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There is a danger that the much more reliable â and thus more popular â services which many of Britain's bus operators have...
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Chairman tells CM why he turned away DPL bid by CM reporter ⢠The Hilton Transport Services group of companies is to...
⢠Seddon is developing a mid-engine passenger chassis which is expected to make its public debut in the demonstration park at...
⢠The meeting of EEC transport ministers which was to discuss in Luxembourg next week the question of axle weights and ideas...
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⢠The first Gardner engine for four months rolled off the Patricroft production line in Manchester on Monday. After the...
⢠The National Freight Corporation is to set up a small study group to consider how the resources of its main Scottish...
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⢠Development of its freight services on he basis of the expectation of a smaller ;hare of the market is proposed in British...
⢠Wearing of seat belts outside built-up areas in France becomes compulsory on July 1 in vehicles first registered after...
⢠About 1200 foreign commercial vehicles out of 6000 examined in the 10 months up to June were found to be overweight on...
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⢠Before they support the Channel tunnel many MPs â especially those representing constituencies in south eastern England...
from a European correspondent ⢠Sweden is to abolish its tax on diesel fuel in 1974 â and by means of a sealed...
⢠Bedrijfsauto RAI '74, the Dutch commercial motor show, is to be held at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam from...
⢠Proposals for the standardization of symbols on vehicles' dashboard controls have been submitted to the Economic Commission...
We record with regret the death of Charles Hartrey. Mr Hartrey, who was 82, was advertisement manager of Commercial Motor for...
⢠Xtra Incorporated of Bosto . Massachusetts â the American transpo equipment, manufacturing and leasir company â has...
⢠Armaguard Ltd, the Nottinghat security company, has been acquired b Mayne Nicholas Ltd and not Thorns Nationwide Transport...
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⢠Subtitled "The busy man's guide to news and opportunities", a newsletter covering activities in the EEC for British...
⢠Tribute to the skill and training of heavy goods vehicle drivers was paid by Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport...
LEEDS igida lass A: up to 20ft; over 1 ton and up ) 30cwt unladen: 1, W. Robinson (Post Office, heffield( BMC, 364 penalty...
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⢠The growing popularity of 30 tons gvw eight-wheeled tankers is reported by the staff of Ryland Vehicle Group Ltd, Ryland...
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Gilbert Hunt has been re-elected president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Mr Hunt joined Rootes (now...
⢠Increasing use of one-man operation is the single most important reason for the West Midlands PTE making a surplus of...
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O A £10m improvement in 1972. That was the main factor to emerge from the National Bus Company's annual report, published...
O Ford's eight-speed, all-synchromesh gearbox is now available on the company's R series psv chassis models as an option. At...
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by Martin Hayes ⢠A major row â with extensive political wertones â now seems certain to blow up Detween London Transport...
⢠First steps towards providing free bus travel for old-age-pensioners in Edinburgh have been taken by the city's finance...
⢠A decision taken at the agm of the Public Road Transport Association held in Brighton last week (report of conference: page...
⢠Dundee Corporation's transport committee has decided against providing free bus services, but is to seek amendment of...
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⢠The badly prepared case of a Poole operator drew a stern rebuke from Mr G. C. Mercer, South Eastern deputy LA, at a public...
⢠A Norfolk haulier was fined £450 by Ipswich magistrates last week for a near 50 per cent overload of a lorry and drawbar...
⢠The practice of turning large articulated lorries in the road creates "a monstrous danger on the highway and must be...
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⢠Magirus Deutz (GB) Ltd has replaced its 230D 26 AK 6x6 on /off site dump truck with a new model plated to operate at 26...
⢠A new tubeless tyre being developed by Pirelli offers considerable safety advantages because of its anti blow-out and...
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⢠Commercial vehicle exhibits at the Essex County Show again emphasized the wider interest created by local events of this...
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11P9R Eagle Mk III by Paul Brockington ROLLS-ROYCE announced a Mark III range of its Eagle diesels on Tuesday. Improved...
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by Gibb Grace I WAS able to examine and drive Atkinson, Guy, Foden, ERF, Seddon and Scammell vehicles fitted with...
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DELEGATES to last week's conference of the Public Road Transport Association held at Brighton (papers reported in CM, June 8)...
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Death trap pits I was interested to read your article "Inspec tion pits can be death traps" (CM May 25) in which you were...
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Robert grook I Robert Brook, who takes over as regional lirector of the National Bus Company's vestern region at the end of...
Roads now, tunnels never SOONER or later, and regardless of priorities, the Government will have to carry out an emergency...
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⢠Cash flow! The bus industry doesn't make so much money that it can afford to lose any when it's actually in the kitty, and...
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a British premium tractive unit 1y D. Lloyd, BSc Part I: What are we looking for? /HAT IS a "premium" tractive unit? It is...
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Energy policy THE deluge of public comment on the coming crisis in world fuel supplies is likely to continue. Speculation that...
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LIGHT BUS by Trevor Longcroft 20ACH and bus operators in the UK have I limited choice of psv chassis from which o choose in...
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attachment as a recovery Peld,cle and just carry tools, jacks, towing untbulance, nylon rope and so on no crane is fitted. The...
a full load from one factory to another, a distance of 115 miles for a single journey. Sometimes 1 return with a full or part...
required to drive my boss to distant functions. This could mean doing eight hours plus on hgv duties and then, after changing,...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Removers in America Highlights from a study tour by a team of British removers IN A WORLD of...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE Tyres (3) THE incorrect fitting of cross-ply and radial tyres can create a dangerous...
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by Handyman Suppressing⢠NT in on vehicles (1) ALTHOUGH many transport engineers already have radio equipment added to...
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htlash is the name of a restraint system evolved argo Aids, which is based on se of Terylene webbing and acial ratchet...
ined to accommodate the and ends that the average ⢠carries in his cab such as a 3ook, pencils, cigarette its and so on, a...
irvell is producing a gauge lecking the main bearing lgs on all Ford engines. t those fitted to agrial tractors. gauges, made...
Bandag Tyre has set up a nationwide organization for the retreading and supply of rebuilt truck tyres with centres at Wigan,...
A series of hydraulic gear pumps is being produced by T. Webster, under licence to Webster Electric. Known as the Series K,...
Dimensional uniformity of the rotor used in a tachometer is claimed for a method of sintering by GKN Bound Brook. The rotor is...
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A range of small heavy-duty, wheeled Quick Carrier platforms has been introduced by AIM Engineers. Available in one or...
Peter Ball Engineering has co-operated with Total Oil and Grundfos Pumps in the design of the Keep Klean cold water vehicle...
Century Aluminium of Dumfriesshire has built an aluminium anodizing plant which is capable of providing anodized finishes in...
Anderol 495 and Anderol 500 are the names of long-life synthetic cornpressor lubricants announced by Lawrence Industries. It is...
From Contractors Pumps corn the Mkli version of the Lightnii 500 hot/cold water washii unit. This unit incorporates lift-off...
A cargo restraint strap fr Package Controls claimed chi enough to cut and throw awa the end of a journey. The strai made from...
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ie Acklift 8000 mobile edr aulic platform produced by . C. S. Engineering provides :cess to heights of up to 8m Dm the ground....
The series 6290, 25KHz Soniclean generators from Dawe's have new electronic circuitry which provides greater efficiency and...
A free brochure from Wanson describes the updated range of Thermobloc air heaters. Specifications are given in both SI and...
General and Industrial Paints have augmented the company's Gipgloss range with the SQ (special quality) metallic refinishing...
by Trevor Long croft Loctite has introduced faster curing adhesives that should cover most jobs in the workshop. There are...
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The 2618 optical tachometer, made by Graham and White Instruments, is said to be particularly suitable for measuring the speed...
Significant advances in plastics technology have enabled Boydell and Jacks to produce thermoplastics mudguards to an improved...
Kleen King pressure washers now incorporate a number of additional refinements, including a new proportioner which meters the...
An improvement to the timiric gear lubrication system of thE 68RB blower produced by W. C Holmes for bulk vehicIE applications...
British Building and Engineerin( Appliances offer a sign-makini service based on the use o Embost-Signs which are pro duced...