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Leyland Buys Into Ford And Slater
L EYLAND MOTORS LTD. is to acquire a substantial holding in the Ford and Slater Group, which , on January I will take over the Leyland depots at Nottingham and Lincoln. Leyland......
Showing Light
D EMONSTRAT1ONS were given recently by Eiritover • (Continental) Ltd., 13 Belsize Lane, London NW3, of Cibie headlights and auxiliary lights which the company markets in the UK.......
Radar Guidance A Radar Device For Guiding Ambulances,...
Police cars through dense fog is under investigation by scientists at Birmingham University. During recent months the first prototype unit has been scanning the movements of......
Irte Forum On Training And Opportunities
\ JESTERDAY (Thursday) two papers were presented at an open forum arranged by the IRTE at the Royal Society of Arts in London. Mr. H. D. Fawell, deputy chief engineer, Ministry......
Vbra Export Group At Work
A MEETING between the newly 2- t formed export group of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers' Association, officials of the Board of Trade and representatives of six leading motor......