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O UR leading article, "A Threat to Denationalization," published in our issue dated February 15, referred to suggestions from...
Developing a New Engine Oil L AST week we visited the Thornton Research I- 4 Centre of Shell and were particularly interested...
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That upper rings have nothing to do with the big six or the heavy five. • Of no suggestion that these 11 work in grooves. Of...
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" WJE are unable to accept the pro W position that no clearing house (whether it has obtained control of a haulier's business...
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Manchester, £140,000; Liverpool, 015,000 ; Glasgow, £95,000; Leeds, £75,000; Sheffield, £65,000; Salford, £40,000; Edinburgh,...
A UTHORITATIVE comments on Pi the increased fuel duty have come from the following:— Society of Motor Manufacturers and...
T HE time taken to obtain a decision on Dundee Corporation's application to increase bus fares was strongly criticized when the...
A REQUEST that Government pric. I - 1 control should be applied to road haulage charges was made,' last week, to the Central...
F OLLOWING their deputation on March 1 to the Central Transport Consultative Committee, representatives of -the British...
A NEW Latil long-wheelbase forward control tractor, designed to carry a 3-4-ton payload behind the cab, will be exhibited by...
A NEW system of collecting fares is PA being tried by Hull Transport Department. Drivers stop their vehicles before reaching...
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M. ANDRE MORICE, a public works contractor, has been appointed Minister of Transport, Public Works and Tourism in the new...
%WHEN the House of Commons VI' discussed railway charges last week, Mr. Ernest Davies referred to "regrettable evasion" of the...
A BILL to denationalize road haulage will be presented to Parliament before Easter. This forecast Was made by Mr. Frank F....
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Vi THEN Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., applied to the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, for a renewal of its licence to...
CONGESTION on' the roads of Lancashire was more serious than in any other comparable area, except Greater London, as the...
opened yesterday, Armstro ng Siddeley Motors, Ltd., is showin g an interestin g vehicle, described as a sportsman's station...
the South r - Y Yorkshire Area of the Road Haulage Association in Sheffield, last week, Mr. Bernard Winterhottom,. a national...
does not intend to reintroduce - the pooled system of area distribution for petroleum products, as was adopted during the war....
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A SAVING of I per cent. in fuel costs 1 - 1. represents £50,000 a year with a fleet of about 8,000 vehicles. Mr. A. T. Wilford,...
S TRONG support has been expressed by Mr. J. E Hulme,' chairman of Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee, for a scheme of...
TRADE recession is partly responsible for 550 vehicles being taken off the road. in the Northwestern Division of the` Road...
T HE opening of a new flour mill at Gateshead greatly increased th'e demand for haulage and this led to an application to the...
U RGENT consideration is being given by the Minister of Transport to-a report - by the Committee on Road Safety containing...
O NE - of the HIM ambitious applications that has Come before me for many years," was how the Scottish Deputy Licensing...
A N application to increase by 611per , cent., day return fares on express services in the South-eastern Traffic Area, has been...
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" IF any particular tour is unduly tirin g to a passen g er on account of distance and journeY time, he has no need to, and...
A LL ho m e and expor t models of the .51-A LeOar r il Royal Ti g er future he fi tted as 'standard with - ' specially desi g...
Imports of vehicles into New Zealand are to be controlled. Flinders Motors Pty., Ltd., Evers Buildin g , 457, Adelaide Street,...
WITH. the official openin g by Mr. VV John Cliff, deputy chairman of the London Transport Executive, and Lord Horder,...
A NORWICH operator who claimed ti to be a pioneer of road services to London was authorized by the Eastern Licensing Authority,...
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S TATING that the Transport Arbitration Tribunal was not satisfied that the goodwill of D. and H. Cuff, Ltd., Blandford, would...
WHEN Miss Elaine Burton asked the IT President of the Board of Trade in the House of' Commons last week whether he was aware of...
Sales, Ltd., at home and overseas have been announced. The Ipswich office of the concern has been transferred to Commercial...
T O effect cheaper and quicker deliveries and to eliminate a certain amount of handling, Barton's Cooperage, Ltd., London, E.3,...
E MPLOYEES of George Ewer and Co., Ltd., have now received further details of the profit-sharing scheme announced by Mr. J. H....
A RESOLUTION urging the Ministry of Transport to make an inquiry into the whole structure of nationalized transport was passed...
IA will be presented by Mr. Gordon Russell and Mr. George Williams of the Council of Industrial Design, to a meeting of the...
A NEW commercial model and modifications to existing products are announced by Daimler-Benz A.G., Untertfirkheim, Germany. The...
could never be a success because of the " consumer-choice " factor, members of the Manchester centre of the Institute of...
THE Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association (South Wales and Monmouth), Which was founded in 1949 under the chairmanship of...
THE staff dramatic section of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is presenting "The , . Blind Goddess" at the...
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New Coach Radio and New Types of Heater are Announced by Smith's: Mobile Laboratory Used for Extensive Tests D EvELOPED to...
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Modifications Have Improved Appearance, Comfort and Driving Visibility: Fuel Economy is Exceptional, 35 m.p.g. being Obtained...
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L'AST, manoeuvrable fire appliances, capable of travelling Across open country and carrying water and foam generators to deal...
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A CONTRACT, estimated to be worth it ?Ai., has been obtained by British Insulated Callender Cables, Ltd., London, W.C.2, for...
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How a Well-Co-ordinated System Of Maintenance, As Applied to the Fleet of 1,800 Midland• "Red" Buses, Has Brought About...
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5 Tons of Grain NAECHANICAL handling has mostly liflbeen confined to goods which might readily be packed in standard...
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H OW seldom road transport is loved for itself alone? The railways have no end of fervent admirers willing to lavish upon them...
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A T such a bright, well-attended and international Show as that which opened at Geneva yesterday, it seems regrettable that the...
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A REPORT on vehicle lighting has been submitted to the Ministry of Transport, vehicle manufacturers and other interested...
O o the latest types of piston, the tapering of the skirt from the open end to the top is not a straight line, but is graded to...
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The Third Edition of " The British Commercial Vehicle Industry" Attracts Much Favourable Comment T HE recently published third...
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A S a regular reader of your journal, I have followed with interest the letters on road safety which you have published...
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in Response to a Request, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Describes How Rates Can be Worked Out on a Mileage Basis with No...
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Railw_ 1-1 y Submission WHETHER co-ordinated road-rail vit services or through coach journeys were the best means for...
S INGLE-DECK vehicles with high standing capacity would go a long way towards solving many of this country's road passenger...
lk SORE goods were now being sold 1 V on wheels" than ever before, Mr. A. Prentice, chairman, declared at the annual meeting of...