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It's just not on ONE BRANCH of the Transport and General Workers Union refused to talk to CM in October. The reason for their...
WE'VE a pot-pourri of articles in our Christmas number — some of immediate importance and others looking at the transport...
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HE GREATER London Council is to spend at least £90,000 on a iMpaign to support its proposed ban on 38-tonne lorries, but it ime...
I RE DETAILS of the Governi nt's commitment to control le lorry were expected to be)me apparent on Thursday this reek when the...
BRITISH ROAD SERVICES has offered its drivers a deal which could revolutionise the future relationship between employers and...
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SOUTHERN ENGLISH hauliers want to freeze overnight subsistence payments for drivers of sleeper-cabbed lorries as part of the...
MOBIL's 480 drivers and distribution workers voted by two to one this week to accept a selffinancing productivity deal which...
A NEW CHEMICAL has beer added to the list of dangerour substances conveyed in roac tankers in the Health and Safet1...
THE ROAD Haulage Association highways and traffic committee is looking into the problems concerning the safety of lorries on...
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E WIDE GAP between British t r lity is apparent in statements nd Government spokesmen on EC transport ministers. While...
SpEED LIMITS on several sections of the A13 in the London Boroughs of Newham, Barking, Dagenham and Havering have n amended to...
A BID for the Department of Transport to hand over many of the trunk roads in London to the Greater London Council was made...
INDEPENDENT motor factors have become upset by Muttipart's pricing policy which is claimed to be unfair and non-profitmaking in...
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H RECENTLY-DEFEATED Irish Government has been accused of ng down on the country's compulsory vehicle testing scheme g Its...
SAMEDAY Extrarush Deis the latest service to be uced to compete with Rail's Red Star service. xtrarush operates from an itional...
TAYSIDE Region has confirmed in West, Dundee is satisfactory for facilities in the city. The privately-operated lorry park at...
Port Sally's £10nn plan THE PORT SALLY Management's plan for a E10m development scheme to improve its position in the ro-ro...
OVER 130 PAGES of transport cafes and overnight accommodation for drivers in the British Isles and Europe form the core of the...
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Utilities 'ruin' roads THE BRITISH ROAD Federation and the County Surveyors Society have both given evidence to the House of...
FOUR CARAMEL wafers led to the at a TNT Road Freight depot in Sco Checks revealed that Mr Duffy had an unopened biscuit packet...
as binmen BIRMINGHAM'S REFUSE collec tion is to be cut by 30 per con and three depots closed to make It a more cost effective...
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E NEXT LINE of management has been announced for the tional Bus Company's devolved subsidiaries (CM December 11). Western...
ROSEMARY DAY, assistant director-general at the Greater London Council, is to join London Transport for two years as director...
EWAN BROWN has joined the Scottish Transport Group board for a four year period from January 1. He started his career as an...
ERIC LAWSON has taken over as sales manager for new developments for international haulier Whittle International Freight. His...
• JOHN HOLLAND has joined Ray Smith Demountables of Peterborough as sales representative for East Anglia and the Midlands. He...
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CONSERVATIVE councils would seek an injunction to stop the Greater London Council from cutting London Transport fares by 25 per...
CLAIMS that the Transport Bill would hit concessionary fares for the elderly and the disabled are totally false, Transport...
LONDON TRANSPORT is planning to consider the application by Associated Minibus Operators to run a network of Hong Kong public...
THE WHITE PAPER on bus subsi dies is a "forceful and stimulal ing document which will "sec sibly remove" the confusio arising...
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YLAND BUS launched its al 'Tiger underframe and I yal Tiger Doyen in Scotland at own coRch and bus show • Id at InglIston and...
THE OPERATOR licensing system for public service vehicle operators introduced under the 1980 Transport Act has generally gone...
Berresford 'cut' THE WEST MIDLANDS Traffic Commissioners have not reduced Berresfords Motors' operator's licence by six...
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Clever weighbridge THE TOPSIDE Trucker surfacemounted weighbridge from W and T Avery of Smethwick is claimed to bring...
A THREE-YEAR investigation into applications is in progress at the Association. (PERA). According to PERA the project has the...
AVON TYRES has entered into an agreement with Vikrant Tyres pf Mysore in Southern India. Under the five-year agreement,...
A NEW TYPE of reusable air filter has been developed by Ribo of Ferndown Industrial Estate, Dorset. The filter is claimed to...
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VAUXHALL MOTORS' dieselpowered Astra van looks set fair to take its well-deserved place high on the list of commercial light...
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THE TACHOGRAPH has had its fair share of abuse from not a few haulage drivers. But like it or not, it is here to stay — at...
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Fire fighting worldwide FIRE ENGINES of the World (Osprey Publishing; £12.95) is a lavish volume and includes colour photos —...
HYNDBURN & Rossen dale, 75 years of Municipal Operation, 1907-1982 (Omnibus Society, £2.40 post free) commemorates the 75th...
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Fitted with the standard 1,700cc ohc 0-Series petrol en)ine, the basic van specification ncluded some optional extras in he...
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STUDENTS can enrol now for the CMSpecial Offer course for the Certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage...
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"YOU MAY RECALL," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, "that from time to time I have been mildly critical of the activities of the...
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THE DEFENSIVE attitude towards road damage often adopted by road-users' organisations has been abandoned by the Freight...
AS A LANCASTRIAN, Mike Higgins (from Blackpool), who is editor of the Canadian Timeless Tales of Trucking journal, tells me...
THOSE BROUGHT up on the legend of Lawrence of Arabia will find it hard to imagine a motor show in Jeddah. Contemptuous ships of...
CASTROL'S Segrave Trophy for the Briton who best demonstrates "the possibilities of transport by land, air or water" goes this...
LONDON TRANSPORT Museum has been brought to life by 14 students from Liverpool's Mabel Fletcher College theatre wardrobe...
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HE FUTURE MANAGER'S task 'II not be an easy one. The conomy has not yet picked up; usiness forecasts are not all at optimistic;...