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.p.c. Conference In Sweden
From a Special ,Correspondent E VERY four years an International Conference is held on public cleansing under the auspices of Intel - pile, the organization which brings......
Scammell Produce Fourtrak
A TWIN-OSCILLATING axle semiI -1 trailer with a capacity of 15 tons is now made by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford. The name given to the new model, which is available in......
Manchester Cleaning Competition
K EEN competition in vehicle maintenance and cleanliness - continues to be evident among the staff of the Manchester Corporation Cleansing Department and last Saturday, at the......
Agricultural Needs Stressed To L.a.
T HE special needs of an agricultural area were stressed last week before the Scottish Licensing Authority in Glasgow when James Tyre, of Dundonald, applied for a B licence for......