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MWO articles in this issue deal with aspects of air freight, a fast ' growing form of transport which in this country is...
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Ti E pay and productivity deal for fuel tanker drivers (The Commercial Motor, December 10) is running into trouble. In spite of...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT Tl Road Haulage Association is to reply on January 13 to the claims for higher iTy and...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A NOTHER important topic at last -r3. week's meeting of the National Negotiating Committee was...
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B RITISH ROPES LTD., of Doncaster, . 1 - 9 were fined £10, with costs, at Huntingdon Magistrates Court on Wednesday for failing...
CWITCHES of top executives have recently taken place within the Transport Development Group. It is understood that Mr. J. A....
from seven to 25 tons are specified in a new British Standard (No. BS3951) published this week. Overall size, wei g ht,...
George V -E - 3Dock, Hull, is to be opened by British Road Ferry Services Ltd. The office will control movements of traffic...
A BILL for £31m. has so far been paid by the Ulster Transport Authority as compensation to about 3,500 employees who have lost...
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D UE to arrive in Helsinki. Finland, today is this MAT Transport TIR semitrailer (right) carrying a wire-drawing machine...
R OAD operators at Stoke-upon-Trent are to lodge an official protest with the City Council over the traffic standstills that...
A NEW air/road freight service is bringing Channel Islands flowers into certain East Midland shops much quicker than has been...
T HE salvation of our city centre would be the creation of freeways and the movement of the masses by public service vehicles."...
F ARMERS who have complained about the lack of public weighbridges in Perthshire and Kinross (there are only 14) have been told...
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A GROUP of experts of the Economic Commission for Europe's road transport sub-committee is meeting this month to discuss ways...
TRANSFER of traffic from road to rail 1 would increase congestion because it would direct additional traffic to the only areas...
VORK hauliers who are members of I the local sub-area of the Road Haulage Association plan to set up a pilot radio...
Apart from conferences during the week which follows, the York hauliers plan to set up their own depot for pallets from Britain...
THE address of BRS Federation Ltd. is now Argosy House, 215 Great Portland Street, London WI (Tel: MUSeum 8688). They will be...
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THE recent spell of bad weather had I emphasized the melancholy fact that we were still having to make do with a system of...
B RITAIN needs to build more roads and at a much quicker rate, This point was strongly stressed by four speakers at the...
L'AULTY submission of appeal docu ments, the first to be submitted under the new rules of the Transport Tribunal, were heavily...
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'WHEN the Lords discussed London VV traffic this week, Lord Lindgren, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport,...
P ROBLEMS of rural bus operators were stressed to the Chief Secretary of the "I reasury, Mr. J. Diamond, in the Commons this...
T HE Minister of Transport emphasized last week that his policy was that tolls should be charged only on expensive new river...
""rHE Minister of Transport has announced the composition of the newly formed Advisory Council on Road Research. The chairman...
From Our Political Correspondent A WHITE PAPER setting out the Government's proposals for commercial vehicle testing, plating...
LL AST week Mr. Roger Gresham Cooke (Tory, Twickenham) asked in the Commons what machinery the Transport Minister would devise...
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'THERE seemed to be some doubt as I to what constituted a bona fide tour operator, at a meeting in London last week to discuss...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT H IGHER fares, stricter parking restrictions and possible payments for bringing vehicles...
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1966. If that proved necessary the Government would present to the House proposals for providing it. The debate had been...
THE postponed increases in London JTransport fares are now to take place on Sunday, January 16, 1966, announced LTB last...
it. The sad events of the past week, and I am referring to the debates in Parliament on London Transport, point to the...
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Road Service Licensing A STRONG defence of the system of p.s.v. licensing introduced under the Road Traffic Act of 1930 and a...
L""ROM February 1 next year a sick-pay scheme will operate for company bus employees; this was agreed at Monday's meeting of...
A NEW and more serious threat to London's bus services emerged last week as it became clear that Christmas running,...
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W. Midland Penalties A T a Section 178 inquiry in Birmingham on Monday the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else,...
AR. H. E. ROBSON, the new chairman 1V- 1 of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners had what he termed his "Baptism of Fire" at the...
1"HE Eastern deputy LA has refused both applications by G. Jarrett Ltd. heard at a four-day public inquiry at Norwich (The...
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A T a resumed hearing of an application by J. Pickavance Ltd. of St. Helens (The Commercial Motor, November 19), the North...
IN a letter to Mr. Geoffrey Rhodes, L MP (Labour, Newcastle East), Mr. Stephen Swingler has refuted suggestions that the ....
rOACH passengers were "bewildered 1 4- , and angry" said Mr. D. A. Spurgeon, travel manager of Royal Arsenal Co-operative...
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CASEBOOK Taking Account of Efficiency "SUBSTITUTE-NOT ADD" IS TRIBUNAL VIEW ON FERRY BIDS Ti E Transport Tribunal's decision...
'THE unsuccessful appeal of Duncan J. Hill, which was dismissed by the Tribunal recently, will have pleased the respondents, BR...
THE dismissal by the Tribunal of both I appeals of Golden Valley Transport Ltd., of Stoke Gifford, Gloucester (" The Commercial...
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Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd., has been appointed deputy general manager of Midland Red with effect from March 1, 1966. Mr....
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L EYLAND MOTORS LTD. is to acquire a substantial holding in the Ford and Slater Group, which , on January I will take over the...
D EMONSTRAT1ONS were given recently by Eiritover • (Continental) Ltd., 13 Belsize Lane, London NW3, of Cibie headlights and...
Police cars through dense fog is under investigation by scientists at Birmingham University. During recent months the first...
\ JESTERDAY (Thursday) two papers were presented at an open forum arranged by the IRTE at the Royal Society of Arts in London....
A MEETING between the newly 2- t formed export group of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers' Association, officials of the Board...
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Used Tyres—Tread Recutting or Grooving A TTENDING a road accident, where a third party four-wheeled fiat had bounced off one...
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and Publications A MOBILE adjustable gantry which will make working on - 1- 1 the top of road tankers safer has been designed...
range of electric safety lamps is a flashing amber barrier lamp. The lamp has an 8 in.-diameter, directional-beam convex lens...
aids to winter I - 1 motoring quoted on page 57 of the December 3 issue of The Commercial Motor has been received at this...
1-1 Developments Co. Ltd., which is available to coachbuilders, fleet owners and operators of individual vehicles. The company...
inter-office telephone I set just introduced by Associated Telephones Ltd. It is designed to be installed by the purchaser and...
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VIEW By the Hawk Pats on the Back My good friend, Ernest Popplewell, opening last week's debate on the Select Committee's...
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E ven 10 years ago the available facts and figures about road goods transport were so scanty that it was almost impossible to...
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B ECAUSE most transport men are specialists, technical development in their branch of transport is normally of wide interest to...
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A FEW weeks ago the telephone rang in the London office of Seaboard World Airlines Incorporated. The time was early afternoon...
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Continued from page 54 The purchase of a small B-licensed haulage business situated close to the airport brought Bowles into...
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BY H. BRIAN COTTEE, following an exclusive interview with British Railways B RITISH RAILWAY'S liner trains manager, Mr. Richard...
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The recent exercise on bulk liquid haulage costing by the Centre for Interfirm Comparison could be a pointer to greater...
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Rate Increases Will Follow I WAS deli g hted to see in your leader of December 3 that you hi g hli g hted the incontrovertible...
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L AST week I urged that reading beyond the textbooks was essential if a transport course of study was to be followed with...