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15th July 1966
15th July 1966
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Page 1, 15th July 1966

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'hat about GuylDairnier?

MAPS nowhere more than in the world's motor lustry is there an inherent desire towards merging lual producers. This was tacitly...

Page 26

Still no brake kits

c ONCERN is still being expressed by hauliers at the unavailability of approved brake modification kits for existing vehicles...

Higher rates for wool textiles

A RECOMMENDED increase of 5 per cent in the haulage rates for wool textiles to and from east and west-coast ports and London is...

Maidstone By - pass Extension: The Minister of Transport has confirmed the

route of a 61-mile western extension to the Maidstone by-pass motorway. This extension—the Ditton by-pass—will bring A20 (M) up...


E ACH form of transport should be allowed to develop naturally without Government discrimination and without a distortion of...

Operators alarmed by power of N FA

EFERRING to the dangers associated with the creation of the National Freight Authority, at a Transport Association luncheon in...

Dithering over White Paper

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A T the beginning of this week Ministers were still undecided about what to put into the...

Page 27

tan Arrow plans for id-rail co-ordination

linburgh last week Tartan Arrow - vices Ltd. outlined details of their le for road-rail co-ordination when : granted the use of...

. . . but NUR still won't lift terminals ban

BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT TN secret session on Tuesday at its Ply mouth conference the National Union of Railwaymen again...

Page 28

Bodies while you wait New milk floats

for Ford Transits A NEW range of milk float bodies produced by Osborne Dairy Vehicles Ltd., Saffron Walden, includes a drop-on...

Plating the big 'uns?

DEPARTING from previous practice, the Ministry of Transport is now thinking of plating vehicles used for abnormal and...

TRTA Wins Concessions

T HE main recommendations of the TRTA in its formal objection to loading and unloading bans on commercial vehicles by Edinburgh...

MAT tries lift-off and variable-height units for TIR nOUBLE-DECK and

variable-height tilt A " outfits are being used on T1R work to and from the Continent by MAT Transport Ltd.. and are...

Page 29

nker traffic Milk distribution

ed not proved 'as said by a witness at a hearing at idlington on Tuesday that a shorttankers had always been a problem for [...

Irvice for tgles

HEN the new Eagle range of engines From Rolls-Royce comes into operaafter-sales service will be provided in nd and Wales by R....

ages in C. and U. Rags

report of the Economic Development :ominittee for the Movement of Exports, last month recommended changes in - uction and Use...

Improved liners and a cooler piston

SPRAYED coatings, applied to the external surface of a wet cylinder liner, that delay the onset of cavitation erosion, and a...

revolution urged

A STRONG appeal for the ending of daily milk deliveries has been sent to the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Fred Peart, by a...

Better rates for Welsh tipper men?

W ITH a promise from the quarry owners that negotiations about rates for vehicles employed under contract would be undertaken...

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Roads are 'economic investments'

T HE concluding session of the BRF symposium on road administration and finance last week was notable for a number of...

Higher rates in Yorkshire

CHAIRMAN of the West Riding area of the RHA, Ald. William Bridge, said last week at a special rates meeting held by 30...

Round-the-clock service for French drivers

M EMBERS of Les Routiers, an organization of French professional drivers, will in future be able to call for assistance in...

Average adjusters in Europe

AT the request of the German road haulage association (BDF). IRU began towards the end of last year a comprehensive survey of...

Page 33

it belts to be compulsory?

belts must be fitted on the front seats 11 new cars and light commercial vehicles xl on or after April 1, 1967, if proposals...

Urban Motorways for London

FOLLOWING the publication of phase two of the London Traffic Survey on Tuesday, the GLC's planning and communications and...

Agreement nearer on Channel Tunnel

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE saga of the Channel Tunnel moved a step nearer its final chapter during the visit to...

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Ken Beresford, of Beresford Transport Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent, has retired as chairman of the Transport Association and has been...


giving his decision to suspend a tot of 22 vehicles after he had heard two case of bad fleet maintenance at Kirkcaldy laE...

Page 35

Licences for Northern Ireland

W ITH effect from July 1, British hauliers wishing to operate in Northern Ireland for hire or reward in complete units (rigids...

Good maintenance is common sense LA

TWICE while giving decisions during a series of Section 178 enquiries at Birmingham on Monday, the West Midland Licensing...

Page 36

Number of vehicles relevant to application—Tribunal

Judgment in Mid-Southern appeal G IVING reasons for its dismissal of the appeals by the Mid-Southern Tipping Group Ltd....

'Overloading' allegation repeated at Welsh tipper hearing

A r Cardiff on Monday a decision on the application for a variation of a Contract A licence by A. G. Orchard and Co. Ltd.,...

A win or a place!

A LEGAL submission by Mr. J. S. Lawton that the grant of a B licence in terms identical with those of an A licence which was...

Page 40

The Power of Impale° makes it possible

easier, quicker-to-build vehicle bodies that make more profit for you Impale o-Rib—better wear, better looks, less...

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Dividends, defects and GV9s CENSING By lain Sherriff MITA ENS1NG AUTHORITIES generally are dealing with more offences under...

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APPLICATIONS {July 6,1966) Cawthorn and Sinclair (France) SA, Birtley, A var., add 6 art. I60t). T. H. and A. Burridge,...


APPLICATIONS (July 8, 1966) F. Lloyd, Wrexham, new A lic., 1 art. 18t). (includes 1 cont. 21U G.g., fertilizer, bulk grain,...


APPLICATIONS (July 6, 1966) G. Robinson, Hutton Buscel. Scarborough new A lic,, 1 veh. (7t). Mainly corn, fertilizers, animal...


APPLICATIONS (July 7, 1966) H. R. Humphries, Coseley. A var.. add 1 art. (70. Steel. nuts and bolts, grit_ Mainly Liverpool....


Massey and Wilcox, Gurney Slade, Som, A var.. add 2 veh. G g . mainly for Welton Bag Co. Ltd., normally within 250 miles, H. A....


APPLICATIONS (July 6,19661 G. W. Thompson Jewitt and Co. Ltd., Cowbridge. Glam., new B lic.. 5 veh. (211-1). Conveyance of...


APPLICATIONS (July 7, 1966) P. J. Foy and Son Ltd., Southall, Middx, new B lit,. 1 T. (41 3c). Building and road-making mats,...

Page 43

=irst one-man double fecker in service

DEREK MOSES '0 Great Yarmouth Corporation Transport should go the credit, it seems, for educing the first one-man doubleker...

THC buys Bournemouth operators

THE Transport Holding Company on Friday announced that it had acquired the shareholding in Shamrock and Rambler Motor Coaches...

Executive Express Gets New Look

EIGHT new Willowbrook-bodied AEC Reliance coaches are due to enter service this month on the recently introduced Executive...

Rotherham to try Fleetlines

TENDERS by Daimler Transport Vehicles Ltd. for 12 new double-deck bus chassis, accepted by Rotherham Corporation transport...

kstonishmenti at 31 per cent

HAT the National Board for Prices and Incomes should contemplate a further -ease of 3 to 3+ per cent in provincial busa's wages...

Viceroy for R226 IN our description of the new Viceroy

coach body A last week we stated that it would not be available this season on the Ford R226 chassis. This information was...

Danish Leylands

A N order for another 270 single-deck buses for the Copenhagen Municipal Transport Authority was announced by the Leyland...

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Provincial Busmen's Productivity Deal?

By John Darker, AMBIM T WO days of talks began yesterday, Thursday. with provincial bus companies on behalf of 190,000 busmen...

August resumption of Glasgow bus discussions

D ISCUSSIONS between the Scottish Bus Group and Glasgow Corporation regarding the offer by the former to undertake the...

Commissioners spotlight 'bad feeling' among operators

B AD feeling among passenger operators in the mid-Shropshire area was referred to by the chairman of the West Midland Traffic...

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C-Jaguar group has world's dest goods-vehicle range

J. P. Wilding, AMIMechE, MIRTE RATORS disturbed at the moment at the heavy side of the commercial manufacturing industry is...

Technical & Industrial

gross four-wheeler market. Taken all round, a merger between BMC and Jaguar appears to be to the advantage of operators. If...

mmer dealers to offer coachbuilder's alloy Luton

00 CU. FT. alloy-framed Luton van :;osting only about £30 more than ox wood-framed types is being offered , mmer 2500 series...


HERE is a senior vacancy on the technical staff of COMMERCIAL MOTOR The man who gets this job should be aged between 25 and 40...

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New measures to ensure safer tyres

IN preparation for the inclusion of tyre exami nation in both the existing vehicle testing scheme for cars and light vans and...

Know Your Air Brakes

si Part 17—Air-actuating Cylinder for - 2 Hydraulic Systems W ITHW increasing demands for more increasing power, greater use is...

Easing a Tight Ball Pin

'T IS week's prizewinner is Mr. J. urner, of Carrickfergus, N. Ireland. He says he recalls that some time ago in "Road and...

Page 49

il-handling equipment

IE UK distributorship of Dixon coil-handling equipment has een taken over by Fred Myers Ltd. A range of coil grabs and hooks...

ck leveller

2ETRACTABLE lip is a special feature of a new Hunter dock leveller known as the Retracta Lip which allows the sideng of road...

w York manual

■ IEW manual containing comprehensive information about tbe plating and use of third-axle conversions complying with mended...

New oils by Shell D ESIGNED for diesel engines operating in

severe conditions, new Shell Rotella S and Rotella T oils are also suitable for commercial-vehicle petrol engines. It is...

Coolant additive

A SUMMER engine coolant additive called Prestone is announced 1 - 1by Union Carbide Ltd. The new coolant is claimed to...

Loading device

O F the swivelling-platform type, a new 10 cwt. electrohydraulic loader has been produced by the Brimpex company which is know...

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STOKE ROUND Heavies first by request A r the Stoke-on-Trent round on Sunday the classes were taken in reverse order to cater...

In Your Opinion

Solving the Jack-knife Problem PERHAPS YOUR readers may be interested in my comments on the jack-knifing problem recently...

'Underpaid and Exploited' SO MR. PETER WALKER considers the TGWU,

and the drivers involved, the real guilty persons who are injuring the country's financial position. Who is he kidding? Let's...

Page 55

?II, it's Pretty

OD morning! How do you feel about "distribution Unctions for off-peak driver work trips for interactance is areas grouped by...

rying Different Fish

l'RE is a ring of life's ambition achieved about a piece f news that has just come my way. Mike Connell, general manager of...

w-vintage Port?

ETECT a warming up of the ding-dong between the wernment and the Port of Bristol Authority on the tender of Portbury, the...

pge Management

Ft my money, this is the most intriguing correction the journal has ever published. Among "New Companies" on June 24 artlett's...

7ts Wha Hae

REQUEST from this journal to the Ministry of Transport for Press passes for the opening of the Tay and Severn s has brought...

Bird's Eye

View BY THE HAWK Fearless EADERS will know that Fred Hope has not long returned IX from demonstrating his anti-jack-knife...

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Specifically designed for vehicle applications and known as the Eagle, a sixcylinder in-line engine is announced today that is...

Page 61

)LOITING large-scale production has been a major indusial trend of

this century. Financial groupings to match this of production have emerged. But although the service in:s, including transport,...

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TT could be argued that there is nothing very unusual about a collection and delivery service linking London with docks and...

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FAD a roll call been taken at the recent British Road Federation 11 symposium on road administration and finance it would , e...

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Commercial Motor ROAD TEST NO.12/66 By A. J. P. Wilding, PICTURES BY DICK ROSS AMI Medi E, MIRTE R OAD testing'...

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B ECAUSE the hire of a commercial vehicle on contract can be arranged to meet precisely the needs of the user it follows that...

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Well done, Fodens T HE results for the year that ended on April 2 last reported by FO D E NS got—and richly deserved—a big...

The Common Roo

By George Wilmot nil Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London TRANSPORT ECONOMICS-THE Ml STUDY T HE M1 study is a...