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More Loading Bans In London P
'WHEN the Lords discussed London VV traffic this week, Lord Lindgren, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said that if the problems of loading and unloading......
Rural Tax Plea
P ROBLEMS of rural bus operators were stressed to the Chief Secretary of the "I reasury, Mr. J. Diamond, in the Commons this week. Mr. Peter Bessell (Liberal. Bodmin) urged the......
No Tolls On Motorways Plating And Testing
T HE Minister of Transport emphasized last week that his policy was that tolls should be charged only on expensive new river crossings, whether bridges or tunnels. When it was......
Advisory Council On Road Research
""rHE Minister of Transport has announced the composition of the newly formed Advisory Council on Road Research. The chairman is Dr. F. E. Jones, a director of Mullard Ltd.,......
Bill Next Week
From Our Political Correspondent A WHITE PAPER setting out the Government's proposals for commercial vehicle testing, plating and tougher drinkdrive laws, is to be presented to......
No Change In Appeals
LL AST week Mr. Roger Gresham Cooke (Tory, Twickenham) asked in the Commons what machinery the Transport Minister would devise so that public transport operators would be made......