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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT L ABOUR'S plans for transport, to bc presented to the nation as part of the election...
Q PENING the National Road Safety I s-/Campaign for 1963-4, which has a " Get Fit For The Road" slogan, in London on Monday,...
inatory Taxation • THERE would be talk of physical 1 restriction of road vehicles in the coming months and of discriminatory...
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pedestrian-controlled mechanically propelled milk floats should cease to be treated as being motor vehicles has now been...
THE RT. HON. FREDERICK ERROLL, M.P., President of the Board ot Trade, at the Golden Jah!Le lunch of the Diesel Engineers and...
P CRATE LTD., of London, SAV.19. • has just taken delivery of the A.E.C. Mercury 8-cu.-ft. tipper seen in the accompanying...
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MR. JAMES AMOS, chairman of the IV/ Scottish Bus Group companies, has decided to retire from executive responsibility and is to...
S OME intri g uin g g limpses of current thinkin g in the commercial vehicle departments of the Ford Motor Co. at Da g enham...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT •E MPLOYERS this week offered 100,000 company busmen a pay rise of 6s. a week in reply to...
THE first production models of the A.E.C. Renown low-floor doubledecker are now nearing completion in the bodybuilding works...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT R EPORTS in the national Press that I% London Transport would shortly lave to raise its bus...
A T the end of March there were 72 — I miles of six-lane highways on notorways and 28]. on trunk roads, said Marples in the...
P.s have wasted no time in expressing their disappointment that the Budget gave no relief in the duty on fuel oil used by road...
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L - 1 A DECISION by the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, in which he restricted the length of trailers...
A CONTRACT A to B licence switch bid by Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd., of Glasgow, was successful in Glasgow last week. The...
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THE East Midland " As and Ds" / contains this week's largest application to be notified. It is in the form of an application...
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Mr. W. T. Charles has been elected president of the Institute of the Motor Industry for 1963-64. He succeeds The Rt. Hon. The...
The composition of the informal joint working group on industrial relations in the motor industry set up by the two sides of...
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A NEW range of medium-duty goods chassis with tilt cabs has been introduced by the American International Harvester concern,...
1— X A NEW " Agricastrol " mobile display unit will be used by Castrol Ltd. at agricultural shows this summer. It will make its...
in 1 - 1. minimum rates for motor mechanics and all other men has been agreed between the Motor Agents' Association and the...
DUMPTRUKS IN DEMAND: Scottish Land Development, sole concessionnaire for the sale of A.E.C. Dumptruks in the U.K., has recently...
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SHIMS In South Africa: New South African premises in Johannesburg, the headquarters of Simms Motor Units S.A. (Pty.) Ltd., have...
nETAILS of alterations to the range of vehicle electrical equipment made by C.A.V. Ltd. were given in a paper read by Mr. J. A....
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IT had been expected that the recommendations, by the National Road Transport Federation and the...
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A SIMPLE and inexpensive jacking r – k system for its range of Litex insulated and refrigerated containers has been introduced...
T HE first 10 in a new series of British Standards for the automobile industry have just been issued by the B.S.I. The Society...
R ECENTLY issued British Standards include B.S. 3575 Rivets for the attachment of friction linin g s — and B.S. 3578 Dimensions...
A RANGE of power steering e q uipment recently introduced by Vickers Sperry Rand Ltd., New Lane, Havant, Hants, is to be shown...
p IPES, tubes and vessels made by its process of continuous windin g of resin-impre g nated glass filaments are now offered by...
A LEAFLET—Publication ref: TL2/63 —covering the range of Edbro 6 to 30 cwt. power take-off and batteryoperated hydraulic...
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" IN some instances the railways have been made where I they are not needed." Does that sound topical? It was in fact written...
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O N June 1, 1962, The Star Brick and Tile Co. Ltd., Caerleon, Mon., took delivery of the first of 12 Guy Warrior Light Six...
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'ION BY JOHN F. MOON A.M.I.R.T.E. p RE-PRODUCTION examples of the Pax V range of chassis were exhibited by Dennis Brothers...
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By DAVID SCOTT , 1 .-- I NE of the Hungarian exhibits at the Leipzig Fair last month was a new 1 *-- , 3.5-ton cross-country 4...
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A FTER completing the 80-I-mile road circuit and the keenly ' fought eliminating tests of the National Coach Rally last...
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the choice of road transport' W HATEVER hopes the representatives of road transport may have bravely pretended to entertain in...
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Those Smoking Diesels! C ONCERNING the I.R.T.E. Smoke Report (The Commercial Motor, March 22), these gentlemen attack the small...
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PLANNING FOR PROFIT k S requests for appropriate information reveal, there is a continuing and growing interest in the...