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W HEN Lord Lindgren, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said in the House of Lords recently that the Society...
SEPTEMBER 12 Lorry Driver of the Year Competition Final. 345-16 Frankfurt Motor Show. , 20-24 Municipal Passenger Transport...
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will move their headquarters' office to: Centre Heights, 137 Finchley Road. Swiss Cottage, London, NW3 (Tel.: JUNiper 2211....
between Holyhead and Dun Laoghaire (Eire) was inaugurated on Monday when the 3,800ton vessel "Holyhead Ferry 1" made her maiden...
a London office for its Continental road services at 19 Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate, El (Tel: Bishopsgate 1795/6. Telex:...
T HE Trades Union Congress has welcomed the acceptance by the National Board for Prices and Incomes of the need to strengthen...
D IFFICULTIES which they say have combination gives the vehicle a top road been experienced with British vehicles speed of 45...
town centre provide for an overhead service road to rear entrances of premises. Ferrymasters Expand: International carriers,...
O R THE JOB a closer look, especially at After the rates rumpus, Frank Burravoe takes After the rates rumpus, Frank Burravoe...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MINE out of every 10 tons of British 11 exports and imports arriving at the Port of London come...
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A T a special meeting the Bradford and District Road Hauliers Federation have decided to implement in full the 5 per cent rates...
Leyland Motor Corporation, has been seconded to the Ministry of Defence for three months as a special adviser to the Government...
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From our Industrial Correspondent QIGNS that the National Union of Rail waymen may be relenting in its opposition to allowing...
A LEYLAND 90 with a 585 cu. It - capacity, coachbuilt, light alloy body will be introduced by Gilbraith Commercials Ltd., 1-1...
A LTHOUGH the new Mont Blanc road tunnel linking France and Italy was opened last week, it will probably be several months...
T HIS. caravan transporter (below) operated by Cheshire Caravan Transport, of Winsford, is built on a Bedford VAL twin-steer...
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A S in England and Wales, so in Scotland, hauliers are pressing for higher rates with varying success; reactions range from...
T HE licensing committee of the Road Haulage Association met on Wednesday and discussed the Geddes Report. Their views will be...
-M have now been informed by the ritish and Northern Shipping Agencies that their Tilbury-Gothenburg lift-on/off service will...
A SECOND British trailer manufacturer —T. W. Walker Ltd. of Thornabyon-Tees—has signed an agreement with the French...
QEVEN TEEN resolutions tabled for the • 64th annual conference of the Labour Party at Blackpool next September lay heavy stress...
MIGHT deliveries to Manchester docks -LI have been stepped up from two to three a week—Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday —after a...
T was announced this week that Mr. G. Maclean, director and general manager of Pickfords Ltd., will retire on December 31 and...
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T I-1E deterioration of commuter train and bus services in London was attacked by the Conservative Front Bench in a debate in...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT Pi FIXED-PENALTY system for offences involving moving vehicles may well have to be considered...
D EMANDS for the Minister of Transport to restrict the use of minor roads by heavy vehicles were made in the Commons this week....
to form a combined traffic squad to police West Country roads for a fivemonth experimental period beginning on August 1.
rEARS that the Severn Bridge Tolls Bill, as it is now worded, would permit discrimination against a particular vehicle which...
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O NE of the largest manufacturers of window frames and joinery components, Magnet Joinery of Bingley, supported an A-variation...
A T Liverpool on Tuesday the North LIWestern deputy Licensing Authority made it clear that Tower Hill Transport was, in his...
A LTHOUGH Granary Haulage Ltd. of ri Burton-upon-Trent made a statement of intention in November, 1962, when it took over two...
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A N attempt by a " blood-related " transport company to obtain a fivevehicle A licence was the subject of an appeal to the...
T HE applications of A One Transport (Leeds) Ltd. and CNC Transport Ltd. have again been refused by the Yorkshire deputy...
A T the same hearing, John W. Alexander, of Coatbridge, was the appellant against the refusal of the Scottish LA to add two...
NOTHER 2d, minimum will disappear IA from the fare structure on August 1, when increased charges become effective in respect of...
against the decision, of the East Midland Traffic Commissioners refusing to grant a road service licence for an express...
Motor Traction Co. Ltd., which operates services in Staffs, Derbyshire, Cheshire and Shropshire, were granted by the West...
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NORTHERN APPLICATIONS (July 14, 1965) Blue Hand Motors, Carlisle, A var., add 1 vch. (3t 18e). Fruit. textiles. .eggs,...
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Front our Industrial Correspondent R EPRESENTAT1VES of Britain's 91 municipal bus undertakings decided in London last week to...
THE first examples of a fleet of 10 detachable-top MCW-bodied Daimler 'THE are due to be handed over to the "Mayor of...
From our Political Correspondent T HE results of the Governmentsponsored rurak bus service experiments in Lincolnshire,...
bus service receives better support from the travelling public, it will be withdrawn at the end of the summer. This warning has...
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PA A NEW version of the Pacesaver body has been introduced by Strachans (Coachbuilders) Ltd. for mounting on the Bedford VAM...
E XTREME difficulty was still being - 1 -4 experienced by Maidstone and District Motor Services Ltd. in maintaining their...
' ▪ HREE Daimler Roadliner and three Leyland Panther rear-engined singledecker bus chassis have been ordered by Sunderland...
a television closedcircuit system to check bus queues at main stops in the city centre with a view to dealing rapidly with...
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E XPORT orders recently received by IL, Vauxhall Motors Ltd. include 468 Bedford 7-ton, normal-control, longwheelbase 'chassis...
companies is to standardize on AEC trucks litted with the Ergomatic tilt-cub, and has placed an initial order for 42 units. Of...
T HE spacious, 130,000 sq. ft. factory of Andrews Bros. I Bristol) Ltd., that was opened on Friday by the Shadow Minister of...
THE spray generated by many corn mcrcial vehicles can be reduced considerably, NA it hout resorting . to a reduction in speed,...
currently producing semi-trailer hodies for British Railways, at the rate of 80 a month. A total of 416 is heing nroduced. on...
By R. D. CATER A T a demonstration on the Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment test track last week. I...
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Water in Rear Axles WITH our modern trunk roads and Y , new by-passes it is hardly to be expected that any real depth of flood...
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. P. H. I Smith, of Kesgrave, nr. Ipswich, Suffolk. His modification is designed to enable the...
Have you an idea that is worth passing On to other readers ? It must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which...
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and Publications Theft-prevention Lock O PERATORS subscribing to the principle " better safe than sorry " will, be interested...
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Timber handling methods are to be investigated by Moe Timber Research and Development Association, as i , eported earlier this...
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Passenge 4 -khassis T ODAY (July 23) Ford Motor Co. Ltd, announces a new passenger chassis and a number of changes to the...
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A NEW range of .bodies is being intro duced by Duple Motor Bodies Ltd. for mounting on the Ford R192 and R226 chassis announced...
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By The Hawk VIEW One of Glasgow Corporation's new rear-engined Leyland Atlanteans in unfamiliar surroundings in Munich. After...
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N EVER have there been so many experts probing into this, that and the other aspect of transport. If their number increased...
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TRACTOR CHASSIS WITH ERGOMATIC CAB Max. G.T.W. 30 tons (36 tons with heavy duty rear axle). ENGINE A E C type AV691,...
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I N the first two articles of this series I devoted myself to general impressions of Japan. In this article, and the next, I...
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Planned Control PROBLEMS THAT FACE A GROWING HAULAGE BUSINESS R ECENT statistics have confirmed that the road transport...
A reader at present in the Far East asks for advice as to organizations concerned with motor engineering to which he could...
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ERF Expansion policy of the ERF GROUP is one of expansion Ton all sides with a keen eye to a sensible degree of...
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The editor is always pleased to receive letters on all aspects of the road transport industry. Contributors must Include their...