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Co-operative A ction Necessary to Co-ordinal e Independent Services with T hose of R.T.E. HERE Can be little doubt that the...
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Is the Vehicle OperaRI US operators often have to tor Always to Blame . 1 -.? suffer in public opinion for Failures?. . . ....
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That stepping on the gas is often as fatal as inhaling it. That in 1950 the U.S.A. is to spend 121,000,000 on military motor...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of some leading haulage concerns and a few people on the passenger transport side decided, at a meeting in...
T ANUARY'S exports of commercial J vehicles set up a new record in volume and value. Including industrial trucks, road haulage...
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3 RITISH operators can now buy Ley land Comet medium-capacity ;clods vehicles built to export specificaions, .-These machines...
Q1NCE the first area scheme was mooted last December in northeast England, the Road Transport Executive have made it quite...
S OUTHEND pier is saying goodbye to its toast-rack trams. They are being replaced by a new fleet of modern cars, the first of...
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MR. J. A. WILLIAMS, of British Railways, the Institute of Transport Silver Jubilee Scholar for 1949, has left for America on a...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A A1L-VAN drivers employed by IV! McNamara and Co., Ltd., are trying to get their wages and...
UTANUFACTURERS of commercial vehicles got off to a flying start this year by producing 15,780 commercial vehicles in the...
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I N the House of Commons last week the President of the Board of Trade . was asked to press for the inclusion of cars and...
to road and rail-btirne: export traffic at the 'docks was referred to by Mr. C. DawSon, manager of the Bradford branch of LEP...
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INTERESTING and controversial I points were raised by Mr. H. W. Heyman, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., of Northern Coachbuilders, Ltd., in...
T "importance of skilled attention to greasing was among the points stressed at the March meeting of the North Western Centre...
operator feeding ceritreless grinders, Arthur Scrivener, Ltd., Tyburn Road, Birmingham, has introduced a magnetic loading...
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I T is learned that Northern Coachbuilders, Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has developed, and is now producing, two new...
A NEW type of diamond too l for wheel dressing consists of a number of small diamonds bonded in close irregular formation. As...
T O prevent the theft of lighting bulbs from the fittings in buses, Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Oak Lane, East Finchley, London,...
B ECAUSE of their age and body condition, London buses are being withdrawn at a faster rate than new vehicles are beiog...
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• Contradictory Official Statements in the House of Commons, and the Commission's Extraordinary Haste to Nationalize Road...
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operate 24 hours a day, the batteries of the electric industrial trucks used at main-line railway stations cannot be recharged...
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T HE suggestion that the British Railways should be made a charge on the national exchequer, as. an alternative to the present...
" SOMETIMES think of the transport situation in terms of golf. It is as though two opponents, 'Private Enterprise' and 'State...
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A RADICAL change in styling, together with improvements in chassis details, has been incorporated in a new range of vehicles...
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IS ECONOMY RECORDS Paden Eight-whei Fine Performance Torque and Other istics of Two-strc Permit Standard be Used Without W...
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HAVE read the correspondence which has followed I the publication of the article " Re Fair to the Trolleybus," published in...
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Nine British Vehicle Manufacturers Exhibit Goods and Passenger Models at Geneva. There is Emphasis on Oil Engines and Two-speed...
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in Removals is Undesirable But the Business is H ighly Specialized and Calls for Skilled Workers and Thorough Experience on...
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warned to modify their meattransport vehicles to allow for the hanging of fresh meat. Apparently, there is a move on foot to...
O NE of the latest types of tanker to be put into service for the transport of invert sugar has been delivered to Collings and...
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nESICJ NEP • for carrying coal and lime. A 1(i-cubic-yd. end-tipper with twin-ram gear, arranged to give a lift of 12 ft., has...
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I N spite of the fairly general doubt as to the suitability of internal-combustion turbines for road vehicles, a scheme of this...