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17th March 1978
17th March 1978
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Page 1, 17th March 1978

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Groups make good

In spite of static consumer demand, there are signs that transport activities are on the increase. There is no dramatic upsurge...

Page 5

ermit windfall at Calais

tE THAN 2,500 French German general quota its have been made availto British operators. How will be allocated will be led by...

igh t3R trick film

hits hauliers NORMAN FOWLER, Shadow Transport Minister, has questioned the ethics of tactics used by British Rail to produce a...

)MMERCIAL vehicles 1.5 tons will not be ship re from

Japan this year, light vehicle and car ts will stay at the 1977 Edmund Dell, Trade tary, told the Commons veek, quoting a...

Page 6

Transport study award schemes

APPLICATIONS for seven transport study awards worth a total of £3,250 have been invited by the Chartered Institute of...

Service area 'closed shop'

LORRY drivers who attempt to repair their vehicles are being harassed by motorway service area staff because the service areas...

Chou no I

CM's FIRST international conference on Anglo-French coveration in the road haulage industry got off to a flying start at Dover...

'Entente cordial

ANGLO-FRENCH co-operation according to Jim Alliston, cha Association International Group. Speaking at CM's first International...

evise d

m ts ? TALKS NOW underway could lead to lower speed limits for heavy vehicles, at least in built-up areas. This was revealed...

Page 7

THE SPEED limit for goods vehicles on duel carriageways should

be upped to 50mph, says the Freight Transport Association. The FTA's previous requests for the 10 mph increase have been...


WHOSE eagle eye spotted the mistake has not been revealed. But it was seen, has now been put right, and when — or if — the...

Value for money

PUBLIC transport of all forms in the Grampian region has come under scrutiny in a report just submitted by its director of...

he latest edition of the ighway Code, published vo years

ago after it was roposed by the road haulge industry, has been eavily criticised. It was tunched on Tuesday by ransport...

Page 19

Cobbles mist all bey law'

-ROAD lobby supporters accused of operating a e standard in their use of w to support their cause • eek. ight Transport...


SUPPLIERS of any of about 800 dangerous chemicals — mostly used in industry but some in the home — will be legally obliged to...

Trailer not checked

THE TRANSPORT Tribunal sitting in Edinburgh on March dismissed an appeal by W. J. Anderson, of Spean Bridge, against a decision...

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Analysis ACCIDENT information is being analysed so that the Transport Department can see if there is a case for side rails at...

Hauliers polled

A JOINT inquiry into road haulage is to be carried out by the Foster Committee on Operators' Licensing and the Prices...

Foster 'stark ch

A "STARK choice" faced the Foster Committee on goods vehicle licensing, warned Ian Phillips, president of the Freight Transport...

BURGESS Transport Repairs, part of Burgess Welding & Engineering Ltd,

has recently been appointed a DAF Trucks' service dealership to operate in conjunction with Penfold Commercials, DAF Trucks'...

Lessees still lial court

ARTHUR and Co (Floorcoverings) Ltd of Glasgow failed i appeal heard by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on M 8 when they...

Page 21

'Public haulage sets pace'

THE public sector in road haulage can set standards in a way that the private sector has been unable to do, declared Transport...


appointments London Transport has made two new appointments in the rolling stock division of the bus operating department. W....

Page 22

Scots fares battle hots up

FARE increase proposaWkdbmitted to the Scottish Traffic Commissioners by the Scottish Bus Group came under unprecedented...

A BATTLE for the tour trade from Livingston New Town

has been joined between existing operator John Galloway and Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. Mr Galloway, who has a fleet of 13 coaches...

Titan lifts

DEMAND for Leyland's singleand double-deck buses is increasing, at home and abroad. Leyland's UK market share was up in 1977...

LONDON Transport's r top job changes have under fire from the Tran and Salaried Staffs Ass tion.

TSSA General Seer( Tom Jenkins said in Association's house joi that LT chairman Ken Robinson's early retire as a surprise. He...

Page 23

Austrian express

NATIONAL Travel (South East) Ltd has added more European destinations, quicker journey times and some lower fares to this...

DIFFERENTIAL peak/offpeak bus fares in Cumbria — short-term effects is

the title of a report by R. G. P. Tebb recently published by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory. The report studies a...

Page 24


Boxer addition LEYLAND has added a new model to the Boxer range aimed at those drivers who hold a restricted Class III hgv...

HARD on the heels of the new Transit comes the latest van from Ford — the Fiesta.

Based on the familiar passenger car, the Fiesta van is available in two forms — the 950L and the 1100L, with the type number...

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Hard grip rubber from US

TWO NEW lines of hardwearing off-road vehicle tyres are being introduced into Britain by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company,...

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Fiat mediums for Britain

THE FIAT Z range — first seen at the Frankfurt Show last year — is now available in the UK. Individually known as the 55F10...

Automati gearboxe must co

AUTOMATIC gearboxe heavy lorries must c according to the speake the conference Autornatil semi-automatic gearbox heavy...

Cheap pick-up

REYNOLDS Boughton Ltd of Arnersham, Bucks, has designed a high strength multi-purpose vehicle pick-up body intended to meet the...

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There's more to a GRPvan than laminate wall construction.

Before you look at the advantages of GRP construction, consider the benefits of the van itself. The York Freightmaster GRP has...

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competence should bon xam shock t hauliers'

THE PASS MARK is high — but then so are the stakes. If you fail to get 70 per cent of the questions right in the Certificate Of...

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The following are example: questions taken from a rec: CPC exam paper.

Upon the return of his ordinar driving licence after a period c disqualification an H G V driL must retake the H G V driver:...

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The Urban Spacevan

Chrysler's changes to the Spacevan are mainly cosmetic with a new matt black grille, side/indicator lamps and deeper bumper to...

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The RHA comes out of its corner

AT PROMPTS this article le recent spate of editorial ter and correspondence 7ommercial Motor which ms to suggest that the...

Page 47

Stage earn

General Managers Meeting-Discussions and Final Papers by Noel Millier FOR THE FIRST time all the contenders in the "Battle of...

Page 51

olt mug autieta?

le Editorial (CM February 3) ayes me somewhat openinded about the cause id effect of the 0 licence 'stem as we know it today....

was interested to read John Darker's article headed "Minimum insurance is not enough" (CM January 27).

Overall, his comments should prove most helpful, although it is doubtful if he would find much support for the suggestion that...

b oa

Commercial Motor and its readers are knowledgeable about the current motorway service area inquiry. This is supposed to look at...


Although not connected with road haulage, I would like to comment on the latest fanatical outburst by the Civic Trust re the...

Cu you be bedew?

I refer to the second paragraph of your article "Specifying Mediumweights" (CM February 24) in which two sweeping inferences...

Page 52

Owner-drivel re banding together

TOUGH TIMES in the business of owning your own lorry and finding work for it have meant that drivers in some parts of the...

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Where to enter: Regional Centres

Aberdeen G. M. Cumming Esq., c/o Accident Prevention Dept, Grampian Police, Queen Street, Aberdeen AB9 1BA. Tel: Aberdeen...

Page 59

for the non technical — air!)

eople still ask us "If the air-cooled ne is so good, why doesn't ybody use it?" 'he answer is quite simple...we it over 30...

Page 62

Don't become a ca

ilty in the cold war When it comes to refrigerated transport, our advice to you is to keep cool. Don't lose your head. We've...

Page 67

Ulosed shop

lot of theory but not a great deal of practice was evident at the conference on automatic arboxes run by the Institution of...

!lig ;how

1E FIRST comprehensive ternational show of trans ■ rt systems since Munich's :hibition in 1965 — that's e claim for the lVA '79...

Target area

Mrs Trixie Gardner, a member of GLC's road safety committee, has at last said something that needed to be said for years:...

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The art of survival

FEBRUARY has gone at last and with it, we hope, this year's share of ice and snow, which have been by far the worst since the...

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Once more unto the breach

;ACK-BENCH MPs have been airing their opinions more requently than usual. They are making good use of the pportunities provided...

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Maggies for military

SQUABBLES between truck builders bidding for valuable German military vehicle orders have now been resolved.A compromise has...

Piggyback ride to Greek shores

THREE NEW road/rail terminals opened this month in Ge many. They mark the first phase of the planned expansion the...