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A S a subject, materials handling is all too often regarded by operators as an exotic theory the application of which is...
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A WKWARD people, these road hauliers. Take Mr. Peter Beamish, 42-year-old haulage contractor, of Normanston Drive, Lowestoft....
Archt siah Watts I F septuagenarian Arthur Watts, who is chairman and managing director of Watts (Factors), Ltd., Lydney, were...
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A FTER hearing three cases of haulage il contractors going bankrupt the registrar, Mr. J. L. Williams, expressed the hope at...
BY THE EDITOR N OT unexpectedly, there was no comment from Guy Motors, Ltd., after Lloyds Bank appointed Mr. S. V. Lancaster...
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1-1 . A NUMBER of far-reaching recommendations concerning the design of vehicles to be used in connection with materials...
A RECORD profit of 1873.720 for the first six months of this year is announced by the Transport Development Group, Ltd. This...
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Councillor G. R. Beeston has been appointed an additional member of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for Wales and...
From our Indus - trial Correspondent IN a novel experiment shop stewards from the motor industry are to go to Oxford University...
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From John F. Moon T WO days before the opening of the 40th International Motor Show in Frankfurt yesterday it became fairly...
W HEN a Hydrocar I-ton industrial truck was demonstrated by The Plessey Co., Ltd., last Friday, it was claimed that the...
n ECAUSE of the demand in London, Manchester and Liverpool for farm produce and canned foods from Shropshire, Mr. A. J. Evans,...
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A FTER giving details of vehicles bein g off the road for 270 days during temporary substitutions last year, and of paying...
A N Anglo-American production and marketing a g reement for a new range of hydraulic control valves has been concluded between...
F IFE COUNTY COUNCIL has approved the construction of a £55,000 transport depot at Mitigate, Cupar, Fife, to replace the...
TN the first chapter of his book "The 'Golden Age of Tramways" (published today by Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., Broadway...
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WINNER of the Safest Cab competiVV tion, for which 39 of the vehicles entered at the Lorry Driver of the Year Final (reported...
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D EMONSTRATIONS of the MercedesBenz Unimog all-purpose tractor were given for the first time in this country on Lord Montagu's...
by the operators of 10 B-licensed vehicles for an A licence for a vehicle of 7 tons to allow them to entertain requests for...
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NILL1AM WOOD, of Glasgow, VV applied for an A licence for four chides of 141 tons in Glasgow last reek following a Transport...
COMPLICATIONS over •records arose at Blackburn last week when I. Swindells and Sons (Hauliers), Ltd., applied for an A licence...
A NEW fire-fighting and rescue device will make its first appearance in this country at the conference of the Institution of...
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THREE applications to run bus services between Nottingham and Singapore and Nottingham and Capetown were adjourned at...
F ROM more than 40 countries some 120 Ford main dealers assembled in London this week for their annual convention lasting from...
S MITH'S BELLSH1LL HAULAGE, of Mossend, Bellshill, were unsuccessful in an application to convert a contract A to an ordinary A...
M ILLBURN MOTORS, LTD., Glasgow, arc opening up the disused Wallace Foundry at Dundee at the end of this month to build...
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From a Special ,Correspondent E VERY four years an International Conference is held on public cleansing under the auspices of...
A TWIN-OSCILLATING axle semiI -1 trailer with a capacity of 15 tons is now made by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford. The name...
K EEN competition in vehicle maintenance and cleanliness - continues to be evident among the staff of the Manchester...
T HE special needs of an agricultural area were stressed last week before the Scottish Licensing Authority in Glasgow when...
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orce Moves In, R.A.F. Corporal is 191 curry Driver of the Year A S from 23.59 hours today, all jokes about Services' drivers...
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A 11-TON battery-electric vehicle, which offers approximately 15 per cent. extra range, and needs no separate battery-charging...
By David Gurwicz, B.Sc.(Hons) T HE development of semi-conductor devices and transistors to deal with heavier currents has...
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Takes Si Beating by John .I.R.T.E. A LTHOUGH a 24-ton-gross articulated outfit cannot carry as great a payload as a rigid...
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by Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Large Haulier in Newcastle upon Tyne Opens New Depot on 6!-acre Site in Middlesbrough to Cater...
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A NEW 8-ton four-wheeled goods chassis has been developed by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham, Lancs. The model has a solo...
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Now it's an 11-ton lorry, loaded in the usual way and driven by road to the railhead. Only 150 seconds to retract the road...
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W HOEVER it may have been, credit is due to the man who originally coined the definition of the ideal haulier as the one .vho...
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High-Frequency Electric Tools tA A RANGE of high-frequency portable electric tools has been introduced by Wolf Electric Tools,...
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Planning for Standing? " O NE of the most interesting papers that we have had" was how one member of the Municipal Passenger...
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Need for Lorry Safety Barthrs WE write and talk a lot in this country about death and vv injury on the roads, but do we do...
T HAVE read Lord Stonham's letter with interest, but really all that it boils down to is another plea that the railways should...
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Largest Application From North West THE North Western area App.'ications and Decisions contains this week's largest single...
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The operator trusted to regular manual lubrication, but he was robbing his bearing components of half their useful life....
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Small Vans Can Be a Problem Though Costs Per Mile May Be Relatively Low, a Too-ready Authorization of Their Use Can Accumulate...