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R ESENTMENT against the passenger-transport monopoly in London appears to be spreading amongst the travelling public, the...
N OTHING can give more adequate proof of the importance and far-reaching nature of commercial road transport, in all its...
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I N a recent interview which members of the Press had with the Minister of Transport in connection with the issue of the new...
One of tile papers read at the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers . Association Conference deals with organized opposition to...
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• Of no pause with some Comrners. That the I.T.A. ship is steadied by its Dunnage. That squealing brakes annoy those who live...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed • by the roughness of by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a...
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Mr. McCarthy, the Australian manager for Leyland Motors, Ltd., recently arrived in this country, and will spend a considerable...
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An interesting decision in an application to carry fish by road from North Shields to London has been given, after four...
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The Scottish Federation of Aerated Water Manufacturers and Bottlers Association has made -an application to the Minister of...
Cardiff Corporation Is buying a Bedford 12cwt. van. Warrington Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of an...
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THE annual conference of the Furni ture Warehousemen and Removers Association opened at the Hotel Victoria, Northumberland...
tA A REBUFF has been administered to the Great Western Railway Co. by the Appeal Tribunal, in connection with the group of...
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T HE decision of the general purposes committee of the National Joint Conciliation Board on the grading of the Yorkshire...
rI N Monday, Lard Hewart and Jus tices Avory and Branson, in a King's Bench Divisional Court, heard an appeal by Mr. George...
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Transport Planning in the New Age A PARTICULARLY interesting series of general intro ductory papers was arranged for the...
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T HE subject of the short paper by Mr. H. R. Caulfield Giles, traffic manager, Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., Sheffield, is...
I N the interesting Contribution by Mr. G. S. Vickary, transport manager, Wm. Younger and Co., Ltd., Edin'burgh, and chairman...
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A N attractive conversion is now being offered by Pullmore Sixwheelers, Ltd., 200-220, Cricklewood Broadway, London, N.W.2. It...
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uf ANY improvements and additions 1V1have been incorporated in the new Highway Code, and great efforts will be made to place...
T HE number of motor vehicles registered for the first time during March, 1935, was 47,922, contrasted with 43,735 a year...
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LIGHTENING CHASSIS I T is unnecessary to commence an article such as this by giving a long list of advantages to be obtained...
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F OLLOWING the successful operation of the first Scammell fire-engine delivered to the Watford Borough Council early in 1933,...
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[4547] Your leader, entitled " The Voice of the Mechanic," is most timely, and our experience is that the voice very often has...
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A T the new £35,000 motor showrooms and workshops which have been opened in Regent Street. Leeds, by Cox and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.,...
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the activities of the Federal Co-ordinator of Transport in the U.S.A. definitely point to the fact that road transport in that...
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64-TONNER Takes the Rough with the Smooth Road Test No. 215 V IEWED from a mechanical standpoint, the Unipowered Bedford is...
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In Parliament GOVERNMENT'S RIBBONDEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS. THIS Bill, introduced in the House 1 of Lords for •the restriction of...
T "appeal of Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd„ against the refusal of the East Midland Licensing Authority - to grant a licence...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developmen Is affecting p ub icevehicle owners POOLE DISPUTE...
7 1 1 - 1E raising of the booking-agency 1 question and of the alleged enticement of agents by London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., in...
LASTL AST week-end, London Transport to the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association in connection with the operation of...
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T HE South Eastern and Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners have recently approved a scheme of reorganization on the...
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n NE of the first reports to come to X./hand in respect of municipal bus operations in the year ended March 31 last is from...
WHAT is probably the most imTV portant alternative-fuel trial yet held is to take place from June 25 to July 16 next, under the...
A S a result of slum-clearance schemes, a demand has arisen for vehicles equipped with fumigating apparatus, in order to...
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ROAD-TRANSPORT EXECUTIVE DIRECTS AIR COMPANY. T HE newly formed Swansea company, Cambrian Mr Services, Ltd., which proposes to...
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I T is impossible to get away from this haulage busi ness. Even in hospital, where I am writing this article, it occurs. The...
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A FUEL-INJECTION pump operating on the swash-plate principle is shown in patent No. 426,316 by F. Egersdtirfer, of 5,...