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Faulty Handbrakes—operators Fined
B RITISH ROPES LTD., of Doncaster, . 1 - 9 were fined £10, with costs, at Huntingdon Magistrates Court on Wednesday for failing to ensure that the braking system of a Dodge......
Management Switches In Tog
CWITCHES of top executives have recently taken place within the Transport Development Group. It is understood that Mr. J. A. Murly, who was formerly chairman of Continental......
Standard Container Sizes F Ive Standard Freight...
from seven to 25 tons are specified in a new British Standard (No. BS3951) published this week. Overall size, wei g ht, operating requirements and test procedures are specified......
New Ferry Service Starts Today A Shipping Office At King
George V -E - 3Dock, Hull, is to be opened by British Road Ferry Services Ltd. The office will control movements of traffic passing through the port for the new North Sea......
Uta Pays Out Aim. Compensation
A BILL for £31m. has so far been paid by the Ulster Transport Authority as compensation to about 3,500 employees who have lost their jobs under the transport break-up. There are......