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B RITAIN is rapidly approaching the time, if this has not already been reached, when greater consideration must be given to the...
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A FAVOURABLE decision given last week by Taunton magistrates in a case concerning the taxation of container vehicles (reported...
M.C.W. Celebrate Their Majority C ONGRATULATIONS to Metropolitan-CammellWeymann, Ltd., on their 21 years of progress— and real...
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Of a growing epidemic of foreshadowing. That embossed aluminium should meet many a Dodybuilder's need. That most prophets,...
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First Tenders by December. 21 : "Highest Price Wins" TENDERS for transport units in the first list must be submitted I to the...
nUT of about 36,000 vehicles, tl British Transport Commission w retain . some 3,500. This is all to whii they are entitled...
for a unit the first list was declined would alwi be informed in time for him to ME a bid in the second schedule. He sa...
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TAUNTON magistrates last week dis1 - missed sunirrionses against the Eldorado Ice Cream Co., Ltd., alleging that the proper...
"ONDIT1ONS of a licence for excurs- , sions and tours which permitted 'Jasper Bros. (Heath Hayes), Ltd., 7,annock, to carry...
passengers permitted in buses is to remain at eight. The Minister of Transport has decided against a reduction. This...
A N independent transport expert will probably be called in to report on the advantages and disadvantages of amalgamating , the...
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MR. B. S. WEBSTER has resigned his directorship of Cheswick and Wright. Ltd. CotF. W. JoNEs has been appointed president, and...
B RITAIN'S inadequate roads cost the country over £60m. a year, according to the Federation of British Industries, who, last...
B Y increasing the frequency of thei services on routes from Rhonda to Cardiff and Barry while retainirr cheap day returns, the...
A MEETING of representatives c 1,800 employees of United Attu mobile Services, Ltd., Darlingto: decided recently to postpone...
INTERAVAILABLE bus and Ira I tickets are to be introduced on ti Newcastle upon Tyne—South Shieli route on December 1 by the...
WE regret to record the death of M ifv D. M. GREENSHIELDS. Mr. Greenshields was the Scotia! and Northern Ireland regional...
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D ECIS1ONS on two appeals, both of which relied to a certain extent on he same principle and yet were treated ippositely, were...
THE Government were anxious to help small operators during denationalization, and hoped that they would be able to borrow the...
T HERE had been a breach of common law by the company, who were negligent in that the driver did not ensure that the door was...
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A DEPUTATION representing the EA Association of British Chambers of Commerce met the Minister of Transport, Mr. Lennox-Boyd,...
URIN the past year, the Firestone G organization throughout the world sold products to the value of over £.356m. This...
A LAST-MINUTE attempt by the rt Opposition to frustrate. denationalization was defeated in the House of Commons, last week, by...
A NUMBER of operators bac It indicated doubt over the wisdom of purchasing British Road Services vehicles, said Mr. H. Bell,...
T HE Scottish Deputy Licensir Authority deferred his decision la week when Mrs. Grace Halley, Crieff, applied., for the renewal...
B RITISH manufacturers who ha , lightweight oil engines in' proclu tion or contemplation have been visit( recently by Mr. S. E....
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rHE percentage of goods traffic on I Britain's roads, representing some 7 per cent. of all mechanical vehicles, now greater...
rONTROVERSY arose before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last ek, when a glasSware Company's :•ial club applied for a'...
with the British Straddle Carrier Co, nbridge, for a number of Timber If self-loading machines. Twentyhave already been...
S HouLo pantomime traffic be the preserve of regular operators, or be catered for specially by small coach proprietors? This...
A SUGGESTION that tolls should be charged until the cost of reconstruction of the Great North Road through Kesteven is...
A DISCUSSION on the place and treatment of transport finance and accounting in the Institute's examination scheme will be...
of platform staff in Sunderland Transport Department. The number of drivers and conductors has declined to the 1951 figure, the...
A CLAIM for a substantial increase in pay for 20,000 workers has been submitted by the National Union of Vehicle Builders. The...
THE continued failure of the Government to tackle the urgent problem of Britain's obsolete road system gave rise to outspoken...
sphere of aCtivities of the coinpany, Smith's Electric Vehicles, Ltd., have changed their title to Smith's Delivery Vehicles,...
R EG [STEREO on March 1, 1949, Staeatruc Development, Ltd., have gone into voluntary liquidation. The company were formed to...
B OLTON busmen were wrong to ban standing passengers during a recent four-day "work to rule" protest against duty schedules,...
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F RACTIONAL id. fares on Hull buses will be eliminated if a remitmendation of the transport committee, which has been approved...
FTER the August holidays, output and exports recovered in September. Production rose sharply from an average of 2,878 vehicles...
T HE plain truth is that too mu' of our transport system is out date, and with every passing year becoming more so. It is a...
P RIZES worth more than £6 including free visits to a Conlintal motor show, are offered by • Institute of British Carriage and...
in four Shell-Mex and B.P. fuel lets and a van employed at Lon Airport, so that vehicles do not to return to base for...
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" 4 0-OPERATION between the road and rail services of the British ransport Commission during the 3ming winter was assured...
results on Wednesday. Barton :ansport, Ltd., last year made a profit £33,812 before charging taxation of 7,671. A 15-per-cent....
bound and contains 660 art,paper pages. Reprints of the first issue can be obtained from the Association at 11 Ironmonger Lane,...
H EAVY Saurer lorries are to be manufactured in Yugoslav State factories. Last winter, various types of vehicle were tried over...
T HE Minister of Transport has refused to give Glasgow Corporation permission to proceed with the Whiteinch-Linthouse tunnel...
made by Sharps Comrcials, Ltd., Preston, is displayed at Motorcycle Show at Earls Court, ich closes tomorrow night. Priced at...
transport service liproent ever produced, the latest )fication of the Association of nufacturers 'and Distributors of rage...
their own bus bodies in Birmingham Corporation's new Parliamentary Bill is to be strongly opposed by an influential group of...
A GROUP net profit, last year, of ri £566,118 was announced on Wednesday by S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd. This figure was...
T HE tendency for the revenue of British Road Services to rise and for tonnage and mileage to decline continues. In the first...
I — I sell their smalls and parcels delivery vehicles, as reported on page 432, British Road Services on Monday Objected to an...
vehicles will benefit soon from a mobile service school which the Rootes Group have placed in service. On completion of a tour...
by Dualloys, Ltd., Chard, Somerset, subsidiaries of Sterling Industries, Ltd. Mr. T. W. Vernon, chairman and managing director...
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Semi-automatic Transmission, Using Direct Air Operation to a Wilson Epicyclic Gearbox, is now Available in Leyland Passenger...
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Oil Engines Two-,Threeand Four-cylindered Oil Engines, for Installation in Light Vehicles, to be Made in this Country Under...
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Objections Resolved by Limiting Operation to Pre-hooked Parties and Prohibiting Advertising of Specific Journeys to Blackpool...
IS the restored freedom of initiative in road transport to be circumscribed by forms of licensing found necessary in other...
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A N integral-construction single-decker, incorporating proprietary mechanical components, has been built experimentally by...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. O N practically every stand at the Scottish Show one or more of the bodies displayed...
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rrMS year's Scottish Show, the finest I ever held, was an outstanding success, said Mr. W. R. Black, president of the Society...
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rr HE necessity of high vehicle avail.I. ability had compelled a more scientific approach to workshop organization, and...
THERE .was a hope of obtaining 1 30 m.p.g. with oil-engined doubledeckers running at 30 m.p.h., said Dr. E. M. Dodds, of the...
A NEW paint-spray plant capable of handling the entire range of vehicles from the Nippy Star 4-tonner ta the Mighty Antar...
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PERATORS of 71 ancillary vehicles, J. Miller, Ltd., bakers, The Mall, London, W.4, were ned by the Metropolitan Licensing...
A VERSATILE self-powered floorI - 1 cleaning machine has been added to the range of industrial cleaning equipment manufactured...
T O reduce the risk of fractures in road springs, by ensuring that they are protected from rust and Corrosion by being kept...
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Political Commentary By JAN S O much political time and newspaper space are devoted to the arguments for and against...
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4DER the heading " Prevent Another Fuel Famine," in your issue dated November 6, Mr. A. R. Wilson, .R.T.E., very rightly points...
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An Operator Finds that His Expenses Do Not Tally with Those Published in "The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs" :...
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The teak flooring has an underside lining of steel, the interior being covered with linoleum. Fittings include a counter,...
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A SERIOUS leak in one of the pipe 11 lines of a hydraulic brake can put the whole system out of order, with possibly serious...