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THIS week's news of evidence to the Geddes Committee (see next I page) by the Traders Road Transport Association and the...
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IN the interests of transport efficiency traders and manufacturers should remain free to use whatever means of transport is...
MO major change is needed in the current system of goods vehicle lieensing--that is the general opinion which the National...
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ORR Y drivers all over the country are 4 being warned not to leave their :hicks when stopped on the road, even hen requested by...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT SELECTIVE increases in freight rates 1, —) on British Railways are expected to come into...
THE trend towards articulated' vehicle working in British Road Services Ltd., the general haulage company, has now reached the...
On A licences the N.F.U. has little :omment to make; members have uggested that A-licensed operators hould be allowed greater...
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Ltd. the Extricator, which, as reported in TI Commercial. Motor, October 18, perforn the same function as a differential lot...
London, on Tuesday, Arthur Daniel Knight, William Andrew Bradley, Robert Henry Lewis and John Michael Jolly were committed for...
S UBJECT to the stipulation that the notify the national committee of th Lorry Driver of the Year Competition c any adverse...
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WJE regret to record the deaths of Mr. IN A. B. Course, Mr. J. E. Moffatt and Mr. J. W. Southerington. Mr. Course, of St....
..rt high-capacity city service buses, worth ±.2T. T million, has been won by Leyland Motors Ltd„ together with their Danish...
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WHILST many British bus operators VI' have enthusiastically received the 36-ft.-long single-deck bus, others have rejected it...
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Glasgow's public transport system are envisagcd by the City's transport Manager, Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, in a report to the...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT IN spite of the " suggestion " of pay .1 rises ranging from 15s. to 8s. a week, made by the...
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K INGS AND CO. LTD., roadmaking contractor of Glasgow, was refused a grant for two low-loaders at a continued hearing in...
T HE licensing system must be upheld or else it would not have any practical significance, said the West Midland Licensing...
T HREE A-licensed vehicles out of five applied for were granted last week by the South Eastern Licensing Authority to Mainland...
Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, granted to Hugh Clelland, Chryston, a variation of an A licence by adding four articulated units and...
to the Geddes Committee on goods vehicle licensing were a set of really constructive proposals for the proper regulation of the...
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r was preposterous to suggest that long lengths of steel that overhang vehicles ould he carried manifestly safer on long:nth...
'IN Monday. in Edinburgh, Scottish Whinstone Quarries Ltd, and Limmer ind Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd.. 7ere refused an...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Birch Brothers Ltd. against the decision of the Eastern ['raffle...
(Tours) Ltd. and Yelloway Motor Services Ltd., the North Western Traffic Commissioners granted one of the applications before...
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A N increasing use of roads for parcel delivery, especially since the experiment in East Anglia has proved a success, was...
THE blocking of the fast lane on motor). ways by slow, overtaking vehicles was condemned " unreservedly " by Mr. Marples this...
A N improved system of traffic signs in London's restricted streets was foreshadowed this week by Mr. Marples. He told the...
last week turned down a suggestion that the length of cars and goods-carrying heavy vehicles should be a determining factor in...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT M R. R. H. W. BRUCE, a transport expert, has been appointed chairman of the new Highland...
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1UL in Montreal next Thursday on / board the icebreaker " Ritva Dan" a special three-axle tractive unit lipped by Leyland...
1 - 1. A SERIES 2 steel coil carrier is announced by the York Trailer Co. Ltd. this week. Although . of similar appearance to...
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A LTHOUGH it does seem quite appaPI rent that an increasing proportion ot the commercial vehicle manufacturing industry's...
Cars Ltd, Luton, has received an order from the South African Railways for 50 Karrier Bantam tractive units, bringing the total...
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'FIE potentially dangerous effects of combustion-gas leakage into a ooling system containing anti-freeze :lution were reviewed...
ew S.M.T. Premises: A new vehicle depot :sting more than £250,000 will be opened .xt Monday by S.lvi.T. Sales and Service d. at...
A FASCINATING account of the work carried out since 1946 by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research's Road...
Reliance underfioor-engined bus and coach chassis will be exhibited at the Geneva Motor Show next March. It is aimed at a...
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AANY a headache is caused in trans IVI workshops when bottom-end trouble arrives, and a decision is needed to determine the...
THE prize-winning idea this week was submitted by Mr. N. G. Webster. of Shevington, nr. Wigan. - Mr. Webster receives the usual...
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and Publications Damp Start and De-icer TW 0 products marketed by Holt Products Ltd. have particular application for the...
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I N the six years that the Thames 10/12and 15-cwt. forward-control vans have been in production there has been little...
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By P. A.C. Brockington, A.M.1.114ech.E. N INETY goods vehicles are jointly operated by Bassetts Roadways Ltd., Tittensor,...
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... and the role of transport A STRONG attack on the Government's attitude to the Buchanan Report was made by Sir Geoffrey...
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Fine proposals, but ... I WAS very much impressed by two items that appeared I in the technical Press last week. One was The...
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e cab and chassis are pure Leyland. (And as ong as the name implies.) The rest is up to u. You choose the body style that's...
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FRIEND from South Africa has given me some - I interesting information concerning a labour problem the Republic. Apparently the...
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WRITES . . . the Conservatives have understated the case against the Socialists I F the next general election could be fought...
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HE road haulage industry, including ancillary users, is comprised substantially of small units. The flexibility which stems...
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for IEW CF imi-trailer Whilst complaints as to the excess of paper work are commonplace, the need is inevitable in any...