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I N recent months much attention has been focused on the interpretation of the function of the "normal user" part of an A...
Easier Automation With Standard Units THE advent of automation has called for the construction I of special machines of all...
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That if you want to please an operator friend, give him a Servis. That even if street lighting systems cannot be standardized...
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N O settlement of the claims of the unions for increased pay for some 180,000 provincial company' and municipal busmen has been...
B ECAUSE of the high cost of wages— representing 70 per cent. of total working expenses—the future Of the bus industry lay...
TRADERS would be well advised, in I the event of transport renationalization not to look for -kid-glove methods, Mr. Sydney H...
QOCIALIST-CONTROLLED Dundee "–I Town Council have refused to hold a full-scale inquiry into the transport department, with...
T HE Sheriff of Dumfries had to decide last week whether a double-decker being used to carry workers to the Annan atomic pbwer...
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A RULING by the Ministry of Transport that British Railways must " obtain short-term licences if applications to exchange free...
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MR. J. J. Bor.): has been elected a director of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd. MR. A. E. C. DRAKE is to join the board of the...
T HE 'existing operator" principle does not override all other considerations in passenger-service licensing, the Minister of...
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THE North Western Traffic Commis' sioners' proposals on linking operations on passenger services (Th e Commercial Afotor, March...
T HE London dockers, by a majority of 49 to four, on Tuesday passed a resolution which in effect told the Smithfield...
F OR the first time in his 41 years as South Wales Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson on Tuesday called a haulier before...
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(Meat Haulage), Ltd., were last week granted variations to licences covering 15 vehicles based at Manchester and Liverpool. A...
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the road-haulage industry were working well together, Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, chief executive officer of the Road Haulage...
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T 'ppeal by Duncan Logan (Plant), Ltd., a g ainst the Scottish Deputy Licensin g Authority's refusal to vary an A licence to...
T HE handlin g of plastics panellin g is still a bone of contention between n members of the National Unio of Vehicle Builders...
" G O ANYWHERE" tickets are to be reintroduced by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., on sta g e services, followin g the g...
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rASES against a haulage concern were dismissed by Whittlesey (Cambs) magistrates, last week, after they had heard that one of...
" I HAVE a good set of drivers and I will I stick by them," a director of Westland Transport, Ltd., 51 Mason Street, West...
W HEN J. Stamper and Co., Penrith, applied to the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority last week for an A licence for four rigid...
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'TEN European countries were repre.1. sented at a meeting of the industrial truck section of the Federation Europeenne de in...
IF the British Transport Commission continued to run services by road which were uneconomic by rail, they could bankrupt and...
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D ECISION was reserved at Bridlington, last week, when IVIaj, F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensing Authority, finished hearing...
Exports 22.8°/ o Up XPORTS in March of 12,139 corn" mercial vehicles maintained the high level achieved since autumn last...
W/HEN an application by D. Cook and VI' Son, Airport Garage, Hull, came before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, last week,...
applicants for 1 - 'k inclusion in the Road Haulage Association's directory of long-distance hauliers will be considered by the...
p LANS for the Road Haulage Association's conference at Torquay from October 13-15 include a session devoted to a "brains...
A LREADY losing money at the rate of ri £180,000 a year, Durban City Council are resisting the imposition of a racial...
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Prevents Skidding T HE avoidance of wheel-locking when braking on slippery roads reduces stopping distances and, even more...
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A CUT of 10 per cent. in bus services r - k operated by Reading Corporation may be necessary to counteract falling revenue,...
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T HE second and third prototypes of the Atkinson Omega have been undergoing acceptance trials by Aramco, to whose...
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Q PENCAST coal haulage is heavy work for men and machines, but questions of capital outlay often restrict the purchase of...
nIFFICULTY in obtaining both clerical and manual staff would be a major problem for local authorities in the future, said Mr....
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A LTHOUGH the 145 competitors in ri the Lorry Driver of the Year competition at the Birmingham Centre, on Sunday, represented...
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M R. HAROLD MUSCROFT, the retiring general manager of Huddersfield Transport Department and a past president of the Municipal...
A DENNISsix-wheeler supplied to / - 1. Ritson's Haulage Co„ Ltd., Liverpool, by Perris and Kearon, Ltd., is iflaking two...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.1E. LL-RUBBER suspension, giving maintenance-free A , operation and a high degree of inter-axle...
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What the Colour of Oil Can Tell A LTHOUGH the products of my company may be described as technically competitive with...
D ESIGNED for fast long-distance meat haulage, a Rowe Hillmaster 8-ton chassis, recently completed for the Cornish Meat...
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Co-ordination of Road and Rail Interests Main Debating Point at Dublin Congress H OW transport's manpower and physical assets...
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I NSTEAD of being - in the woodshed, perhaps the nasty thing that blasted our infancy came from 6. furniture van. This Seems to...
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'WHEN television of the normal type IN began to be used as an aid in medical teaching it was considered almost the last word....
A MAJOR reorganization of services in Bristol is to be undertaken by the Bristol Omnibus Co.; Ltd., in September. It will...
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A N increase in the number of prosecutions of goods-vehicle operators and a poor general standard of maintenance are mentioned...
'THE first of a new series of refrigerated J. vehicles has been added to its meathandling fleet by Louis C. Edwards and Sons...
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B ECAUSE of the many arbitrary decisions that have to be made, costing of commercial-vehicle operation not only raises many...
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road transport rx operation is clouded with a number of tricky factors, there exists an authoritative yard-stick by which the...
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A DAMAGED aircraft lying in the 1 - 1 , middle of a runway can seriously disorganize the operation of a busy airport and...