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The transport industry will find it difficult to believe that the Minister's decision to shelve the 44-ton issue was made for...
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• Any hope which the transport industry may have been cherishing concerning increased gross vehicle weights was rudely...
• The British Leyland Motor Corporation and the Road Haulage Association tipping functional group are to form a joint...
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I Yesterday, Thursday, officials from the iepartment of the Environment, French ailways, and Novatrans met British .ternational...
• While the Road Haulage Association, the National Federation of Building Trade employees and the Federation of Civil...
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introduces Metrovan bodies • The York Trailer Co. Ltd. announces a new range of lightweight rigid van bodies to replace the...
• Trader Handbook has for many years been an essential work of reference for the purchasing departments of conimercial vehicle...
• "Good solid work measureMent necessary for establishing any prod uctiv bargaining scheme", Mr J. Math executive director...
• Britain's ports could be the m notorious black spots in the country 1980, in terms of congestion and accider an RAC official...
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• An experiment to control the overnight parking of goods vehicles over 30cwt has started in Birmingham as a result of a new...
y David Lowe All the assembled might of the Heavy -ansport Co Ltd—its entry amounted to aarly half the total of 72...
• Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, has agreed to open Commercial Motor's 1971 Fleet Management Conference,...
• Metric warning road signs are illegal, Mr Eldon Griffiths, Under-Secretary for the Environment, made this clear in the...
• Certain major shippers are not making use of the lorry appointment scheme at Liverpool docks, the transport committee of...
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• Last Saturday's vehicle demonstration at Blackpool in connection with the RHA tipper conference held a number of surprise...
• A new tipping /skeletal semi-trailer has been added to the wide range of models available from Crane Fruehauf Trailers Ltd....
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Executive achieves net surplus of £3.7m in its first year of operation • The declaration of a target date for the completion...
• Eastern Counties Omnibus Co Ltd is the course of approaching schools and be authorities in its area to try to persuac them to...
• A trade and press launch was he by Tessey mans of Scarborough Ltd c Tuesday to mark what was described by Is E. T. Edwards,...
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In its efforts to seek agreement with the 'ational Bus Company for the integration ; bus services inside the Merseyside...
A working party of representatives of the ablic Road Transport Association and the ssociation of Public Passenger Transport...
• One of the first undertakings in Britain to introduce the DoE recommended standard bus stop sign is Teesside Municipal...
• Mr John Peyton, the Minister for Transport Industries, told MPs this week that he is ready to give financial help when bus...
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• A fleet of 10 vehicles was reduced to four by the Eastern LA, Mr H. E. Robson, this week in Cambridge. The operator, Mr R. H....
• An operator called before the Metropolitan LA, Mr D. I. R. Muir, on a Section 69 inquiry admitted that he was at his wits'...
• F. J. Cavanagh of Walthamston whose application for 80 vehicles and trailers has been adjourned on two previo occasions (CM,...
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Applications by three West Lothian inibus operators to regularize their mition were refused by the Scottish ommissioners in...
• A company applying for an 0 licence in Glasgow last week appeared to have been operating for nearly a year without authority....
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Neil Stanley has been appointed commercial vehicle sales director with Wolverhampton Motor Services. After service with Rootes...
by Eric Gibbins, AMInstT • With the cancellation of this year's Frankfurt Motor Show several German heavy vehicle manufacturers...
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• Delegates to a wind tunnel seminar held by the Motor Industry Research Association at Lindley last week were told that a...
• Professionalism was the greatest need of the road transport industry, Mr K. C. Turner, chairman of the Road Transport...
• To launch an expansion drive in th British truck and van market Mercedes Benz will in May and June mount motorcade of the...
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1 -ummins V8 A new family of all-synchromesh .vy-duty gearboxes, announced by the .d company today, comprises fourand speed...
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HOME WIN FOR SOUTHDOWN AT BRIGHTON • "Ladies and gentlemen, the Bright( Trophy for the Coach of the Year 19' goes to......
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We do not wish to become involved in the controversy over training for tipper drivers which has been raised in your columns by...
Mr R. E. Parkinson has obviously gone to considerable trouble (CM, April 91 to criticize my letter (CM, February 191 on the...
Having read the feature by Janus in which he dealt with guarded lorry parks (CM, March 5), we can only reach one...
I write with interest in connection with yoi article "Rear markers: surveying the fiel( (CM. April 9). My attention was drawn...
The situation which has arisen in road haulai with more new operators entering the indust each month, which was the subject of...
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Blackpool operators present their problems by lain Sherriff, MITA pictures by Dick Ross TIPPER OPERATORS attending the fifth...
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, by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Dangerous vehicles and loads (2) OFFENCES against Regulation 76 (i) of the Motor Vehicle...
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workshop by Handyman Benchwise: take care over battery siting A PROBLEM with the modern tractive unit concerns the siting of...
Eddie Hemphill • Accidents are riot always trai occurrences and on occasions they cart res in benefit for generations yet...
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by Paul Brockington, MIMechE 2. Matching the transmissions to the engine HORSEPOWER is a product of torque and speed. If the...
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RHA members hope to increase their 'oductivity by Wednesday evening. John 'ells, Harold Russett, John Silbermann, igar...
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FOUR —WHEELER by Tony Wilding, mechi IN August last year British Leyland introduced the Redline Terrier Series of four...
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by Janus L OKING back on the uproar which surrounded the first report of the Prices and Incomes Board in the summer of 1965,...
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requirements of the tyre regulations. )uld you explain these for me? The tyre regulations came into force on April 1 1968...
where I may obtain literature information on the subject of heavy 'hide recovery work? We do not know of any books on recovery...
drivers mention was made of the fact that the Continental type of driver's record sheet may have to be used in this country....
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matters by John Darker AM -Transport and distribution consultants 2. Davies and Robson DAVIES AND ROBSON are—deservedly...
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Use and misuse • The time element is inherent in road transport operation and urgency is the order of the day. Even so, the...
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THE Institute of the Furniture, Warehousing and Removing Industry {IFVVRI) is to appoint a training officer whom it is hoped...