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Refuse Compactor
A refuse compactor, known as the P30, has been developed by Anchorpac which has a rated capacity of 3.48 cu yd and can compact a load to a density of 500/800 lb /cu yd,......
Torque Wrench
John Bedford and Sons of Sheffield, the hand tool company, have added torque wrenchesto their range of spanners and sockets. These wrenches, the 893-1401 and 893-1402, have......
Impact Wrench
Two impact wrenches have been introduced by Broomwade the 1W25P (kin.) and the 1W5OP (4-in.). A simple air-flow regulator is fitted to each which enables the output torque to be......
Battery Bulletin
The special requirements of batteries used for engine starting are outlined in Technical Bulletin No. 4 published by Alkaline Batteries. The book includes a list of recommended......
A 20deg series small aperture glossmeter that fulfils requirements of ASTM D523, "tentative method of test for specular gloss", has been introduced by Diffusion Systems. Made......
Vehicle Alarm
A low voltage mini-siren with a range of one-quarter mile and capable of operating for prolonged periods from a vehicle battery has been incorporated in the low-cost series C......
Spool Valve
Pneumatic spool valves recently introduced by Enots are of three-port, two-position design and offer six actuation methods including pilot air. The valves can pass 12 cu ft per......
Off-the-road Remould
A heavy shouldered rebuilt tyre for off-the-road applications which has claimed good tread stability and a square profile to give improved traction and long life has been......
Transmission Service
A kit that covers a selectec range of universal joints for ligh commercial vehicles is nos available from the Automotivr Products Group. • Each ki . contains circlips and offer:......