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18th November 1960
18th November 1960
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Page 1, 18th November 1960

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Quick Turn-round

T ERMINAL delays are having an increasingly serious effect on the road transport economy of the country; an effect serious...

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Men Who Make

Transport Fran ith Farquharson HEN he was a youngster, Francis Keit] Farquharson hated the cold. Otherwise he migh well have...

— =-Bird's Eye Viev

'y The Hawk Dropping Hints IVER. ERNEST MARPLES. our Minister, of Transport, is IV]. fond of dropping hints about forthcoming...

Page 52

B.R.S. Men to Get More Pay

pOLLOWING the six per cent. pay I increases approved for A. and B-licence haula g e workers, e q uivalent increases have now...

Company, Municipal Claims Go In

r'LAIMS for substantial pay increases ‘...•have been submitted by the unions on behalf of both municipal and company busmen. No...

Minister Drops Hint Aboui Plans for London Traffic

T HE Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, dropped a broad hint, when speaking ,at the Public Transport Association dinner...

Newcastle Ban Scheme Attacked

A N examination of the report on the public in q uiry into a proposed ban on loadin g and unloadin g at Newcastle is made in...


T HE National Council of the Traders' Road Transport Association has been reconsiderin g the problem of a vehicle platin g...

B.R.S. Men Get S aft-driving Awards

T HIRTY-SIX drivers of the South Eastern Division of British Road Services were presented on Monday with safe-driving awards...

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Prospects for Commercial Vehicle Industry

[N the first nine months of 1960, United L Kingdom production of commercial 'chides (including buses) at 335,815 units vas 26.7...

More Goods Appeal Hearings Listed

HE following appeals are to be heard L before the Transport Tribunal, The ourt Room, Watergate House, York uildings, Adelphi,...

Trailer Came Adrift, Appeal Fails

-THE Queen's Bench Divisional Court I last week dismissed an appeal by E. Austin (Leyton), Ltd., of Argall Avenue, Leyton, E.,...

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Men in the News

MR. W. LEATHERBARROW has been appointed Midland area representative of Wingard, Ltd. MR. K. ID, Vim has been appointed to the...

Trafficking in Special A Licences Alleged

'THE suggestion that there had been trafficking in special A .licences was made at Leeds last week when two 'haolage firms...


Ii/E regret to record the deaths of MR. vI r FRANCIS JOHN WING and MR. WILLIAM R ANDELL. Mr. Wing, a director of Wadharn...

Page 55

Sir Henry Spurrier Looks to the Future

OAD transport will have to face fierce competition from other forms of transport, LI. particularly air transport, before many...

Brewers Drop C Licences

A CHANGEOVER in the transport of PA beer from C licence to public haulage was the basis of an application by Angus Hyslop,...

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Dent's Transport Lose Important Appeal

A T Durham Quarter Sessions Appeals Committee last week Dent's Transport (Spennymoor), Ltd., of Tudhoe Colliery. County Durham,...

Customers are Still Waiting

A N application by Walker Brother (1-leysham), Ltd.. Middleton Road Morecambe, to add 12 vehicles of 94Eons, was opposed by the...

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The Ernest Marples Hour

1/TR. ERNEST MARPLES had the 'VI whole of the question hour in the Commons to himself on his first appearance of the new...

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Tribunal Hears About the Absent Witness

fik T a hearing before the Transport rl• Tribunal in London, Station Garage (Leighton Buzzard), Ltd., unsuccessfully appealed....


Regent Eights: The Regent Oil Co., • Ltd., has ordered 1.1 Leyland Octopus 24.04 eightwheeled tanker chassis. Multi - fuel...

"Fag End of Licence" —Sir Hubert

D ISMISSING an appeal against till decision of the South Easter/ Licensing Authority, who had granted special A licence for a...

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Late Surprises at Public Works Exhibition

rw0 last-minute surprises at the Public Works Exhibition at Olympia were both Articulation System Connection between the body...

Torque Converter Applications

r LEA R justification . for the 71/4-• application of a tor q ue converter must be found not only from the point of view of...

Page 62

Commissioners Reserve Their Decision on South Wales Fares

T HE South Wales Traffic Commissioners reserved their decision at the close of the big fares inquiry (The Commercial Motor,...

Ceylon Transport Board Orders British Buses

A N order for 439 passenger chassis worth £750,000 has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by Ceylon Transport Board. The...

Page 63

Front-engine Worldrnaster in Africa

SPECIAL Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster luxury coach has een.placed in service by Express Motoruys Africa (East), Ltd.,...

FARES AND WAGES IDRESENTING road safety awards at I Keswick

to employees of Cumberland Vlotor Services, of Whitehaven, the chairnan of the Northern Traffic Cornnissioners, Mr. J. A. T....


g'OLLOW1NG angry protests from coach operators all over the country, Weston - super - Mare Council has decided to throw out a...

Injunction was Unreasonable

T " injunction restraining Mr. Albert S. Dowding from working in any capacity in a coach business within an area of 1,564...

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Good Relations Essential to Fleet Efficiency

A COMPREHENSIVE review of drivers' relations with senior staff and of vehicle features that promote operational efficiency was...

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Renewal of Certificates

of Fitness • his reply to my letter of October 21, Mr. F. A. Walker las very much misunderstood the reason for our criticism...

Page 66

B.R.S. for ti

)tor Industry Midlands Network is Aimed to Integrate Vehicle Production By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. S . ENIOR...

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Production and Exports Rise

P RODUCTION of commercial vehicles in the first eight months of this year totalled 292.387, compared with 222,791 for a similar...

"As You Like It Before Tribunal

T HE replacement of a draw-bar trailer by a lorry under the grant of an. A Licence to H. , Nuttall and Sons, Ltd., of Heywood,...

In Demand

B RISTOL'S first multi-storey car park which was opened officially last week has already attracted a rush of motorists. says...

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Blowing HOT and COLD

To Offer Comfort Comparable to the Private Car, Bus and Coach Operators Should Use One or Other of the Heating . and...

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take a tip from Telehoist

A much simpler system, and one which, allows a good deal of individual control by passengers as well as driver, is the...

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Vew Rolls-Royce Engines With Four-Valve Heads

1E1NG shown for the first time at ?the Public Works Exhibition (which petted on Mondays by Rolls-Royce, td., Oil Engine...

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• Clues from PATENTS

• By A Special Correspondent T HERE is, perhaps, nothing analogous to a sheaf of patent specifications. Every emotion is ....

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Valor's New Travelling Salesman

T HE Valor Co., Ltd., of Erdington, Birmingham, have recently put into service a mobile demonstration unit, manned by...

Twelve Leylan ds for Durban

A N order worth £60,000 has been placed by Durban Corporation for 12 Leyland ERT2.1 Royal Tiger Worldmaster buses....

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BOLITION of the Transport Tribunal has now become almost part of the official Labour party plan for transport and there are...

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Gleave Transport Services Seek Transfer of Base

T HIS week Gleave Transport Services, Ltd., are seeking a new A licence for nine vehicles to be based at Stoke, which are now...

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The Big Tip

)ECENTLY put into service by Pointers Transport Services, of I t Norwich, is the largest Bonallack Pneurnajector tank vehicle...

quilin's Campers Were Puzzled

I' was essential that an equal balance should be maintained between road and rail traffic to Butlin's Holiday Camp at Filey, id...

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Fleet Location

and Contra] The Inherent Urgency of Transport Makes Imperative the Ability to Schedule Vehicles to Appropriate Work at Short...

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Shorter Hydraulic Cylinder .

A TANDEM master-cylinder for hydraulic brakes is shown in patent No. 848,597 by the Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Tacbbrook...