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Nbc Receives Its First Leyland National
• A short ceremony in London on Monday marked the official handing over to the National Bus Company of its first Leyland National fully integrated singledecker bus. The bus was......
Bee-line To Appeal Against Commissioners Vendetta
• Bee-Line Roadways Ltd, of Teesside, is to appeal against a decision of the Northern Traffic Commissioners refusing its application to run a direct bus service from Newcastle......
Bill To Restore 'teeth' To Lptc
• An attempt to restore "teeth" to the London Transport Passengers Committee to fight fare increases is being made by Mr William Molloy, Labour MP for Ealing North. He is asking......
Blmc's 0.9m Bus Deal With Iran
• Iran has ordered 200 BLMC rear-engined double-deck 87-seat buses; the order, with spare parts, is worth £3.96m. The vehicles will be shipped in kit form over the next 18......
Selnec's Price
• The price paid by SELNEC PTA fol part of the North Western Road Car Ct Ltd now acquired in order to be establishet as the Cheshire Bus Co Ltd (CM March 10 was £1,950,000, it......