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The Story Of 270 Lost Days
A FTER giving details of vehicles bein g off the road for 270 days during temporary substitutions last year, and of paying overtime to staff when they worked at week-ends, East......
Anglo-u.s. Link-up For Valve Production
A N Anglo-American production and marketing a g reement for a new range of hydraulic control valves has been concluded between Dowty Hydraulic Units, Ltd., Ashchurch, Glos,......
New Transport Depot
F IFE COUNTY COUNCIL has approved the construction of a £55,000 transport depot at Mitigate, Cupar, Fife, to replace the existing premises which are now too small, The new depot......
The Golden Age Of Trams
TN the first chapter of his book "The 'Golden Age of Tramways" (published today by Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, London, E.C.4, price 4th.)......