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250 Miles Too Long For One Day ?
" IF any particular tour is unduly tirin g to a passen g er on account of distance and journeY time, he has no need to, and will not, patronize it ; and if there is no public......
Silencing Shrouds On Royal Tigers
A LL ho m e and expor t models of the .51-A LeOar r il Royal Ti g er future he fi tted as 'standard with - ' specially desi g ned 'silencin g shrouds exte n din g alon g both '......
In A Line Or Two
Imports of vehicles into New Zealand are to be controlled. Flinders Motors Pty., Ltd., Evers Buildin g , 457, Adelaide Street, Brisbane, has been appointed Thornycroft vehicle......
L.t.e. Completes Medical Scheme
WITH. the official openin g by Mr. VV John Cliff, deputy chairman of the London Transport Executive, and Lord Horder, consultin g medical adviser, of the south-west division......
Norwich-london Trips Authorized
A NORWICH operator who claimed ti to be a pioneer of road services to London was authorized by the Eastern Licensing Authority, recently, to ran trips to London on six special......