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A LOUD, rousing cheer is hereby accorded to the national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. D. 0. Good. In his...
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H OPES for a deliberate policy of co-operation between the Road Haulage Association, British Road Serviees and the new British...
THE way in which increases in haulage rates have in recent years followed pay awards, and the obvious financial toll taken by...
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members to accept the Conditions of Carriage drawn up by the Livestock Group of the Road Haulage Association. The published...
N EVER was an industry so slandered with statistics. If half the allegations made against us were true, most of our drivers...
T HE Ministry of Transport's scheme for a lorry route to the London docks and markets has "serious deficiencies from the point...
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• I-1 A N increase in the price of its dery of 1:1. per gallon was announced on Wednesday by the Power Petroleum Co. Ltd....
the Potteries Area of the T.R.T.A. will be held at the Grand Hotel. Hanley, on February 25, when Mr. G. Turvey, assistant...
THE National Organizing Committee 1 of the Lorry Driver of the year Competition, at a meeting held at Coventry on Monday,...
From our Political Correspondent W TH Mr. Harold Wilson as its leader, the Labour Party is not likely to go rocketing off on a...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT S PECULATORS on both sides of the political fence at Westminster have been toying with the idea a...
THE Government, it is generally accepted, has agreed to spend its way out of the domestic present afflicting...
T HE advantages of articulated bulk transporters with off-loading mechanism were stressed by several coal • factors and...
an unopposed second reading in the Commons last week, though not until M.P.s on both sides of - the House had giveri warnings...
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THE Transport Tribunal in London last week dismissed an appeal by B. G. Gale Ltd. against refusal by the Metropolitan Licensing...
T HE Transport Tribunal, in a written judgment issued last Friday, has allowed an appeal by A. R. Pass and others against a...
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0 applications by Bakers Trans port (Southampton) Ltd., to add six trailers, which can be operated as semitrailers or drawbar...
LIMED vehicles with no security I 'devices left "a very large gap" in measures against pilfering, said Mr. J. Brown, a director...
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A PART from the unusual form in which they were published, the applications for additional trailers by Bakers Transport...
Ti E moreI attend the Transport Tribunal, the more I find myself drawing a comparison between judgments given by the Tribunal...
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A PPL1CATIONS by Sccuricor branches for hired vehicles on B licence are currently listed in four areas, involving three...
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of Tecalemit (Engineering) Ltd. He had previously been a chief research engineer with the Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd....
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port Association held a press conference in Edinburgh last week to draw attention to the high incidence of taxation on the...
T HE chairman of the Tilling Group, Mr. Maurice Holmes, and the chairman of the Scottish Omnibuses Group. Mr. James Amos, were...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT EADERS of London's busmen this week openly rejected the advice of. Mr. Frank Cousins, their...
A s from March 1 County Commercial Cars 6 by 2 and 6 by 4 models based on the Thames Trader will have grossvehicle-weight...
are being fitted as 'original equipment in all Rootes Group commercial vehicles and cars. Stockists of Rootes parts will...
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A N electrically driven load-discharge pump is used on a tanker semitrailer recently built for Filtrate Oils Ltd. The tanks and...
P ROTOTYPES of a fan coupling have been produced by Powder Couplings Ltd., Airedale Works, Hunslet Road, Leeds, which represent...
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THAT the mechanical governor seemed to hold the best compromise between cost, performance and reliability when comparing the...
THE annual general meeting of the 1 London centre of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund will be held on February 25 at...
rodens in Liverpool: Situated close to the premises of several major operators, and well placed in relation to docks and main...
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I -1 A SYSTEM of making packing cases by using standard-sized panels held together by special fasteners is now being marketed...
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Eye View A NYONE inclined to shrug off transport pipelines as an exotic subject outside his field might be shaken to learn...
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SURE-FOOTED W HEN the dimension limits for British passenger vehicles were increased to 36 ft. by 8 ft. 2-5 in. in 1961,...
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A DRIVER taking his vehicle on to the Continent for the first time will be confronted by many problems, not the least that of...
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behind the Coloured Workers I N Egypt one day about 17 years ago I received a more-in-sorrow-than-inanger lecture from a very...
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Nothing But the Best j FOUND the discussion on brakes in your February 8 I issue extremely good reading (perhaps a little hard...
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S CIENCE fiction and other prophetic writings are indifferent guides to the future largely because so many things that happen...
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VERY firm ideas are held by Westminster City 'Council's Public Cleansing and Transport Department regarding the vehicles most...
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L AST week consideration was given in this series to the introduction of incentive schemes applicable to the operating staff of...