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Association Formed To Help Doe Develop Lotels
• The first meeting of a new association concerned with high-security vehicle parks was held in London on Tuesday. The association, as yet without a name, will assist the......
Inadequate Quotas
• The 1972 Italian quota for commercial vehicles, which had recently been agreed, would meet only about half the genuine demand, estimated Mr John . Peyton; the Minister for......
Boc Offers Tanker Hire Service
• A new hire service providing articulated tank units is now being offered by the Transport Hire Service Division of British Oxygen Company Ltd. The service, although only......
Kill The Wages Council, Says Ken Jackson
• Mr Ken Jackson, TGWU national secretary of the commercial road transport group, continues his campaign for a dissolution of the industry's Wages Council in the March issue of......
Devlin Ii At Manchester
• Proposals for the introduction of Devlin II working procedures have been accepted by Manchester's 1100 dock workers. It it estimated that the agreement might increast port......