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Union Shock Tactics Embarrass Haulage Employers in Dealing with Wage Claims LA ST week's application by the workers' side of...
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Ti E possibility of extended interworking of f i reight traffic between road and rail has received increased attention...
Road Haulage in the U.S.A. A N interesting review by Mr. R. C. Williams, president of the American Trucking Associations,...
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That it normally takes several months for import price changes to affect retail cost figures. That scow ends for tipping...
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Alleged Dangerous IN the Court of Session, last week, Lord Mackintosh allowed a proof in an action by the Western S.M.T. Co.,...
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p ARTIAL success was gained by I Reed Transport, Ltd., a company of the Reed paper group, in their threeday appeal to the...
T' avoid confusion with other cornth mittees, the long-distance panel of the Road Haulage Association, who have been...
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Ma. A. H. PLEWS has been elected a director of G. Beaton and Son, Ltd. MR. ROY PEARSON has been appointed transport manager of...
wp-IEN Dunstall Park Garages, Ltd., YY Gorsebrook Road, Wolverhampton, appeared at Brierley, Hill magistrates' court last week...
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mORMAL road-haulage rates were being quoted by British Road Services for traffic which was diverted to rail for the greater...
B RITAIN was wise to face the fuel shortage at the beginning of the rationing period, rather than follow the example of .some...
IT was decided. at a meeting of the 1 Bournemouth Area of the Traders Road Transport Association, last week, not to appoint a...
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A A LL C-licensees, whether members of an association or not, are free to make their transport capacity available to each other...
THE Chancellor of the Exchequer is I to be asked by Sir Peter Roberts, M.P. for the Heeley division of Sheffield, to consider...
T WO applicants were criticized by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, at Carlisle last week for the manner in...
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TRAFFIC congestion, and means for I improving conditions for public transport, will he discussed in a paper which Mr. E....
Consett, County Durham, sought an A licence from the Northern Licensing Authority, last week, for 16 extra vehicles to share in...
A CARTAGE charge made by a CZns licensee for a delivery to a London wharf was legal. This was the outcome of a case before the...
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A HAULIER, Willie Meller, Putting L'A I lill Farm, Denbydale, Yorks, was committed for trial at Leeds Assizes by the West...
T HREE additional collection and delivery vehiclesâtwo articulated outfits and a Bedford Durk/labileâwere on Tuesday added...
G OVERNMENT changes brought promotion for Mr. Hugh Molson. He has left the Ministry of Transport, where he was a Joint...
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S ENIOR executives of F. Perkins, Ltd., will travel many thousands of miles in the next few weeks, investigating new markets to...
A PPL1CATION of the tubeless I -1 principle to the giant tyre showed much promise. Mr. F. Easton, depot service manager of the...
A FTER evidence that a newcomer had carried over 2,000 people on "private parties" from the Hope Valley into Sheffield for...
A F [ER the British Transport Commission had withdrawn their objection, the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority granted a...
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A N action by the Dunlop Rubber Coâ Ltd., to stop Mr. John Charles Clark, Percy Road, Boscombe, proprietor of the Longlife...
DUBLICITY should be given to Licensing Authorities' requirements on evidence in applications for new licences. Although they...
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Scammell Scarab 6-tanner with Perkins P.4 Oil Engine Shows 25 Per Cent. Improvement in Fuel Consumption on Local Deliveries By...
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D UR1NG November, 11,052 commercial vehicles, valued at £8,319,877, were exported. These figures show a slight drop on those...
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A Midlands Civil Engineering Contractor Gives His Views on the ideal Vehicle . for Off-the-road Operations: Design Problems...
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O NE of the longest trailers ever built in this country was recently completed by Jensen Motors. Ltd., West Bromwich, to the...
A STANDARD Morris 1-ton van has been converted to a semi-pick-up by W. Mumford. Ltd., Abbey Garage, St. Andrew Street,...
rA A NEW 1-cu.-yd. dumper, known as the Orion, has beet, introduced by Thwaites Agricultural Engineering Co.. Ltd., Welsh Road,...
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IT is as well that hauliers should occasionally see themselves I as others see them, even if they do not like the sight. In...
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A NEW combined engine heater and battery charger has been produced by Power Frequency Heating, Ltd., Alexandra Road, Hounslow,...
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R EPEATED applications to increase fares, linked with steady withdrawals of unrernunerative services, would soon result in...
B ECAUSE of lack of evidence, the chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissitners, Mr. F. Williamson, last week refused a...
THEIR objection was designed to bring to the applicant's notice that they were alert to infringements of the licence that had...
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B EHIND the Iron Curtain, or so we are told, writers are regarded as servants of the state first and foremost, like everyone...
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J WAS interested to read, in your January 4 issue, of the panel of four experts whom you have gathered together, and to note...
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Operation Cheaper ? Description of a Favoured Method by Which Many C-licensees Compare Their Costs Against the Alternative Use...
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A LIGHT-ALLOY body was specified rt by the Walsall and District Cooperative Society, Ltd., when it was decided to purchase a...
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F ROM A.E.C., Ltd., Windmill Lane, Southall, comes patent No. 763,335, dealing with power-assisted steering mechanism. In...