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23rd May 1981
23rd May 1981
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Page 1, 23rd May 1981

Page 4

:0-operate on rates

RATORS are predictably meeting strong, if not fierce, opposition to claims for 3 increases. Even those who are asking for more...

Page 5

NFC sale delayed

HE SALE of shares in the Govrnment-owned National 'eight Company has been delied and is unlikely to go ahead efore mid-1982....

Mobil set wage trend?

MOBIL has finalised an 11 per cent wage deal with its 250 tanker drivers. The deal also affects ancillary workers and involves...

Dery up

THE PRICE of dery rose by further 2p a gallon this week oil companies claimed they hi to compensate for the fall value of the...

Ford lay-offs

ANOTHER Ford industri, dispute, this time at the cor pany's Halewood body asser bly plant, has resulted in lay-of at plants...

Page 6

Civil servants to climb down soon?

'HE POSSIBILITY that a settlement to the Civil Service dispute, now its eleventh week, might be reached this week should be...

Quitting Sandbach

ILL JOHNSON has resigned as eneral sales and marketing ianager of Sandbach Engieering Company. He was rev iously executive...

Cutting conference

WAYS of reducing fuel costs a to be discussed at a one-di conference on June 25 at id Pante Hotel in London. Conference...

One for the specialists

JOINING the growing numbe of manufacturers who ha' handed over their distribution a specialist carrier is Redrii Electric,...

Page 7

LDoY heats

:URTHER heats in CM's Lorry killer of the Year Competition vere held last weekend. In Londonderry, winner of :lass A was R....

Workers' spraytime

SOUTHAMPTON University's report on spray suppression on heavy goods vehicles is due for publication before the end of July....

Capital idea

THE solution to London's trai port problems does not lie oi with the bulldozers and buildi new roads, says the London gion of...

Cost ched seminar

CONTAINING distribution co! is the problem to be tackled the speakers at a seminar London on June 24. Chaired by chief...

Page 15

Last in, first out won't always work

HE SELECTION of drivers for redundancy by Schrieber Furniture td on the grounds of economy of operation rather than on a "last...

Once bitten, twice shy

A WORCESTERSHIRE haulier's licence was renewed for only one year by West Midlands Licensing Authority Arthur Crabtree at...

One for one blow by him

THE One-for-One Pallet E change Scheme, which w launched in Kent and South Lc don in March 1979, is report to be progressing...

Any port in a dont'?

INTERFREIGHT Ltd is likely appeal against Solihull Borou , Council/West Midlands Cour Councils' joint decision to refu planning...

Page 16

What a carry on for unlicensed haulier

WOLVERHAMPTON haulier who admitted operating without a cence since his previous licence had been terminated in May 1979 For the...

Tar, Mr Clarke

THE Government is committe to a major programme of trur and local road investmen according to Junior Transpo Minister Kenneth...

Page 17

Scots haulier milks dairies of £8,000

HAULAGE firm chief was found guilty at Perth Sheriff Court last meek of operating an £8,000 milk fraud. Alastair Campbell, of...

One man's meat . .

NE Ministry of Agriculture is :arrying out a review of the Vleat (Sterilisation) Regulations 1969 which affect a limited lumber...


THE English National Opt Company has entered t contract hire field for the fi time and has handed over transport operation to...

Road damage writ served

DEVON County Council has issued a high court writ against fa hauliers and two county court summonses against two for allege(...

Page 18

Belgian invaders

LGIAN coachbuilders Jonckere's new British dealers — , sse la re Sales Limited of rthampton — has recently pplied significant...

Buses do their bit

SIX exhibition buses, one driven by Transport Secretary Norman Fowler and others by the Minister representing Scotland, Wales,...

Glasgow's monopoly game ends.

GLASGOW'S 50-year bus mon poly may soon come to an end. Glasgow District Council ha been urging for some time tha the...

Shelvoke's new air bus

THE FIRST new bus for many years from Shelvoke & Drewery's Special Purpose Vehicle Division has been built in co-operation with...

Page 19

Airbus rivalry

ONDON Transport's Airbus ervice between Heathrow Airiorts' three terminals and Cenral London could face competiion if an...

S. Yorks delivery

THE FIRST of an order for 17 new double-deck buses to South Yorkshire Passenge Transport Executive has bee despatched by...


TWO delegates from every bt branch at the Transport ar General Workers' Union wei invited to a consultative confe ence in...

Page 20

Rigid Mack tailor made for Britain

GREEMENT by Renault Trucks id Buses (UK) Ltd to handle lack Trucks sales and service in ritain is not affected by the reently...

Microjector gets award

iE LUCAS CAV Microjector has won one of Britain's top prizes for 'oduct design. A 1981 Design Council Award has been bestowed...

Individual Walkthru

AN INDIVIDUAL version of th popular Dodge 50-series "wal thru" vans, now no longer in pr.( duction, has been produced b...

Eighty to the gallon?

THE ERAD French mini-truck with a carrying capacity of 432ki (8.5cwt) and claimed fuel consumption of up to 3.51ittlOOkn...

Page 21

Plunging neckline trims off the pun

FOLLOWING an agreement made with French refrigerated bodybuilder Klegefrance, York Trailer Company has announced new range of...

Braking exemptior

TRANSPORT Secretary Nom Fowler proposes to amend Motor Vehicles (Construct and Use) Regulation. T amendment would enable tr...

Constructor at Mixon

THE CONSTRUCTOR Six, Leyland Vehicles' latest addition to its T45 range, is to be shown for the first time at the RHA's Tipcon...

Page 22

Wheeler dealing

IT IS false economy to repel commercial vehicle road wheels, according to George Fischer Sales Ltd, as such wheels will have a...

Quicker turnround

SS TIME on turnrounds is limed for a conversion of a m (33ft) flat platform trailer :o a 12.2m (40ft) curtainsider Craven...

Page 23

low to stop the hit men

NOTE that the reason why high . ehicles are hitting more low 'ridges was the subject of a ecent study published by the -...

Training levy in pipeline?

IN JULY when Jim Prior makes the expected announcement of the demise of Industrial Training Boards could it be that he will...

Jugger naughty

YOUR NOTICE of my book Juggernaut (CM, March 28) needs a small but telling correction. The book does not "claim", as you say,...

Passing comment

I JUST HAD to write to say that I passed the CPC National examination at the first attempt. I will be forever grateful to...

Star delivery for BRS Cargo

MAY I refer to the photograph the Ford Cargo vehicle for I319S Truck Rental on page 5 of April issue. This body was built by...

Page 27

Motorway honeymoon

WELSH bride-to-be who discored that she and her groom uld not enjoy the wedding enanigan in South Wales in ne and get to...

Only teasing Sir Geoffrey

IN ANNQUNCING that the increase in dery duty would be reduced from 20p to lop a gallon when the Finance Bill eventually...

Those who live in glasshouses. . .

IT WAS appropriate that one of the leaders of the revolt against the higher fuel tax should have been the Conservative MP for...

Bring back the bullocks

BRITISH Rail's claim to be the most cost-effective railway in Europe seems to rest on an average mileage of 28.6 a day for the...

Advertising that moves

AMONG . the many features present-day life that baffle me people's readiness to pay goc money to advertise proprieta: articles...

Page 28

Transport deserves a better dea

1E WAY AHEAD was the theme this year's annual conference le 12th) of the Institute of Road ansport Engineers held at Soliill...

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Heavy, exotic and diesel with everything

'HERE are three things you can Isually rely on seeing at the Tuin Show — exotic bodywork, liesel power on virtually everyling,....

Page 37

Buses and coaches Located some three n from the main

exhibition many a visitor could be forg for thinking there are no pE the show, but they're then right! Volvo itself, apart...

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Wise men of the East

oad haulage is the lifeblood he country's economy, then torways are the arteries. ut if you look at a motorway of Britain,...

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It may look a monster, but what a mover!

NUFACTURERS in road sport are faced with more 3traints as far as weights and ensions are concerned than other industry I can...

Page 55

Ken Peter: making sure justice is done

HE FIRST man I met as I went ito Eastern Area Licensing .uthority Ken Peter's office was oad Haulage Association area ecretary...

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Roads by-pass Yarmouth but wagons keep rolling

IVING by car along lightly fticked roads to Great Yar,uth was a pleasure; listening "horror" stories of what the k of motorways...

Page 58

Moving the country t• the city

E JOURNEY from Central 'don to the village of Tolleit D'Arcy in rural Essex uld be something of a htmare. Vere it not for the...

Page 64

Coil ignition, 5

TICK OVER speeds, the spark the sparking plug must occur st before thee piston reaches Fe top of its compression roke, but it...

Page 66

Forgery and fa!se statements

HE Royal Society of Arts' sylla)us for the CPC examination reluires students to "define and tate the consequences of forgiry...

Page 68


Payne, distribution director J. Sainsbury Ltd, has been reacted president of the Freight - ansport Association for 181/82. Wilf...

Page 69

A Roadworks

ahead Scotland A77: A 12 tons axle limit and 50 ton gross vehicle weight limit polies at the Water of Girvan bridge until...

Page 70

The Employment Act 198k Dishonesty at work, 2

by Douglas Ainley AFTER HOLDING an adequate investigation and reaching a belief based upon reasonable grounds that an employee...