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Whatever the outcome of the RHA survey on European licensing (page 16 this week) there will, be a great deal of discussion and...
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• Should the Road Haulage Association continue to support Britain's liberal licensing system after entry into the Common...
• The first of two prototype 26-passenger battery-electric buses built for the Department of Trade and Industry, and due to...
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• A strong attack has been made by the Road Haulage Association on the proposal to provide only one entrance for goods vehicles...
• Duple Group, the Blackpool-based coachbuilding concern, has been sold for £5.5m to the Cranleigh Group which has engineering...
• A crash programme for improving road communications between industrial areas and South Coast ports is being urged on the...
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• The first meeting of a new association concerned with high-security vehicle parks was held in London on Tuesday. The...
• The 1972 Italian quota for commercial vehicles, which had recently been agreed, would meet only about half the genuine...
• A new hire service providing articulated tank units is now being offered by the Transport Hire Service Division of British...
• Mr Ken Jackson, TGWU national secretary of the commercial road transport group, continues his campaign for a dissolution of...
• Proposals for the introduction of Devlin II working procedures have been accepted by Manchester's 1100 dock workers. It it...
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• When barrister lecturer Mr John Ritson addressed the Transport Association on the Industrial Relations Act in London on...
• Although the TGWU will continue its opposition to the Common Market, it has asked its regional committees to discuss the...
• The National Guild of Transport Managers is considering the merits of seeking recognition as a negotiating body under the...
• Stricter control at rubbish dumps should be coupled with a drive against the unlawful road operator, said Mr W. W. Grace...
• The Food Manufacturers Federation's pallet collection scheme has cut the losses of four manufacturers from 30 to 15 per cent...
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• The Mersey Docks and Harbour Company is to inaugurate a pilot scheme within its own cargo handling activities to assess...
• By a majority, members of the RHA express carriers' national functional committee have decided that there shall be no...
• Last week's resignation of James Car Deliveries, of Coventry, from the Coventry Car Delivery Agents' Association in protest...
• The University of Leeds is holding its sixth annual Transport Planning, Operation and Management course from April 10 to 14....
• One of the largest bids ever made in the transport industry — £37.8m by Jessel Securities for William Cory (CM March 10) —...
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• Minimum outline design standards for use when planning new building developments involving access for commercial vehicles...
• Discussing vehicle pollution, both by noise and exhaust fumes, Mr Eldon Griffiths_ DoE Under Secretary, told a Suffolk MAA...
• Because of lack of support from local businesses, British Rail are to close their frei'ght depot at Mold, Flintshire....
• In his annual report the retiring chairman of the RHA bulk liquids group, Mr T. R. Wood (Midland Road Tank Services,...
• 'Frigoscandia Transport, Hoddesdon, Herts, is setting up a new regional transport office at Glasgow. This is the sixth...
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sales director of RoadLink Ltd, the storage and distribution member of the Medminster Group. Mr Jarman retains his original...
1000 London buses threatened under new comfort code by Derek Moses • About 1000 standee single-deckers introduced by London...
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Two significant orders for Metro:ania integral single-deckers were inounced last week_ Merseyside Passenger Transport Execure...
Faced with a deficit which might 3roach £4 million by next year, Glasgow ■ rporation's transport committee is isidering asking...
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• A short ceremony in London on Monday marked the official handing over to the National Bus Company of its first Leyland...
• Bee-Line Roadways Ltd, of Teesside, is to appeal against a decision of the Northern Traffic Commissioners refusing its...
• An attempt to restore "teeth" to the London Transport Passengers Committee to fight fare increases is being made by Mr...
• Iran has ordered 200 BLMC rear-engined double-deck 87-seat buses; the order, with spare parts, is worth £3.96m. The vehicles...
• The price paid by SELNEC PTA fol part of the North Western Road Car Ct Ltd now acquired in order to be establishet as the...
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ID Powerful warnings about the impact of 3overnment plans on bus licensing were ;iven by TGWU national bus secretary Mr ,arry...
The driver of a hired minibus who took party of children on an outing to lackpool checked the odometer and found r testing the...
A former State Registered Nurse and Kiwi& for 17 years has given up her Isition in order to apply for a 'public rvice licence,...
• Mr Peter Walker, the Environment Minister, is considering whether the functions of transport users' consultative committees...
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• Dobbs of Eastbourne (Transport) Ltd had its licence for eight vehicles reduced and its application for one vehicle in...
• A fine of £15,000 was imposed at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on March 9 on a local contractor who appeared on a charge concerning...
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• The serious inadequacies of the weighing facilities at Newhaven docks were ;tressed during a Section 69 inquiry at Eastbourne...
P A Yorkshire poultry firm which had gned the impression that its drivers were quired to record only the number of hours -...
• Evidence had to be repeated by a vehicle examiner when the owner of an animal feedingstuffs haulage business brought before...
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• Fines totalling £431 with £50 costs were imposed on a Lancashire road haulage firm, N. and J. Walls of 197 Lady's Lane,...
• That endless argument would have been avoided if Parliament had provided the correct sort of form for record keeping, was the...
• A police appeal against the dismissal by Felixstowe magistrates of a summons alleging that a transport company caused an...
• Mr J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, decided last week to refuse the application by Spinks Interfreighi Ltd,...
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Special features of an improved range all-welded semi-trailers, announced by erriworth (Engineering) Ltd, include ass-member...
• In the heart of the Liverpool dock area, in Regent Road, opposite Alexandra Dock, Crane Fruehauf's latest link in a chain of...
• Transport and distribution consultants Davies and Robson. Lennig House, Masons Avenue, Croydon CR9 2HD, are holding an...
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• Hoy Trailers and Robert B. Massey and Co Ltd, have extended their range of chassis-less refrigerated trailer vans with a...
• Geest Industries Ltd, Spalding, Lines, has confirmed orders for 42 Boalloy Linkliner sliding door boxvan bodies for its food...
• A new electric battery-powered street cleansing and refuse collection vehicle, based on the award-winning design of the Cabac...
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CF vans by Gxbb Grace From today the Bedford CF petrol van ange will have engines of increased apacity and power output. The...
Clarification of the legal circumstances mcerning the operation of semi-trailer )11y conversions is being sought from the , oE...
• In CM'S description on March 3 of the new range of Guy Big J6 six and eight-wheelers it was stated that the six-wheeled...
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Malcolm Wood • Pollution is the price an affluent society has to pay for prosperity, according to Malcolm Wood. In...
by the Hawk • On the air If you happen to be one of the thousands of drivers in and around London between 7 am and 9 am this...
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by David Lowe, MInstTA. AMBIM Next Tuesday March 21 is Budget Day. A day on which transport operators, along with everybody...
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by B. S. Riley, Transport and Road Research Laboratory Experiment and calculation suggests that roll frequency is not a major...
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by Handyman Auto-electrics for the mechanic (17) MANY MECHANICS who have to take an interest in electrical repairs will...
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PUBLIC ATTITUDES harden quickly when the circumstances are right. Uneasiness about the sinister feedback from the waste...
glass bolts by Inspector K. W. Norman • In many cases where panic bolts used to secure fire emergency exit doors are not...
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reduce costs by Trevor Longcroft SAVINGS of as much as £250 a year on an annual mileage of 100,000 could be possible on a...
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National Carriers Ltd by David Lowe MinstTA AM RIM IN endeavouring to shake off its inherited hidebound British Railways...
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Inspection forms or maintenance forms? • Inspections are the key work to the contr( system involved in operators' licensing,...
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supervisor with a plant hire and haulage firm. Our fleet consists mainly of class 3 vehicles, only one class 1 vehicle and...
example, A999 (M) am I right in thinking that this means that it is an A road built to motorway specifications and it is not...
Could I go to a hgv driving school to take lessons so that I may take the hgv test with this licence or do I first have to pass...
low-loader trailer for the purpose of transporting my own traction engines and other vintage equipment to and from shows. Does...
driver must be out from his cab in order to have his half-hour break. Could you inform me if this is so? A There is no legal...
diesel engine (CM January 7), you make a statement to the effect that the pre-combustion chamber is just above the inlet valve...
for a rigid and drawbar trailer combination? This query arises after reading CM November 5 1971 concerning Golden Wonder's new...
Could you tell us the HMSO title and statutory instrument number of the Bolton Committee's Report so that we may obtain a...
A, The official publication covering road 1-"k haulage workers' wages is the Road Haulage Wages Council Order. The current...
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matters by John Darker, AIVC131M The Industrial Relations Act 19, the new Code of Practice THE final draft Code of Industrial...
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by Les Oldridge AM RTE MIMI The Construction and Use Regulations (10) DURING the past few weeks I have dealt with the special...
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by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. Guidelines for C1T Finals THE SPECIMEN question...
Roy's Transport Ltd. Cap: £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors, etc. Subs: G. A....
For the next seven days CRIDAY MARCH 17th. FTA (Southampton) agm. Botleigh Grange Hotel, Botleigh, 7 pm. MONDAY 20th. loTA...
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t portable container corner post ast rig designed to subject tandard ISO corner posts to a !nsile load of up to 16 tons has aen...
piece of tyre pressure easuring equipment, the Aspa onitoring equipment, has been :signed to give increased safety Id to...
is use of a clear fire-retardant ilyester resin has overcome oblems of eliminating air ipped during hand lay-up of nforced...
Wax polish in 15 oz cartons from Tak Chemicals is now available from retail outlets. It is a non-drying polish, which does not...
Ticket Equipment of Cirencester has assumed the marketing responsibility for the Autofuel Fleetmeter previously marketed by...
Now available in the UK is a range of Japanese air tools including straight hand grinders, hand disc grinders and air impact...
A brochure giving details of diesel and electrical driven trucks and tractors has been published by Fl. A. Lister. Details of...
A rust converter chemical known as AFC 12 that can be brushed, sprayed or applied with a rag to a rusty surface has been...
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A polypropylene compound — Propathene PXC 5563 — containing 25 per cent glassfibre coupled to the polypropylene by means of a...
The recently formed welding division of Tipple Harris, apart from supplying virtually all kinds of welding equipment, also...
A low-density rigid urethane foam — Baxpak-2 — has been developed for in-situ packing applications by the Baxenden Chemical...
A Firth Cleveland Fastenings wall chart is designed to give at-a-glance information concerning the most popular and • generally...
Designed for drilling very thin materials in applications where a slightly tapered hole is acceptable, the Conecut drill is...
A 5 gal polythene container known as the Paracan which is suitable for storing distilled water, upper-cylinder lubricant, and...
Another booklet — no 47 — in the Health and Safety at Work series has been published by the Department of Employment. Advice...
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:ice portable heating unit nodels in the Andrews-Waltham ortable heating range have leen designed to meet the need if most...
multi purpose magnetic clipoard made from sheet steel and eying two flexible strip magnets ,made by Leslie P. Dembo. The strip...
combined anti-glare visor and :hide radio aerial which can be 'uck on to vehicle windscreens as been announced by the Mill...
A polypropylene snap-in cable clip initially designed for fastening electrical wiring in motor vehicles is available generally...
Eleven standard sizes of stainless-steel worm-drive hose clips are available from Circlex Marketing. The range covers nominal...
by Trevor Longcroft Maintenance staff are only too familiar with the delays incurred while tracing air-line leakages within...
spray or dip transfer welding has been added to the Max Arc range. Called the MIG.350 CO.2, the welding set is suitable for...
From BP Automotive Lubricants comes an 88-page booklet summarizing information to assist in vehicle and fleet operation. The...
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A refuse compactor, known as the P30, has been developed by Anchorpac which has a rated capacity of 3.48 cu yd and can compact...
John Bedford and Sons of Sheffield, the hand tool company, have added torque wrenchesto their range of spanners and sockets....
Two impact wrenches have been introduced by Broomwade the 1W25P (kin.) and the 1W5OP (4-in.). A simple air-flow regulator is...
The special requirements of batteries used for engine starting are outlined in Technical Bulletin No. 4 published by Alkaline...
A 20deg series small aperture glossmeter that fulfils requirements of ASTM D523, "tentative method of test for specular gloss",...
A low voltage mini-siren with a range of one-quarter mile and capable of operating for prolonged periods from a vehicle battery...
Pneumatic spool valves recently introduced by Enots are of three-port, two-position design and offer six actuation methods...
A heavy shouldered rebuilt tyre for off-the-road applications which has claimed good tread stability and a square profile to...
A kit that covers a selectec range of universal joints for ligh commercial vehicles is nos available from the Automotivr...