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PORTING parlance, the Transport Secretary "sold a Imy" to Shadow Minister Albert Booth during the second itage debate last...
E CONTINUE our series of special issues on vehicle mufacturers next week in CM. This time we put the spotlight MAN-VW....
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ERF (HOLDINGS) LTD suffer reversal of its finances in year ended March 31, turnii £4.3m pre-tax profit last into a E4.3mloss....
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NSORTIUM of 130 National Freight Company senior managers nveiled an ambitious plan to buy the company from the Govent and sell...
BEDFORD is set to make a further 360 workers redundant at its Dunstable lorry plant. They will consist of volunteers who...
GOVERNMENT has almost npleted its investigations 3 the possibility of introducsome form of road equivat tariff for ferry...
THE PLANS for the National Freight Company buy-out took the world by surprise last Thursday, not least in the House of Commons...
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THE GREATER London Council's plan for an inquiry into restrictions on heavy lorries won support last week from vative MP....
ftANS by Cumbria County ;ouncil to impose fines of up'to 200 on operators suspected of ieing likely to cause damage to pavement...
Talking to the British Press for the first time since, as he put it, "Renault took over Dodge", Renault . president Francois...
results ADDITIONAL results of the Lorry Driver of the Year h( have been notified to us. London: Class A: B. Ethen ton,...
THE STANDARD of lorries ar trailers presented for heas. goods vehicle tests rose in t1 year to March 31, according the...
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The Datsun 1 Ton Pick-Up is a world leader in its class with more than 4 million sales in over 100 countries throughout the...
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THE QUESTION of whether heavier lorries really will mean fewer lorries is the key to the future of the Armitage Report, Junior...
‘RMITAGE's proposal that here should be a height exempion for glass should also be exended to broccoli, a Liberal MP ,uggested...
DRIVERS of commercial vehic are unaware of speed lim according to a County Re Safety Officer. He says many do not kn that hgvs...
A TOTAL of 86 charges allegin breaches of the drivers' hour: records and distance regulation against associated companie W....
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MONOPOLIES and Mergers Commission report has highlighted ssible dangers in British Rail retaining existing exlusive contracts...
THE OPENING soon of a new £0.5m lorry parking complex on the Penrith industrial estate, beside the M6 looks set to lead to...
)AVIES TURNER is making a bid :o gain more business on its deivery runs from Britain to the rish Republic, and has aboished...
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A SCOTTISH industrial tribui has rejected a claim for unf dismissal by a driver for an vine haulage company whi faced...
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CKWELL International and IVECO have signed an agreement for establishment of a joint venture to manufacture and market .1kwell...
JMIVIINS firmly believe that e recession has now botmed out and that the second ilf of 1981 will see a "modest vival of demand...
The kit system differs by rationalising the designs and producing them in component form, consisting of front, sides, ends,...
FUEL savings of nearly ten million tonnes of oil a year, or about 40 per cent of total UK vehicle consumption in 1988, could be...
MOBIL OIL has become the firsi fleet operator in the UK tc switch to Perkins newest en , gine, the turbocharged TV8.640....
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and consider re-routeing their vehicles. Most have been notified to us by the Automobile Association and the Department of...
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!AULT'S long-term associa with defence was once in strongly in evidence at the ich military exhibition held to the south of...
A NEW means of heating bearings (or any other interference fit steel ring) is now offered by the Lewis Electric Group of...
ROAD Haulage Association national chairman Ken Rogers (to right) opened the Bandag Tyre Company's new tyre retread factor in...
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DESPITE the present depressed economy, Cambridgeshire vehicle builder Tidd Strongbox Limited expects to produce over 500...
THE Luton body seen h( based on a Suzuki ST9Ok p and has been built by Marsh Ltd of Warmin Wiltshire. It is claimed to offer a...
rental manager to work . om its head office at Potters ar. Peter McDonald will be resonsible for rental operation overing eight...
DUNLOP is claiming that the application of low-profile 70-Series lorry tyres to fire engines can give improvements in...
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THIRTY-ONE new bus priority schemes may be implemented in London following approval of the Greater London Council Transport...
SCANIA BUSSAR revealed a new front-engined bus chassis range to Swedish bus and coach operators at a local bus operators'...
FURTHER confusion lies ahea in the apparent trial of strengt between Strathclyde PTE an the Scottish Bus Group. Following the...
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AN ORDER for a second bat 100 ckd double-deck bus kits for Singapore Bus Ser (1978) Ltd has been wo, Walter Alexander & Co (C4...
THE IDEA of a passenger transport authority being set up in Gre London got a firm thumbs down last week when the three unions...
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SINCE Britain discovered North Sea Oil (the answer to all our problems) the price for this commodity has never ceased to - ise...
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-IAULIERS and other captains of ndustry who cannot express :heir ideas and wishes clearly -wed a de g ree course in...
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The computer-based Fleet Management Package can take much of the grind out of running large fleets and cut costs into the...
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reducing the tyre inventory introducing a city-wide :dure for inventory control. the annual savings, the 'alent of some £50,000...
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Hestair Dennis has learned many lessons about selling abroad. John Durant has been talking to David Hargreaves TAIR DENNIS has...
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Green Line's anniversary GREEN LINE 1930-1980, by [ K. Jones and B. J. Davis, lished by London Country Services Ltd, at £4.50,...
MORE THAN 180 photograp illustrate Emergency Servi Vehicles of the UK, by C. Sti man, costing £4.95 in Ian Altar Law and Order...
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CM 1981/82 Tables of Operating Costs cover all classes of goods and passenger vehicles including saloons in four engine...
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Hestair-Dennis boasts healthy order books and is riding out the recession well. Noel Millier believes a wide range of options...
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The AN68 chassis may not be new but it still takes some beating, as Noel Millier finds out when he re-evaluates it after 16...
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ny first article the MoT test, HGV Goods Vehicle Test and s under Section 53 of the id Traffic Act 1972 were conred. Now let's...
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IN ORDER to complete the articles on ignition systems for spark ignition engines it is necessary to look at sparking plugs. A...
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When the council washed its hands of waste disposal, private enterprise stepped right in. But how successful has the takeover...
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A ball in every court Graham Montgomerie takes a look at an interesting range covering municipals, psv and road haulage...
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Time is of the essence for Hales Containers, so why, in these hard times, did they invest heavily in an unusual application for...
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With excellent service accessibility and extra-smooth gearchanges the new Maxwell automatic Bus Transmission looks set to...
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The last bastion of the naturally aspirated engine fell with Gardner's announcement of the turbocharged 6LXCT. What were the...
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by Douglas Ainley THE RECOMMENDATIONS contained in the Equal Opportunities Commission Draft Code of Practice on Equal...