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TWO WEEKS into the tachograph era and it is estimated that more than 50,000 vehicles have still to be fitted with the...
FORD LAUNCHED its Dover engine range earlier this month (CMJanuary 9). Next week, Bill Brock reports on the experience of an...
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EE more areas have reached single-figure wage settlements, the industry was holding back from jubilation as we closed for as on...
AN ENTERPRISE Allowance Scheme has been launched by the Department of Employment to help the unemployed establish new...
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THE MESSINA Line, running from Genoa in Northern Italy, has strengthened its services to Libya. The new ro-ro container...
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W COMMERCIAL vehicle sales last year were 19.9 per cent down 1980, itself 11.4 per cent below the record 1979 figures. But...
1TRAM FOSTER, the first ilier to become a Licensing thority and Traffic Commisners' chairman, died last ek after six years'...
THE PORT of Antwerp has had an increase of about five per cent in ro-ro traffic for the first nine months of 1981 when compared...
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E QUEST for votes at the next election is depriving industry of benefits of the heavier lorry, Freight Transport Association...
OtSS ONE heavy goods icle drivers employed by nent Caledonian Breweries being paid £97.80 basic pay, increase of £7.80 over...
IN VIEW of the new rules regarding sick pay, self certification and absenteeism, there will be a one-day seminar chaired by...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association has advised lorry drivers to take extra care, as severe weather conditions have caused road...
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DOVER HARBOUR handled almost half a million commercial road haulage units in the first 11 months of last year. For the 11...
LONDON's lorry proble might be eased if some unc used railways were conver into roads, the Centre for Po Studies has told the...
GENTRANSCO, the inter tional shipping and forwarc company, has appoini Francesco Parisi as agent fol Italian services....
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OPERATORS who want to refresh their knowledge of recent changes in legislation may be attracted by courses being run over the...
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years in: the transport industry. He is a past president of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers and served on the IRTE...
THE following events have been scheduled to take place in January. 18 Institute of Transport Administration. Car and Truck...
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DAF TRUCKS has announced its 1982 models which will be shown For the first time at the RAI Show in Amsterdam next month. Engine...
BETT BROTHERS, builder and developer of Dundee, is using a two-way-radio system in a bid to reduce vehicle operating costs,...
COOPER CLARKE Ltd, of Me chester, has added anoth HIAB 965-equipped Seddon kinson lorry to its delivery fie supplying building,...
THE ROLE of tribology in taming a more efficient engi will be examined at a conf ence organised by the Insti tion of Mechanical...
LITTLE HAY'WOOD Transport, of Burton-on-Trent, has introduced a fifth Ampliroll vehicle-handling system into its fleet. The...
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in TRRL vans survey E DIESEL-ENGINED vehicle is considerably more efficient in its of primary energy than either the petrol or...
RCHESTER Transport, of Dor:, claims improved cost mtiveness of one part of its B ration through increased 'load from its first...
THE FIRST mini-tipper body built by E. M. Wilcox Ltd of Peterborough on a Ford Cargo 0808 chassis has gone into service with...
ERF has withdrawn its engineering staff from its Middlewich Engineering Centre. This is part of the overall economy programme...
THE SPYDER is claimed by its distributor, Spyder Sales and Service, at 53 Moorfield Road, Duxford, Cambridge, to be the most...
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ACCORDING to figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) psv registrations dropped by more than...
IN A MEETING with Greater London Council leader Ken Livingstone and transport committee chairman Dave Wetzel, Transport...
ROESELARE Sales Ltd, the concessionaire for Belg Jonckheere coach bodies, I! sell both double-deck and a ulated coach bodies in...
SOLIHULL Council is takin leaf out of Bromley's contra sial book, and is threateninl take West Midlands Metro' tan County...
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CENCES for two school serces have been granted to rime Hall Educational Trust by e North Western Traffic Comissioners following...
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mical inquiry into rries and altitudes THOR L. H. Wackins in vironmentai Impact of Roads Traffic (applied Science Plishers,...
THE latest edition of Your Café Accommodation Handbook (URTU, 50p plus sae) runs to 200 pages and also includes information on...
AS a psv enthusiast (and preservationist) I was somewhat disconcerted on carefully reading an article on Hong Kong by Noel...
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AT THE START of another year there are some small signs that the economy is recovering, but this does not mean that things will...
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John Darker, back from an examination of routes in the Paris region, asks: 'Are French planners more persuasive, or Frenchmen...
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was debate between those — including some road operators — who wanted a lot of access points to M25, and those fearing that too...
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IN northern France, the A26 motorway was extended towards Calais on December 19 when the new Lillers-St Omer section was opened...
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THE CM Special Offer homestudy course for the Certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage (International) is now...
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E National Bus Co's decision ibandon the 24-hour clock is a all blow for Britain against eign oppression. How many :lel...
HOW much longer must lorry drivers suffer at the British Customs post at Newry in Ulster? Billy Bittles, writing in The...
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THE ARRIVAL of the fully automatic transmission as standard equipment rather than a rarely specified option has been predicted...
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feature also eliminates the "jerk" from the first gear into second which is wide spaced and thus the most likely to cause...
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)11 MANY YEARS the most Dpular type of multispeed ansmission in use on Britain's 3avy commercial vehicles was e splitter...
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MANY truck buyers in the United States, especially fleet operators, have achieved good fuel economies with simpler gearboxes....
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THE CLUTCH is a comparatively simple piece of equipment in the sense that it has few moving components to go wrong. One of...
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RESEARCH into driver fatigue shows that on average a driver changes gear three times every kilometer or five times a mile. In...
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ONE of the major adjustments for learner drivers on commercial vehicles is the change from small cars to large and...
Ve are stuck iith it AN SUBJECTS stimulate so uch correspondence in the lily press as roads and road insport. Transport...
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iernnans press on . . but quietly EHICLES with "environmental vise reduction" pack options !came commercially available 11...
THE EIGHT-WHEELER configuration has long been established in Britain, Italy and Spain. It is now obtaining wider recognition by...