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Small Profit on £2,200m. Revenue: Road Services and Provincial and Scottish Buses do Better T HE accounts of the British...
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been reached between chassis manufacturers and the Ministry of Supply to release four-wheel-drive models formerly built solely...
Informing Against C-licensees E'URNITURE removers are concerned about the I alleged illegal activities of C-licensees. Writing...
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That the cloven hoof is to be barred from the Royal Show. That it might be as well to bar it elsewhere. That many valuable...
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'THE Government's Transport Bill will be presented to Parliarrient rn early July. This information has been gained from an...
corporation loans department io meet its continuing deficits, Glasgow Transport Department last week announced that it was...
of Commons last week, Mr. Sparks asked the Minister of Transport for details of the road haulage 'companies in which the...
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In spite of this and the elimination of some uneconomic routing, there was a rise in passenger miles and freight ton-miles, the...
I T is understood that the Ministry of Supply has agreed to manufacturers' releasing four-wheel-drive cross-country chassis of...
I of the Commission and the Executives the earliest possible information as to their personal future, and I propose to discuss...
M ODIFICATIONS to • be made to increased passenger fares, which came into force in London on March 2, and to those it had ....
T HE Road Haulage Wages Council (Northern Ireland) has decided to give notice of its intention to submit to the Ministry of...
A N order for 700 single-deck trolleybuses has been placed with German manufacturers by the Argentine Transport Commission....
in five Welsh counties, is due to be received by Welsh M.1 3 4 to present a case for the suspension of the South Wales...
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CLLR. F. BIDSTON has been re-elected chairman of Liverpool Transport Committee. LORD DUDLEY GORDON, D.S.O., LLD,. and Ma. J....
T HE output of commercial vehicles for April was 18,289 units, the lowest fi g ure this year and a 15 per cent. fall on April...
T O ensure that sufficient transport to carry the lar g e numbers of additional farm workers re q uired for g atherin g in the...
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P AYMENTS from the Road Fund in 1950-51 were £25.1m., compared with nearly £26m. in 1949-50. Of this total, the amount paid out...
I N its annual report to the Minister of Transport, the Transport Tribunal states that it made 1,433 orders approving agreed...
T HE High Court his. allowed the appeal of the police against the dismissal by the Ottery St. Mary Bench of two summonses...
ways, Ltd., to duplicate express services between Glasgow and Scarborough was withdrawn last week at a hearing of the Scottish...
WHEN a party of Birmingham VT and Coventry transport managers was entertained by the. Midland division of the Road Haulage...
G UEST of honour at the dinner which 1/4. 1 marked the silver jubilee congress of the Industrial Transport Association held in...
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I AST Tuesday, British Railways brought into service on the DoverBoulogne short sea route the latest and largest motor-vehicle...
A PLAN to save £5,000 a year on the operation of Reading Transport Department was approved by 'Reading Town Council recently....
O N Sunday, June 22, the Longview Lane-City tram route of Liverpool Transport Department will be converted to motorbus...
A NEW garage of the Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd., will be opened at Hamilton on June 25 by the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W....
A PPLYING to the Scottish Licensing Authority last week for higher .fares, David MacBrayne, Ltd., declared that although the...
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23rd convention of Exide service agents, organized by Chloride Batteries, Ltd. the sales manager, Mr. E. Powell, gave some...
A HAULIER who stated that he genuinely believed that he was legally entitled to carry 'coal for -30 miles without permit...
to the Scottish Licensing Authority last week to provide a service between Renfrew and Paisley, the difficulties for workers of...
O UT of 3,534 breakdowns in the Mersey 'funnel last year, 545 were attributable to tyre trouble. Inflation equipment has now...
A S a pioneer in Great Britain of direction indicators, Trico-Folberth, Ltd., Great West Road, Pen i vale, Mddx, is strongly in...
R OAD transport nationalization in Mysore has so far cost the Government over Rs. 3m. Mr. H. Siddayeer. appa. Home Minister,...
D UR1NG the first five months of this year, Leyland Motors, Ltd., exported 5 per cent. more goods than in the corresponding...
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C ONCESSION tickets introduced on buses operated by Dundee Corporation have been comparatively little used. This was stated at...
Ltd., applied to the West Midland Licensing Authority to run an express service from Nuneaton district to Torquay on Saturdays...
A T the request of the Irish Government, the Automobile Association is advising persons taking vehicles to Ireland to have them...
A N. economical new cleansing agent called Holiclene has been developed by Douglas Holt (Est, 1919), Ltd., 5-6, Eagle Street,...
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D ISREGARDING personal injuries, it is impossible to assess the financial loss to the country in general and transport...
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A BILITY to hold two contrary opinions at the same time is spreading rapidly. When the subject is transport one may be pardoned...
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dust-cart days can properly appreciate all that the annual vehicle demonstration of the Institute of Public Cleansing really...
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Kendal Street, Clitheroe, Lanes: 5-ton bulk grit Spreader body, 2-ton trailer gritter. William Bunce and Son, Ashbury,...
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S PEAKERS at the Institute of Public Cleansing conference, last week, surveyed the possibilities of mechanical aids in refuse...
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At the Cost of a Little Time and Thought, the Coach Proprietor Can Work out for Himself a Cost Analysis Sheet From Which he can...
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By P. A. C. Brotkington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I HAVE recently returned from an extended tour of the Continent, during which I met...
A CCORDING to a number of long1 - 1 distance hauliers interviewed in Germany, it is uneconomic to carry less than a 20-ton...
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R UNN1NG-COST figures for the long-distance tractor-trailer fleet, operated by a leading German co-operative society, serve to...
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T HE fleet used by the German Post Office in the Hamburg area mainly comprises Tempo 16-cwt. three-andfour-wheelers, and 2-ton...
A SYSTEM of flame hardening which ri is claimed to be quicker and is attended with less distortion than is usually encountered...
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Output of Compressors in Clayton Dewandre Factory Increased by Reorganization and Equipping a Separate Assembly Department:...
A BRIEF description of the Bristol eight-wheeler, • designed, for the Road Flaulage.Executive, was given by Mr. A. W....
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NAARICING a real step forward in 1Y1 the adaptation of the underfloorengined single-decker for operation in crowded British...
A MOBILE dental unit providing the necessary equipment and living accommodation for the dentist was built recently for use in...
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F ROM time to time we hear outcries about the cost of transport; Whether it be for goods or for passengers._ We also - hear...
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F ROM the General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., comes patent No. 669,247 in which is described a pneumatic...