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A Committee s recorn LTHOUGH the Inglis ' Inglis Report Creates a Dangerous mendations for the Precedent for the Subjugation of...
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A SIGNIFICANT remark by the author of the paper concerning the trend of brake design as it affects service (a resume' of which...
Would You Believe It? W HILE awaiting the arrival of a -Scammell-Crane combination carrying a 111-ton transformer, a...
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A FTER a three-day hearing at Swansea last week the South Wales Licensing Authority adjourned until December 10-12 the...
A N indication that the City ,Coach Co., Ltd., Brentwood, one of the few remaining independents to operate a stage-carriage...
R.H.E. A STATEMENT by a Road Haulage Executive district manager's office that smalls were an embarrassment, was quoted by Mr....
I interests of C-licence holders, the West Midland Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association is to open sub-areas in all...
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A N assurance that consultations will shortly take place to decide methods for fulfilling the Conservatives' pledge to abandon...
fares has been recommended by the Central Fares Committee as a result of last week's meeting. Mr. A. Baynton was in the chair....
A LTHOUGH, according to an official rAstatement, "for some time past the boards of Morris Motors, Ltd., and the Austin Motor...
Hughes, K.C., for the London County Council, had asked the Transport Tribunal to express its opinion on a subsidy for the...
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CAILURE by British Road Services to provide a service to meet traffic requirements was criticized in a paper. The Function of...
T HE experimental shuttle bus service between the Pollok housing estate and Corkerhill railway station, Glasgow, is to be...
"UNPREDICTABLE" VVHEN Mr. F. J. Jennings, Poplar. W London, E.14, applied to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority recently for...
Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham, were officially opened last week. Covering an area of 35,000 sq. ft., the two main floors have a...
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to Min ister A . REPORT on the lighting of vehicles, recommending revised and improved standards, is to be put before the...
THIS has recently lost 1 ground in several markets; I believe, however, that there is no fundamental reason why the...
power-assisted steering to go into service with a municipal undertaking in England, six Daimler C.D. 650 doubledeckers are now...
WAGES of skilled and semi-skilled W workers in the motor retail and repairing industry have been advanced by 3d. per hour, and...
T HE industrial units division of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has received an order for 360 direct-injection oil engines from Euclid...
. R ATES for the private hire of buses are to be increased, 'Stockton-onTees Transport Committee has decided. The proposed new...
THREE Leeds men were prosecuted J. at Bradford last week for peddling without a certificate. They were seen going from house to...
IN additionto the 15-minute service /at present run between Glasgow and Edinburgh by Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., a new express...
1 in Sunderland for 20 years. This opinion was expressed by the borough engineer, Mr. J. E. Lewis, when art inquiry was held...
1 â X A SPOKESMAN of the Ministry of Supply told "The Commercial Motor" this week that the allocation figure for commercial...
The retail price of the Woodhead Monroe 1-in, shock absorber has been reduced to £2 I 1 s. 8d. The Nuffield Universal t.v.o....
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B.M.M.0,. to Apply Again : Edinburgh, TharnesValley, Aberdeen and Cardiff Succeed WITH the arm - mincer - trent by the...
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S OME indication of the functions of Lord Leathers. Secretary of State for the Co-ordination of Transport, fuel and Power, was...
T HE Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week refused permission to Messrs. A. W. Watson and Co., Dundee, to operate a...
UTURE meetings of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers are as follows:â December 3, Scottish centre, lecture on...
MEXT month's meetings of the Institute of Transport include the following:â December 3, Metropolitan section, isr.nual...
I Tis reported that the trade unions have referred to_ the Ministry ofk labour their recent claim for a 6d.-perhour wage...
A N associate members' section is to be formed by .the Road Haulage Association for the benefit of former members whose...
A WELSH-SLATE tablet inscribed: " In tribute to Frank Pick, 18781941, a scholar of this school. He served his fellow-men, made...
THE chairman of the Railway Exemi live, Mr. John Elliott, said last week that transport must not become "a political...
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T.A.T., Raises Compensation. in Two Cases : Depreciation of Ex-W. D. Vehicles CONIPENSATION of over £534,000 for the...
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By L. J. COTTON m.I.R.T.E. I N these days, when passenger transport companies .seek every means for cutting operating costs, a...
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2,050 Miles on the Continent Covered at an Average Speed of 30.2 m.p.h. and a Fuel consumption Rate of Wmp.g. T EST-BED...
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I N the year ended March 31 last, the number of public service vehicle operators increased by 12.6 per cent. The total rose...
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A Statutory Bus Company, Working in an Area Measuring Six Miles by U miles, Keeps Down Costs By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher O NE of...
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IN your issue dated November 2, there appeared an article entitled "One-third More Wear from Tyres," which I read with some...
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1 /2 Ton A N A.E.C. Matador Mark 111 lorry recently supplied to Transport A.-G. Lan gna , La gna u, Berne; incorporates a...
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A SCHEME involving the expenditure of £50,000 on a fleet of refrigerated semi-trailer outfits for the delivery of fresh-frozen...
A LTHOUGH there has been a greater r't interest taken in trolleybuses overseas, home demand has been quiet. The reasons include...
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Girling Engineer Covers 20 Years of Brake Development, Indicates Modern Tendencies and Emphasizes Importance of Maintenance A...
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Circumstances Alter Cases By JANUS Ophelia : "0 I What a noble mind is here o'erthrown." S OONER or later ⢠it was bound...
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The Prospect of Denationalization May Give Rise to Rate-cutting Again and a Return of the Returnload Bogey. "The Commercial...
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MR. R. P. BIDDLE, C.B.E., has been elected 'chairman of the southern section of the Institute of Transport. MR. C. C. CATFORD...
DOLITICS are the greatest curse of the technician's life, according to a comment made by Mr. W. M, Little, general manager of...
CONTROL of the distribution of %..".alloy and non-alloy steel, as announced by the Minister of Supply on November 12, will...
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ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES A LTHOUGH primarily a structural 1 - 1. material, aluminium has for many years been of some importance...