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Bullet-riddled Vehicle Poses Problem
THREE applications to run bus services between Nottingham and Singapore and Nottingham and Capetown were adjourned at Nottingham after the East Mfdland Licensing Authority, Mr.......
World Ford Dealers Meet In London
F ROM more than 40 countries some 120 Ford main dealers assembled in London this week for their annual convention lasting from Sunday to Wednesday. Other delegates included......
Conversion Plea Rejected
S MITH'S BELLSH1LL HAULAGE, of Mossend, Bellshill, were unsuccessful in an application to convert a contract A to an ordinary A for six vehicles of 32+ tons and two trailers of......
Bodybuilder Opens Up In Dundee
M ILLBURN MOTORS, LTD., Glasgow, arc opening up the disused Wallace Foundry at Dundee at the end of this month to build aluminium vehicle bodies and articulated trailers. The......