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1 Per Cent. Fuel Saving = £50,000
A SAVING of I per cent. in fuel costs 1 - 1. represents £50,000 a year with a fleet of about 8,000 vehicles. Mr. A. T. Wilford, B.Sc., director of research of the London......
Potteries Reorganization Welcomed
S TRONG support has been expressed by Mr. J. E Hulme,' chairman of Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee, for a scheme of reorganization of bus services introduced by the Potteries......
550 R.h.e. Vehicles Withdrawn In N.w.
TRADE recession is partly responsible for 550 vehicles being taken off the road. in the Northwestern Division of the` Road Haulage Executive. At December 31 last there were......
Flour Mill Increases Transport Needs
T HE opening of a new flour mill at Gateshead greatly increased th'e demand for haulage and this led to an application to the Northern Licensing Authority for an additional......
Improved Highway Code?
U RGENT consideration is being given by the Minister of Transport to-a report - by the Committee on Road Safety containing recommendations for improving the Highway Code.......
"ambitious" Application
O NE - of the HIM ambitious applications that has Come before me for many years," was how the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority described an application by Mr. Frank Mackay,......
Day Return Fares Going ?
A N application to increase by 611per , cent., day return fares on express services in the South-eastern Traffic Area, has been lodged by the Central Fares Committee on behalf......