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0 N THE SURFACE. there is no reason why we should not have compulsory fitting of speed limiters to coaches, as announced by...
— at the current Scottish Motor Show which closes on November 30. The show is in the new exhibition centre in Glasgow: there is...
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BUS AND COAC11 operators are to be compelled to fit speed limiters on motorway coaches, Transport Minster Lynda Chalker has...
A RAPID increase in sales of micro-size vans is expected next year, once Suzuki and General Motors' Bedford get around die...
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LEYLANI) TRUCKS is investing 1:9 million in a 17 per cent increase in its axle manufacturing capacity, and is prepared to...
LEYLAND BUS will produce two new versions of its Royal Tiger Doyen integral coach next year. The Gold Crown and Silver Crown...
CONSTRUCTION of Daf Trucks' new British headquarters at Thame, Oxfordshire, begins next spring. The company's managing...
LEYLANI) has added a Cummins LT10-290-powered model to its Roadtrain 6x2 range, 20.29, from early 1986. The main differences...
FOLLOWING its successful introduction on Freighter 15and I6-tonne models, Constructor 6x4 and Cruisers, Leyland is now fitting...
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.. but busmen denounce 'fiasco' MORE RELAXED EEC drivers' hours rules will take effect from September 29 next year, transport...
TRANSPORT MINISTERS also reached a partial agreement last week on proposals to increase the number of EEC-wide permits — the...
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OUTRIGIIT disagreement between the haulage and oil industries has been sparked off by the latest scheduled price increase in...
THE SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is highlighting the potential legal implications of not fitting reversing...
THE FIRST of 2,5(X) warning and prohibition signs are being erected by the Greater London Council this week, advising of the...
SCOTTISH Road Services has had five Crane Fruehauf and Craven Tasker semitrailers converted by Curtamer Services of Glasgow for...
LABOUR transport spokesman Robert Hughes has comfortably won the last place in the shadow cabinet.. In the run-off election...
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FIVE PER CENT wage offers have been made to haulage drivers in key areas of England and in Scotland. Employers represented on...
A FIERCE attack on the drivers of fleets run by food re tailers was made by a Tory MP in the Commons last week. Salisbury MP...
BRITISH RAIL'S Freight Sector is banking on cost cutting to beat off the increasing competitive pressure from road transport....
THREE truckstop owners and three lucky lorry drivers are heading for Sweden next month as their prize in this year's Truckstop...
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A I lAULIER who seized two semi-traih:rs after another haulier whom he claimed owed him money had ceased trading was accused of...
TNT (UK) has only been partially successful in increasing the number of vehicles authorised on its North Eastern Area licence,...
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THE ROAD Haulage Association has successfully blocked a West Yorkshire haulier's bid for a new operator's licence. The RI [A's...
A RARE-to-the-UK Daf FAR 2500 6x2 rigid and drawbar trailer combination, designed for 32.5 Dan GTW use has met OB Transport's...
'II IL GO-AHEAD has been given for an overnight lorry park in Ipswich. Borough councillors gave an enthusiastic welcome to the...
TELFORD Trucks, a WT Davies Group company, has been established as Scania Great Britain's South and West Wales and Hereford...
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MEASURES by the distrilm0031 industry to counter 'the extra fuel costs caused by the demand tor more frequent and smaller goods...
PICK FORDS Heavy I laulage was given an absolute discharge by Middlesbrough in after admitting overloading a vehicle operating...
CZECHOSLOVAKIA has closed a stretch or road 1/64 between kilts 0.300 and 0.600 at Komarno. the bordercrossing point between...
SERVICE to customers has been improved .by a new national distribution centre for electrical goods, sales of which are expected...
A 4 5-YEAR-OLD lorry driver bought a stolen speed boat, engine and trailer worth for 000, a court heard this week. But Ronald...
DALY Transport Services, a North London-based garment distribution specialist, has added its first demountable maximum length...
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BEDFORD has strengthened its links with Japanese light vehicle builders and will shortly become the first UK van manufacturer...
ENCOURAGND by the growth of its replacement engine scheme for car-derived Bedford vans, General Motors Service Parts Operation...
DAF mucks has opened two new production facilities at its Westerlo plant in Belgium. They include a cab paint shop — claimed by...
LEYLAND has gone topless for the Scottish Motor Show with this Cabriolet tractive unit based on a 2 5 4kW (3 4 Olip) Leyland 1...
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THREE months after its sneak preview at the Blackpool ambulance show (C.V. August 24), Freight Rover's 98kW(1321ip) V8 Sherpa...
RENAULT Vehicules Industriels has completed the first phase of its Virages research project and built a full scale experimental...
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COACH drivers are to be banned from using hand-held microphones to give running commentaries. Transport IVIinister Lynda...
ROUND 1.()NI)ON sightseeing tours have been banned from starting in the morning or evening rush hours. Restrictions have been...
LONDON Regional Transport has invited tenders for a further five bus routes. They are 107 (Brimsdown Queensbury); 142 (Watford...
THE GROWING interest in small buses shows no sign of abating, but it is not strong enough to convince Marshall that the time is...
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MERCEDES-BENZ was the only European coach builder to exhibit at the Tokyo Motor Show. It exhibited a Mannheimbuilt 030 3 RHD...
LLY1.AND BUS has announced another 380 redund a n ci e s as a result of continued downturn in demand for buses and coaches in...
THE SCOTTISH Bus Group is taking over the coaches and scheduled services of Newtons Coaches, the Inverness-based operator of...
IN OUR STORY, "Stagecoach fined 2.800 liar hours breaches" (CM, November 9, page 19) the last paragraph should have read: . . ....
NEW British Rail saver fares on its London-Plymouth service are prompting a price war with coaches operating on the same...
NEXT YEAR'S Motor Show at the National Exhibition Centre will include a separate trade-only bus and coach exhibition. The...
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JOHN TAYLOR SMITH, the founder of Wetherby haulage company Jack Smith Transport, died on November 7. He was 62. "Jack" Smith...
VICTOR SCRIVENER, former group director of engineering and property for the National Freight Consortium's Parcels Group, has...
TAYSIDE transport director Neil Townend and a Labour councillor, James Doig, have been voted by Torycontrolled Tayside Regional...
SYNERGY Logistics has appointed Peter Batty to the new posi of operations director. Ile joins - Synergy from the Geek...
CON l'EC - 1 LRY distri bution specialist Associated Deliveries has appointed Alan West as managing director with effect from...
GENERAL manager of Cum berland Motor Services, Peter Townley, is to leave the National Bus Company subsidiary at the end of...
THE MANAGEMLNT team of Biffa Waste Services (part of BET group) has been extended in line with business growth. Tony Platts now...
AN ABERDEEN 111,111 has been chosen as the new Scottish secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union. He is Dave Shoat,...
111E, NEW national chairman of the Institute of Transport Administration is Colin Thomson, the managing director of Colin...
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Private waste contractor Peter Graveson has developed a specialist service which is in tune with its environment and up-market...
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I F Transport Minister Lynda Chalker thinks the storm over the nonsensical position she has adopted over the downplating of...
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MOST motor shows are remembered for a surge of new developments in specific product areas. Last year's show at Birmingham's...
AUSTIN ROVER is displaying only two car-derived van models at Ulasgow — a Metro City and a Maestro 7110L. Both vans are fitted...
THE GROWING links between BedfOrd and Japanese manufacturers are well illustrated on the company's stand. Pride of place goes...
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10ALL0Y is launching its new 7.5iner range of nine body types which an be fitted to any 7.5-tonne chassis rom Leyland, Ford,...
THE latest version of 131'W-Marcar's type air suspension incorporates a new air bag design plus a number of' weight saving...
A NEWCOMER to the UK light CV market is Citroen, with its boxy carderived van based on the Visa saloon. The Visa van is...
CUMMINS is exhibiting its range of' 10-litre Super E and 13 Series engines — one of the big commercial vehicle successes of the...
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CRAVEN TASKER has four exhibits on show. '[hey include the CS 30/40 tandem-axle curtain sided semi-trailer designed and built...
DACIA is displaying its 1986 Duster 4 x 4 GLX — the "estate car" of the range, with a number of improvements. It has a new...
ATi stands for Advanced Turbo intercooling. It is the designation used by 1)af for its latest truck range which made its...
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THE TWIN Splitter shown by Eaton Truck Components is a 12-speed gearbox, with a four-position H pattern gear lever, phis three...
EDBRO supplies a complete product range of power take-offs, tipping installations, cranes ;old bodywork. Several chassis...
ONE of Europe's last remaining independent commercial vehicle builders, ERF, has two vehicles on its stand. One is a 6 x 4...
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THE OPTION of a diesel engine in the Fiat Ducat() has been available only since March. although its rival. the Peugeot Talbot...
FORD has a total of 10 commercial vehicles at this year's show, exhibited by five of its truck specialist dealers. The Fiesta...
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FR E1G11"1: ROVER's recently launched 200 Series Sherpa vans with GKN composite — glass fibre and epoxy resin — leaf springs...
L. GARDNER and Sons is displaying three engines this year. The 15.5-litre 6LYT, rated at 239kW (320hp) at 1,800rpm with a...
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1IAR FRIDGE has selected three products from its range of diesel fuel injection test equipment as exhibits. Expertise in the...
'111E GROWTH of lveco (UK's) model range continues to grow steadily and is reflected at the Scottish show. The six vehicles on...
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REPLACEMENT or repair of a fifth wheel can put a tractive unit off the road Mr a long time. Now Jost, Europe's largest...
LADA CARS is expanding into the UK light commercial marker with an unusual van conversion based on the latest Russian-built...
Land Rover Ninety 1/8. AT THE END of October, Land Rover announced revisions to its top-of-therange Range Rover Vogue; two...
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LEYLAND Trucks bares all at the Scottish Motor Show with its topless Roadtrain Cabriolet — unique even in custom build...
MORE POWERFUL tractive unit engines and the revised LT range make up the top and bottom ends of MANVW's Glasgow commercial...
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ALTHOUGH Mercedes-Benz's new 3025K eight-legger was originally scheduled to appear in the UK in time for Tipcon, delays have...
PERKINS diesel engines are on show fur the first time in an Engineered Engine Finish — a new livery which allows 11ic tmlur.11...
RATCL1FF Tail Lifts claims to be the world's leading manufacturer of lifts for all types of vehicle from light vans CO 12in...
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ROCK WELL CVC's £114 million manufacturing facility at Catneri in Italy began production two years ago with the first of a new...
437 A TWIN-wheel version of 'whir, Rubery Owen-Rockwell's independent air suspension for trailers, is shown in the UK for the...
PEUGEOT TALBOT is one of the leading light commercial vehicles importers in the country. The 205 van is die company's most...
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THE NEW P1I2 on display has the 248kW (333hp) DSC11 01 charge cooled 11-litre engine. This is the first time that this engine...
ALL of the improvements by Seddon Atkinson for its 1986 models can be seen on four vehicles. "Silver Knight livery has been...
THE COMPLETE range of SykesPickavant products is on display. It includes tools for pulling and extracting, garage service, body...
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TURNER DIESEL is part of the Turner Group of companies which was formed over 70 years ago in Glasgow to make light bulbs. Today...
THIS YEAR'S Scottish show is particularly significant for Volvo. It marks the official UK debut of the allnew FL6 and FL 7/10...
WOODHEAD RSR, best known as a manufacturer of new and reconditioned road springs, is demonstrating that its range of parts...
THE YORK Trailer group, a subsidiary of United Parcels since August, has as its main exhibit a Freepost, 12.2m, postless,...
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Charge cooling of Cummins' LT10 engine has boosted the power available to Bedford's top-weight tractive unit by 16 per cent....
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For only a 14kg weight penalty the 290 achieves a 16 per cent power advantage over the Li 10-250 and offers an 18 per cent...
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For much of the journey as far as Perth the vehicle was on the move and although the clutch brake was barely operating it was...
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I WRITE to say I was disappointed in the way a Most eXCelleilt set of results for the Strathclyde PTE 1984/85 was summarised in...
READ with interest the article on tyre re-grooving. My first comment is that when, in the past. I have used regrooved tyres I...
WITII reference to your correspondent D. P. Isherwood (CM, November 9) am delighted to respond to the question raised on the...
I SHOULD like to congratulate David Wilcox on the objective, well-balanced article related to the use of automatic radiator...
HAVING READ the editorial in CM, November 2, on coach safety I would like to take the editor to task on a couple of points....
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T . I IF COMPUTER takes another step along the road, literally, with Mercedes-Benz' development of a system for installation in...
A COMPANY has been formed to bridge what it describes as an "understanding gap that exists in some businesses that have moved...
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T HROUGHOUT the cold chain, from food manufacturer to consumer, the stage which demands the greatest consideration is...
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A SAFETY device designed to stop goods IA lb lig through the gap between seats on light vans fitted with a load barrier has...
A HEAVY-DUTY windscreen de-icer effective down to — 20 ° C has been launched on the commercial market by Century Oils. Ice...
ANTI-SYPHON guards suitable for fitting to the fuel tanks of a wide range of commercial vehicles front car-derived vans to...
TO EXTEND the life and mileage of its tubeless retread tyres Bandag has introduced a pressure seal safety liner. The seal is a...
AN ANSWER to the problem of excessive battery drain resulting from fans recirculating cool air in unattended refrigerated...
WARNING of freezing conditions on the road can be received in the cab by means of the VI O Outside Temperature Gauge. The unit...