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Dery Rise Sparks Row
OUTRIGIIT disagreement between the haulage and oil industries has been sparked off by the latest scheduled price increase in bulk derv. Last week's 1.(ip per litre (7.3p per......
Bleep Warning From Smmt
THE SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is highlighting the potential legal implications of not fitting reversing bleepers to commercial vehicles. In a legal bulletin......
Clc Ban Signs Go On Show
THE FIRST of 2,5(X) warning and prohibition signs are being erected by the Greater London Council this week, advising of the night and weekend lorry ban which starts on January......
Sheer Genius Trailer Treatment
SCOTTISH Road Services has had five Crane Fruehauf and Craven Tasker semitrailers converted by Curtamer Services of Glasgow for its Guiness contract. British Rail's Rail freight......
Hughes Is In The Shadow Cabinet
LABOUR transport spokesman Robert Hughes has comfortably won the last place in the shadow cabinet.. In the run-off election with the party's health spokesman Frank Dobson.......