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Strathclyde's Glee Arrested
I WRITE to say I was disappointed in the way a Most eXCelleilt set of results for the Strathclyde PTE 1984/85 was summarised in your publication (CM, November 2). While the......
Re-grooves Punctured
READ with interest the article on tyre re-grooving. My first comment is that when, in the past. I have used regrooved tyres I have been plagued with punctures. Obviously, stones......
Some Gaps In Uk Supply
WITII reference to your correspondent D. P. Isherwood (CM, November 9) am delighted to respond to the question raised on the subject of British content. Foden's policy is to......
An Open And Shut Case
I SHOULD like to congratulate David Wilcox on the objective, well-balanced article related to the use of automatic radiator shutters (CM, November 2). It makes clear the......
Most Drivers Are Guilty Of Speeding
HAVING READ the editorial in CM, November 2, on coach safety I would like to take the editor to task on a couple of points. One of these is the inference that the fitting of......