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A T the risk of being considered alarmists, we must again draw attention to the state under which many commercial vehicles are...
O N December 12 a deputation organized by the Coal Utilisation Council presented to the Minister of Transport an urgent plea on...
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T HAT American designers are not afraid to break away from conventional practice is evident from the description of a new...
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That country trains do more empty-running than country buses. Of an operator who wanted his licence application referred to...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Yarmouth Corporation's electricity committee Is to purchase a Dyson cable-carrying trailer. BurtomunomTrent Transport...
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Mr. S. F. Edge is leaving for Australia and Tasmania on December 28 by the " Moldavia," and will not return to this country...
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G.W. R. Rule Affects Appeal of Mr. J. Charman A N importantinfluence on the appeal of Mr. James Charrnan, of Ockley, Surrey,...
L AST week we published exclusively a statement by Mr. A. Fallon, at a meeting of the Road Haulage Association, to the effect...
N liMEROUS protests were made, last week, against the proposed compulsory transfer of the roadhaulage services of several Irish...
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I NTRODUCED at the Scottish Show last month, two new chassis—one a 21-tonner and the other a 31-tcmnerhave been placed on the...
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IS I /I ODERN tendencies in the design of lifiboth goods and passenger vehicles demand that the overall dimensions of their...
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B licence Holders 0.B.E. By Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, I CAN imagine no surer guide to the future of road transport than that...
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A Resurn of an Informative Paper by Major W. H. Goddard, A.M.I.Mech.E., Read Before the Diesel Engine Users Association T EE...
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SUNBEAM. B.T.H. TROLLEYBUS W HEN planning a test run on a trolleybus the conditions of service under which such a vehicle...
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A RECENTLY published review of the Year's activity in shipbuilding confirms the optimistic views that have been expressed in...
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A N order for buses which overshadows even that of Glasgow Corporation has been given by Birmingham Corporation to the Daimler...
A S foreshadowed in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated December 7, Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., last week applied to...
A T two sittings, last week. the Traffic Commissioners rebuked the railway companies for objecting to applications by coach...
A N insight into the Widespread ramifications of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., was afforded by Mr. John F. Heaton, chairman and...
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IT is announced that a meeting beltween the Transport and General Workers Union and municipal authorities is likely to be held...
rrHE North-Western Traffic Commis sioners are considering representations in connection with times for cornmencing half-day and...
A FIER a protracted dispute between the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., and Gla.sgow Corporation, the company obtained authority,...
A S a result of an inquiry into the matter, the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee reports that the provision...
T HE hearing of the two appeals of Redca.r Services, Ltd., against the: South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners' action in granting...
CONFIRMING the statement pub pub lishedlast week, the Metropolitan and South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners have now announced...
A RULING of considerable interest to trolleybus undertakings was given by the Doncaster West Riding Bench, on Tuesday. A...
T HE Northern Traffic Commissioners have given a final decision concerning the Sunderland-Darlington route of the A.B.C. Bus...
A CCORDING to Sir John Maxwell, chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, there has, since he took up office, been a...
Road Car Co., Ltd., has acquired the business of the Skegness Motor Service Co. A number of improvements was made during the...
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A T a meeting of Glasgow Town Council, on December 13, the transport committee's recommendation regarding the allocation of the...
ATIS F A ClION with the way in which London Transport is performing its task was expressed by Mr. Charles F. Klapper,...
should be W forced to use the station being built by Ripon Corporation was a question raised at a Ministry of Transport inquiry...
1 , HE parties concerned, including I Liverpool and Birkenhead Corporations and the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee, should be...
CURTHER to the paragraph pub lished in last week's issue, it is learned that Oxford City Council has declined to accede to the...
WE understand that various bus VV operators in Guernsey propose to form an association to safeguard their interests, and the...
A N important matter of principle affecting the rights of municipalities was raised in an application by Blackpool Corporation...
D RIVERS and conductors employed by the and Bus Service, Aberdeen, allege that their wages will be reduced as a result of the...
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THE USE OF OIL ENGINES FOR COACHES. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, [4443] Sir,—May I be allowed to reply to Mr. G. A....
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HILLMAN MAIL LOADS INCREASING SATISFACTORILY. nA.IL loads on the Hillman air serIVIvice between London, Liverpool, ielfast and...
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I AM able to-day exclusively to reveal proceedings of national importance and world-wide significance that took place at a...
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WINTER WORK fo FARM TRACTORS T HE immense value of the farm tractor in completing the autumn ploughing at a sufficiently...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent SCOPE OF NEW TEMPORARY DRIVING-HOURS ORDER. A N explanation was...
WFTHIN the past few months, the VV membership of the Road Haulage Association has grown from 4,000 to 7,500, said Mr. Donaldson...
MIR. II. RICHES, the Northern ScotIVIland Authority, dealt with a novel point, on December 13, when Mr. J. W. Hepburn, who had...
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HAULIER and CARRIER F ROM time to time I receive an unusual number of inquiries as to the best method of keeping records of...
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Engine Mountings A N interesting modification to the usual type of resilient engine mounting is shown in patent No. 418,863,...