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Cuff Case: Tribunal "not Satisfied"
S TATING that the Transport Arbitration Tribunal was not satisfied that the goodwill of D. and H. Cuff, Ltd., Blandford, would have fetched any sum if sold in the open market,......
," Excessive Profits" • On• Accessories
WHEN Miss Elaine Burton asked the IT President of the Board of Trade in the House of' Commons last week whether he was aware of the "excessive profits" made by makers of motor......
A.c.v. Sales Changes Rertain Changes In The Representa1...
Sales, Ltd., at home and overseas have been announced. The Ipswich office of the concern has been transferred to Commercial Buildings, Prince's Street. Mantle and Boarland,......
Whisky Casks Go By Road
T O effect cheaper and quicker deliveries and to eliminate a certain amount of handling, Barton's Cooperage, Ltd., London, E.3, has inaugurated a 440-mile road service to carry......
Ewer Starts Profit Sharing
E MPLOYEES of George Ewer and Co., Ltd., have now received further details of the profit-sharing scheme announced by Mr. J. H. Ewer, chairman and managing director, last month,......
Call For B.t.c. Inquiry
A RESOLUTION urging the Ministry of Transport to make an inquiry into the whole structure of nationalized transport was passed at the annual conference of the National Union of......
. Design In Transport A Paper On "design In Transport"
IA will be presented by Mr. Gordon Russell and Mr. George Williams of the Council of Industrial Design, to a meeting of the Institute of Transport to be held on March 24, at......
Mercedes Makes 10-cwt. Oiler
A NEW commercial model and modifications to existing products are announced by Daimler-Benz A.G., Untertfirkheim, Germany. The new model is an oil-engined 10-cwt, van, based on......
Integration Could Not Succeed I Ntegration Of Inland...
could never be a success because of the " consumer-choice " factor, members of the Manchester centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration decided at a meeting last week.......
Confusion Of Title
THE Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association (South Wales and Monmouth), Which was founded in 1949 under the chairmanship of Mr. W. Wooller, disclaims any connection with an......
S.m.m.t. Helps "ben"
THE staff dramatic section of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is presenting "The , . Blind Goddess" at the Fortune Theatre. London, W.C.2, from April 7-9.......