeds-based Chameleon TV wants to hear from truck drivers willing to talk about their lives for a new TV series. Channel...

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Driver avoids crossing crash

by John Bell • The driver of an artic which crashed through a level-crossing barrier and straddled the railway line with a...

Bald tyre report query

• Irish hauliers have challenged a new road survey showing that almost 27% of Irish trucks examined by Gardai in June had at...

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TCs stress enforcement

Hidden among the formalities of the latest Traffic Commissioners Annual Reports are a number of key issues that the haulage...

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D-Day looming for Detroit ERF

by Brian Weatherley • ERF is poised to make the 12.7-litre Detroit Diesel 60 Series engine an option in its EC heavy truck...

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Lighter DROPS vehicle from Partek Cargotec

• Partek Cargotec has developed a smaller 8.0-tonne version of its DROPS (Demountable Rack Off-loading and Pick-up System)...

Critter in full production

• Borders Regional Council has tested a prototype Whale Tankers drop-in gritter which has led to full production of the model....

Emissions fall with rape-seed

by Ian Wylie • LCIt's produce 25% fewer particulate emissions for a 5% drop in fuel efficiency if switched from diesel to...

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BR'S Firm not fit for licence

• A South Yorkshire company which ran vehicles without an Operator's Licence and in a dangerous condition has lost its bid for...

TC sets standard for finance

• Operators with standard national licences must have immediate access to £1,000 for each vehicle under 20 tonnes and £2,000...

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Court throws out load fine

• A £600 fine imposed for a drive-axle overload on Northern Irish haulier Dukes Transport (Craigavon) by Holyhead magistrates...

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Training is the key I n reply to Paul Carey of CDS Employment Agency "Where are the drivers?" (CM 28 Aug-3 Sept). There is a...

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bird's eye view by the hawk

he Hawk is always a sucker for a story with a happy ending. And it seems he may have played a modest part in bringing this one...

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AD A short while back there was a radio advert for Volkswagen's Golf GTI—a well-proven hot hatchback that's had a number of...

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wheelbase vans and chassis-cabs remains with most of the important changes occurring under the skin.

You might want to keep quiet about the fact that you can spot the latest Transporter model by air intakes in the offside wing...

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diesel is smooth and even, but to pull away you

seem to need an inordinate amount of revs to overcome vibrations. This is almost certainly a downside of direct-injection. The...

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Gathering interest

D espite a lukewarm reception from business, the Government is pushing ahead with its proposals, announced in the Queen's...

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SIT I N PRO R esidents of Hadleigh, Suffolk, had never seen

anything like it. In just one week television cameras, the police and official-looking people in suits had descended on the...

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R oad haulage does not get a big mention in the Government's integrated transport policy consultation document. If that means...

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Keeping it 1 O sgerby & Sons came into being in

1967 when Ken Osgerby—who is a joint partner with his wife—inherited his father's share of a former transport business. The...

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/Z obert Barnard's yard is on the site of the South

Crofty tin mine, near Redruth, Cornwall. His vehicles, and those of several local subcontractors, begin leaving the yard at 6am...

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working nights for me on an eight-wheeler powder tanker. He

drivers for three hours; takes 30 minutes to load and then has a one-hour break. He then drives three hours to get home. Can...

The company I work for has introduced a policy that

drivers should write on their tachograph charts the start and finish of daily and weekly rests. I believe that apart from...

My business is to supply converted buses and lorries to

the film industry. The vehicles have fixed rails for hanging garments, drawers for clothes, and mirrors, seats and cupboard...

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'It should never have been necessary for him to go through this ordeal'

p aul Leyland was unemployed for two years so he decided to start a light haulage service, Purbeck Removals. He sold his car...