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O PERATORS whose experiments with oneman crush-load singleleckers have been unfortunate nay find new encouragement n the...
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T HE campaign which Dr. Charles Hill, Postmaster General, last week launched to impress on the public the importance of...
Protecting Engines With Aluminium J HE research laboratories of General Motors have developed a new technique of aluminium...
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Of horses from the same stable with different markngs. That the technical observations of the modern routh astonish many an...
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IN his Budget speech on Tuesday, 'Mr. R. A. Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer, did not even mention the fuel tax. He said,...
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ST Friday the Northern Licensing Authority heard in public a number unopposed applications for the ewal of B licences. This is...
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QPECIAL equipment was made by Annis and ■ –./ Co., Ltd., Pump Lane, Hayes, Middx., for the carriage this week of the world's...
MR. C. S. MACDOUGALL has retired from the position of certifying officer of the Ministry of Transport in the west of Scotland....
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b4yers. are a g ai n catered for 10 of transport units, which ;a s issued on. W e dnesday. It includes 61 .operational vehicles...
A N application has been made by Liverpool Corporation for consent to operate in St. Helens, Whiston and Prescot. • ' , • A...
(-LICENSED vehicles represented It•-■ the . trantpo r t . of industry • -and • accounted fcir a `gre,at,dal of eic'port trade,...
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MET receipts of bus operators with more than five vehicles, excluding London Transport, rose from £9.7m. in 1952-53 to £13.8m....
D URING February 13,6 I 9 commercial vehicles valued at £7,620,100 were exported. The average weekly output for the month was...
T HEfull enforcement of apartheid would have serious financial effects on services carrying passengers of all classes on the...
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should be no more political interference with road haulage," said Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, chief executive officer of the Road...
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AA GREEMENT has been reached between Chesterfield Corporation and East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., on the timings of a new...
A N allegation that British Railways had threatened to increase their charges to the Consett Iron Co. if the company supported...
S HOULD money saved through fuel economy be given to bus workers' charities? Such action is contemplated by Newport Town...
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rAPANESE timber, of inferior quality, I was being imported into London in reference to Highland timber, because lipping costs...
A MODERNIZATION programme involving the expenditure of some S3m. has been launched by the Greater Winnipeg Transit Commissidh...
Stretford Ilcaith Commitice propose to hut a ennis Paxii. Weymouth CorporaCon seek to borrow f2,500 tutya guIly-eroptier....
MOTTINGHAM magistrates last week N dismissed a case against the driver of a tanker for causing an obstruction on a footpath...
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A LL passenger-vehicle operators cultivate their own theories about the ideal chassis for their particular work. Strong as...
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I N a highly competitive field at Britain's first coach rally at Clactonon-Sea last Sunday, a Roe Dalesman 37-seat body on an...
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4 the article under the heading " Wisdom Lost," in your issue dated April 8, you come out strongly with point of view which I...
A S a driver for 35 years without an accident of any consequence, my views on the proposal to raise the legal speed limit for...
M AY I add my sincere congratulations to those which you have already received, on the attainment of your Golden Jubilee, also...
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W HY did 20 to 25 oil-engined vehicles out of about 120 that I recently watched climbing a hill on the outskirts of London,...
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type which may weigh up to 18 cwt., are difficult to manhandle. In a new body designed and built by Glover, Webb and...
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‘‘ HURCHILL for once followed the pattern C rather than set it," said Maggie's brother Cromwell, "when he gave up office a week...
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T HE solution of many of the problems facing public transport operators lies in the use of oneman-operated buses. Apart from...
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ENERGOL —the Super Oil 'WHAT IS THE worst kind of running V V a motor oil has to withstand ? The answer is the running...
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London Hauliers T HIRTY-NINE lorries and 11 trailers based at Lostock Gralam, near Northwich, have been licensed to Harris Road...
S. W. Bowler Ltd. Can: LIMO. Dire : Stanley W. B owle 4 s and Mrs. Cynthia NI. Bowles. Pound Conan, Penylan Road. Llandough....
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T HE Ross hydraulic link-type system of power-assisted steering is now in production by Hydrosteer, Ltd., Biscot Road, Luton....
THE first two vehicles to he built for the bulk carriage of liquefied petroleum gas in this country have been put into service...
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I DISCUSSED last week some aspects of an employer's liability arising out of the faulty condition of his vehicles or equipment....
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Because They Make Insufficient Provision for Every Item of Operating Cost, Many Hauliers are Unaware of the True Financial...
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the diameter of the bore should not exceed 0.035 in. in any circumstances. A " MIDDLE-COMPRESSION " ENGINE T HE usual valve...