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18th November 1977
18th November 1977
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Page 1, 18th November 1977

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lappy to meet?

-IE RHA is not unaware of the existence of the owner driver. The owner drivers, nevertheless, believe that the establishment...

Page 5

Owner. drivers' self-help plan

OWNER-DRIVERS in Hull are encouraging their colleagues to join groups of ownerdrivers in other parts of the country to provide...

New Year chaos on hours rules

MOS will be the result if the !w EEC drivers' hours gulations are enforced on nuary 1, warned Freight ansport Association...

Permits protest

OWNER-DRIVERS in Essex are banding together to fight what they claim is an unfair allocation of international haulage permits....

Page 6


Dn spray 'HIS WEEK a report is being Lelivered to the Transport 4inistry which represents our years' research into 'arious ways...

Leicester rejection

EAST MIDLAND Traffic Commissioners have rejected applications by both Midland Red and Leicester City Transport to run bus...

Hauliers I in freigh cked ow

TWO freight clearing houses in Sheerness have blacked the 28 owner-driver members of the Sheerness Hauliers' 'Association....

Page 7


IF ONLY that Liberal MP had not appeared be reading his speech about agriculture ... But that was the impression he gave — ar...

Page 31

ocid schemes halted by minorities

POLITICIANS have been ac:used of using public parti:ipation as a delaying tactic to woid putting road plans into )peration. ,...

lamorgan plans rapped

Lorry routes which had een planned for roads in outh Glamorgan have been rapped. The county council's planing committee agreed...


ROAD Transport companies in South Wales are to be urged to set up a vigilante system to help track down lorry thieves. The...

Lost prawn row

THE NEED to give writ warning of intending dismit was stressed by the Scott Industrial Tribunal in 1 application of Stepl ....

Page 33

chance FTA

)ST OFFICE competition ould be cut in the parcels Id by introducing a scale of arges based on the distance parcel is to be...

Con tricks on roads money

POLITICAL confidence tricks are being played by the Government which is trying to play off public transport and the rail unions...


Better A59 PLANS to press the Government for a start to be made on the A59 improvement scheme from Bickerstaffe to Bretherton...

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VAT change A REVISED notice No 727 (VAT: Special Schemes for retailers) has been issued by Customs and Excise. This will widen...

Limited licence after complaint

YORKSHIRE haulier Gordon . Sleightholm of Malton, whose renewal application had previously been deferred until he produced his...

HALTON District Council has approved plans to ban lorries and

heavy vehicles from housing estates around the Runcorn New Town area and eastern Runcorn unless they are making deliveries or...

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On the tele ... INVERNESS bus driver Joh . Westwater drove into a whol new scene when he was aske to go out on location on th...

Councils demand better service

BUS CREWS in Inverclyde could be in for a shock. For 19 community councils are angrily demanding a better bus service, and it...

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Fewer buses, more miles

LONDON Transport h as drawn up a short-term bus plan to increase regularity and reliability of services. This plan has now been...

Flat rate for school buses?

NEW initiative to tackle the roblem of school transport — icluding a possible flat-rate harge for all — is being taken y the...

Transport symposium

'DESIGNING Public Transport" is the title of a symPosium to be held at the Uniersity of Newcastle upon 'yne on April 4-6,...

Page 38


ipace trip PACE and weight saving are eatures incorporated in a m (23ft) Glasonit and luminium body supplied to Villiam...

Saviem new range

and more to come used ADVICE to operators of diesel engines on how to avoid problems associated with extreme cold weather...

Buttons take over

LEVER: controls on the Ray Smith demountable body systems have been replaced by push button controls to operate the...

Page 43

Time to end this bribery

?uestion: When is a bribe lot a bribe? thswer: When it's a gift to a - ..'ustoms or police official to 'How you to continue...

Page 44

?uffled feathers

ex Kitson ruffled a few athers at Transport House last aek. The firey wee Scot, who still, apparently, number ree at TGWU, has...

Proving the rule

Nostalgia — like vintage vehicles — is not my strong point. I am an avid believer in "the best is yet to be." It is this...

Solid bond...

The Harry Redmond party (C) November 11) proved to be another nostalgic affair last week. More than 200 friends turned up to...

Page 45

May I use your columns to publicise an injustice which I feel should be considered by the Department of Transport?

My husband was in the haulage business for 20 years, in partnership with me from 1975. Sadly, he was killed in a wagon early...

November 4), you state that "was not in favour of allowing too many permits into the hands of British hauliers."'

In fact, I said: - I do not suggest that British hauliers should be given sufficient permits to allow a//the traffic between...

Coach maim

I was interested to read your article on coach costing (CM, August 12). Perhaps you could ensure that National Travel read it...


but tefatal Following the article in CM, October 21, I have some further comments, based on shipping experience, on the...


With reference to your Guide to Freight Ferries 1 977 (CM, September 2), where you show the Liverpool /Dublin freight services...

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awe those clutches • •

r AN OVERNIGHT stop in Aisle recently I was king shop with some other ivers staying at the digs. It is a safe bet that...

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1. Heavyweights and mediumweights...

Ready for growth IS the trade recession over? Most of the manufacturers and dealers at the Scottish Motor Show at Kelvin Hall...