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Ratcliff 431
RATCL1FF Tail Lifts claims to be the world's leading manufacturer of lifts for all types of vehicle from light vans CO 12in refrigerated trailers. Its 500kg capacity truck lift......
401 Rockwell 445
ROCK WELL CVC's £114 million manufacturing facility at Catneri in Italy began production two years ago with the first of a new modular range of single-reduction hypoid axles.......
Rubery Owenrock Well
437 A TWIN-wheel version of 'whir, Rubery Owen-Rockwell's independent air suspension for trailers, is shown in the UK for the first time. The product follows the lines of the......
Peugeot Talbot 413
PEUGEOT TALBOT is one of the leading light commercial vehicles importers in the country. The 205 van is die company's most recently introduced n lode] and competes directly with......