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"Co-ordination' by the B.T.C. is Depriving Many Free Hauliers of T heir Livelihood T HERE was a time, immediately before and...
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T HERE is strong evidence that many operators of single-deck passenger vehicles, now that they have had the opportunity of...
Soviet Pride at Rapid pp USSIA is congratulating Production Change" itself upon its achievement, at the Stalin automobile...
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That there's no place like home—for accidents. That it may soon be an "odd on" B.E.T. and a photo finish. That the 30-ft....
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I T is understood that a small com mittee has been set up by the Road Haulage Association to consider steps that might in the...
THIS afternoon Mr. James Callaghan, I Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry af Transport, will inaugurate the construction of...
H AULIERS whose businesses have been taken over by the British Transport Commission, are beginning to demand that the Minister...
TT is expected that Newcastle-on-Tyne / City Council will prepare a new report on the proposed nationalization of road...
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Corporation's I town planning scheme, a new bus station in Onslow Street, Guildford, will be opened next Wednesday. It is a...
T HE need for exports into the dollar countries is so imperative that this is not merely a question of patriotism; it is a...
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MR. R. A. Davis, C.B.E., has relinquished the position of deputy managing director of Harry Ferguson, Ltd., and has resigned...
T HE following have received awards in the King's Birthday Honours list, published last week:— K.C.M.G.; Mr. C. A. Birtchnell,...
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F EARS that the district would in the near future lose its train service and that the ferry might prove unprofitable and be...
made possible by the use of the neat Vitex permanent pressure gauge, a device which is distributed by K. Emsley, Ltd., 22,...
E'INES totalling £100, with £25 10s. costs, have recently been imposed on. three Yorkshire defendants for various offences,...
in Albion Street, from which an average of 26 buses an hour depart, was described as chaotic, at a Ministry of Transport...
Motor-vehicle quarterly licences expiring on June 30 may be renewed as from to-day. Last Saturday. 1,000 Leyland employees...
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"C ERTAIN activities of the Road Transport Executive made it apparent that our Association could not for long continue to...
T WO years ago, French builders of commercial bodywork, through the Groupement Synclical; .decided to hold an .annual Concours...
A NEW symbol to identify British goods has been devised by the Board of Trade. It consists of a circle, in the centre of which...
G.P.O. A COMPROMISE agreement has rA been reached between McNamara and Co., Ltd., and the General Post Office, whereby the...
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WHEN thc David Brown Cropmaster VV tractor was first placed on the market, plans for a suitable oil engine were already in...
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of 1948) recalls that the problem of restoring some degree of prosperity to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland has engaged...
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S 1MPLE in conception and essentially practical in use, is an apt summing up of a new type of refuse-collecting vehicle evolved...
i lk NINE-CUBIC Y1711, semi-trailer refuse collector has been used for some time in the City of Gloucester as a horse-drawn...
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A STANDARD Bedford tipping vehicle has been modified by Hands (Letchworth), Ltd., Letchworth, Herts, so that it can serve in...
D ESIGNED for use on 6-in. and 8-in. centre lathes, a grinding attachment, known as the made by S. Wolf and Co., Ltd.. Hanger...
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86 Yea td Transp on with Southdown Motor Ltd., is an Outstanding Municipal Operations at Corporation Runs 246 and...
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T HE purchase of three food and paper salvage vehicles embodying Brush Pony chassis, by the Borough Council of Battersea, is...
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Attention of delegates to the Municipal Passenger Transport Assoc iation's conference at Portsmouth, this week, was focused on...
Objective Analysis of Figures Essential to Reduction of Cost and Promotion of Efficiency in Operation and Service to the...
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All-round Increases in Expenditure and Demands of Workers for Greater Leisure During Duty Periods Place H eavy Burdens on...
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of the One - man I l aulier The Case of an Operator Who Was Offered Work Involving the Purchase of a New Vehicle....
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T . give on-the-spot demonstrations of its machine tools, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., Coventry, has recently put into service a mobile...
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A LTHOUGH it has been asserted by Fl various authorities that the gas turbine, in its present state of development, is not...